Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I'm a little teapot, short and stout.  Here is my handle, here is my spout.

 When I get all steamed up, here me shout.  Tip me over, pour me out!

Monday, May 27, 2013


This is how I picture myself when I was a little girl:

And this is how I picture/remember my sister.  It's especially appropriate after I've received about 10-15 calls from her this weekend!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Working out

My knife and cutting board got in a good workout this evening!

Looking at my produce box, and all the vegetables and fruits that I had that I have "plans" for... I decided to go on a food preparation "binge".  I am surely glad that I don't work in the kitchen as a job!

What did I prep?

Sweet potatoes - for roasting and french fries
Brussel Sprouts - for roasting with the sweet potatoes
Kale - to be included in a soup
Tomatos - to be included in a soup (big ones) and for a salad (grape tomatoes)
Garlic - for a soup to be made tomorrow, and some added to salad
spring onions - for soup
cucumbers - for salad
Watermelon - just a mini one! for snacking
Strawberries - both from the produce box, and from a nearby farm where we picked them fresh
Romaine Lettuce - for salad, and for sandwiches (possibly)

Whew!  I didn't realize we had so much produce, until I started cutting... thinking it would be 30 minutes... and I didn't finish until an hour and a half later!

Just a preview to what you may see in Wordless Wednesday this week:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

New Socks!

 I "conned" my favorite sock knitter into making me my own pair of hand-made socks!  Yay me - and thanks to my knitter friend.  You can check out her blog here:  Katherine the Great

These pictures are terrible, actually.. but perhaps I will get some better ones soon!  Or you can check out the pictures on her blog...

I feel very special anytime I have anything hand made.  I think it is awesome.  I suppose it must be- at least in part - because I'm not so handy myself...

Oh well.  Thanks friend for the awesome socks!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013