Wednesday, December 23, 2009

AFC (Away From Computer)

I am SO excited for the holidays. Not for the gift giving, and not for the food (okay, maybe a teensy bit for the food). I'm excited because I want Mark to meet everyone! I look forward to watching his little face light up again and again. I anxiously await his cousins (and aunts and uncles and grandparents) interacting with him. I am a proud mom, and enjoy showing my baby off to the world!

Since we will be travelling, whether or not I'll be able to update the blog is an unknown. I have decided not to take the computer - so I will be at the mercy of friends, family, and/or a hotel for accessing internet. Thus, the "daily" insights may be on hold temporarily. I do hope to continue to update at least once or twice before the new year, however! I have enjoyed "journaling" for all the world to see. I think this media helps me retain my positive outlook on life in general, and I love bringing a smile to other people's faces - even if it is only one reader a day (but I suspect it's more..)!

We've got some packing to do. In addition to our regular carry on luggage, we've got a car seat and the Bjorn. We've also got a stroller, and did I mention a baby? We've got a diaper bag. We've got Christmas presents. It will be quite the trip. Luckily, we've had a practice run at traveling with the little guy, even if it wasn't in and through airport security! Even in the Smithsonian, they did have security (and it's amazing how little they look at a stroller when they see a kid to go with it. As long as they see the kid, that is!)

Speaking of airports.. One thing I look forward to? Priority boarding! Hopefully we'll be there in time that we won't miss it. I am a little nervous that he might be fussy and we might get "those" stares from other passengers. You know the ones. Perhaps you've even given them a time or two. I know I have (to the obnoxious three year old kicking at the back of my seat, or the parent who did not even seem to attempt to quiet the child). Hopefully I don't turn into one of "those" parents. Maybe I should pack a big sign that says "I'm sorry!"... Hmm.. good idea, maybe, but with all the other stuff that goes along with the baby, I think we'll be lucky just to make it across the airport in one piece. Whew!

Enjoy today's picture: The first trip with Mark, to Washington DC where we paused in front of the White House Christmas tree (with the Washington Monument in the background).

Also - - this year I/we never got around to sending out Christmas Cards. Even still, I would like to wish you each a very joyous holiday season. Do something for yourself to avoid the stress and smile. We love you!

Today: I'm thankful for airports and airplanes. We'll see if I'm thankful for them tomorrow, while travelling on Christmas Eve with an infant AND potential snow and storms in the midwest! Wish us luck!