Friday, August 28, 2009

Sittin' on the Deck...

Sitting on the Deck and listening to the rain is quite peaceful! It's very dark... and fairly humid... But one thing about North Carolina (at least this year) - we haven't had a shortage of rain fall! This recent bout is probably thanks to Tropical Storm Danny (which never amounted to much, but is the cause of the rain I'm outside enjoying at the moment!)

Otherwise - things are pretty decent lately.

Baby is growing! At my 32 week appointment, I only gained 2 pounds over two weeks (much better than 4 pounds the prior two weeks).

My tooth definitely needs to be pulled - although at the moment, I'm considering waiting until after the baby comes!

As for Actuarial Exams... I decided to put the one in October on hold. I have mixed feelings about doing that - - but I don't know what life is like 12 days after baby is due. Most people don't/won't hold it against me. The truth is, I am hardest on myself- and I hope in the coming months I can come to terms with the decision!

There are a lot of exciting things happening over the next few weeks - - a baby shower, friends coming to visit, and birthing classes over the next few weekends. It's getting closer to baby's arrival, and I'm getting more excited as time passes! Once in a while I'll feel my belly and wonder, is that a foot? And how big is that foot? Playing "Identify that part" doesn't hardly get me anywhere, though.

I know things will be different in the coming months - - but I look forward to working into a new routine, and discovering a "new" normal.

Motherhood, here I come!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Overdue and Uninspired...

I've been trying to keep up with the blog once a week or so... so I try and post within 7 days of my last post. Probably nobody notices that kind of thing except me. But based on that, I'm a bit overdue (2 days or so).

To top it off, I'm a bit uninspired. I've been in pretty good spirits lately (aka Personality 2). Work has been relatively uninteresting, although next week could get busy. There have been a few odd things in the last week, such as painting a tree on the baby wall (which maybe eventually I'll post a picture of), and getting the house ready for a friend to visit (our first overnight visitor in the new house- yay!) There's also going to dinner with couples, which we hadn't done much of since we moved but finally have done a bit of recently.

There's also the August Christmas gift and adventure.... which was a bit of a mystery, and now hopefully has been solved.

Anyway... that may all be a bit cryptic. Maybe in the next several days I'll get around to posting details on something. Or maybe this will remain cryptic - - given that I'm not particularly inspired.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Split Personalities?

For me, part of being pregnant is developing a split personality. Let me explain further:

Personality #1: (Warning: you may want to skip this part, in favor of Personality #2 and #3)
I very much dislike being pregnant, and I complain about it often! There's the indigestion, the swollen ankles, and getting exhausted walking up one stinkin' flight of stairs. There is the inability to see my feet, the inability to sleep comfortably, and the inability to control my emotions (that were at least at one time a bit more stable). There are stretch marks, and being kicked around from the inside. There's the occasional back pain after I've walked around too long, or after sitting sometimes. I can't bend over in a chair to reach and pick something up off the floor comfortably. All of my body parts run together- my chest sits on top of my belly (and between the two I'm sweating where I've never had problems sweating before). My belly sits on top of my thighs when I'm seated. I can't lay on my back. Occasionally, if I stretch just right, I get a sharp pain right under my right breast. And speaking of boobs, these growing things mean that I no longer have bras that fit right. I'm sick of my wardrobe, and nothing fits as comfortably as it did a few weeks ago. I nap - all the time - and can't seem to stay awake to study. I *HATE* gaining weight. I wobble when I walk. I get worn out walking through a mall. The heat is miserable. I haven't been giving the dogs enough attention. I have to pee- all the time. I can't sleep as easily at night (because I can't get comfortable, and I get up twice to pee). I've realized that the women who tell you they "had a great pregnancy" or they "enjoyed being pregnant" are NOT PREGNANT at the time they are relaying the sentiment!

Personality #2:
Is holding a knife to Personality #1 (figuratively)! My pregnancy has been relatively healthy, and I have so much for which to be thankful! I haven't had anything majorly wrong, and I don't truly feel like I have anything to complain about, in earnest! I have a wonderful, supportive husband who is building a crib from scratch, and has been very caring through every mood swing and every complaint. I have many supportive friends and relatives! I have this little life living inside of me, and I'm so very excited to be a mother! This is something I have wanted and been waiting for a very long time.

Personality #3:
This personality is really separate- and as of yet unknown! It's the personality that doesn't even belong to me - and will depart to be his own little being soon. It's the personality of the little baby, yet to show himself to the world.

9 weeks or so to go.... and hopefully, sometime after that, the return of what I like to think of as my true Personality - #2. And of course, the personality yet-to-be-discovered in Personality #3.

*** Personality #2 truly feels that I must caveat that contrary to what Personality #1 may lead you to believe, I'm really doing pretty well!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Misc Thoughts for a Saturday

I HATE cleaning. HATE IT!!! Some chores I like more than others - - for example, Laundry and Dishes. but Vaccuming? Bathrooms? NO THANK YOU!

Creepy Crawly things are attacking me this morning. So far, at least 2 random bugs (the same type, but lots more legs than a spider and less robust - - like a mix between a daddy long legs and a spider, but with more legs than either).... And then worms/bugs under the corn we haven't eaten. EEWW!!

I shouldn't "should" - - but the Dogs finally got a long overdue walk this morning. I wish I could find the motivation to get my butt outside and walk them more often! It's good for all of us.

I like Manicures okay - but I love a good pedicure! Especially the exfoliation, soaking, and massage... However, anything orangey really isn't my color.

One day this week, I was grumpy for no reason in particular.

I've been in bed by 9pm almost every day this week.

My administrative support person celebrated 30 years with the company this week. She's awesome - - and I should take more time to appreciate her, and other people who do/say nice things. It's amazing how a simple message from a friend - perhaps one I don't talk to often - can really lift my spirits. Whether it's a comment on facebook about "I didn't know you were expecting" or a big and exciting announcement, I really cherish the friendships I have - - now, and over the years. I enjoy being able to keep connected with some old high school friends on Facebook. I enjoy making new friends and getting to know people better in our new town. I also enjoy and truly cherish those awesome, one-of-a-kind friendships with those who have supported me for so long. Anyhow - I need to take more time out to appreciate those people. From my hubby - to my family - to people I've met once (and some I've never met), and everyone in-between.... I think the core of who we are requires that foundation of people who love and support us.

I suppose that is enough babble for one day. In retrospect, regarding the name of this blog, I'm surprised I didn't put "babble" in the title somehow... I guess that just doesn't start with an S.