Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Warning! Long Blog...

For some reason, I feel like I haven't blogged in ages - even though I skipped only one day since the last post!

I guess there are some days (and weeks) that feel like they last way more than the number of hours, just based on the events that transpire.

According to my business writing class today, I should begin my "writing" with a purpose. But, you see, I blog intentionally without a purpose. So I'll save having a "purpose" for work.

The writing class was actually pretty good. I was terribly sleepy today, though, which is never all that fantastic, especially on a day filled with long meetings. I learned something from the class, and actually enjoyed remembering basics of English! Don't be using a passive voice. Sentence fragments bad. All of that good stuff!

Upon arriving home... I sent DH to a Parent meeting at daycare, where we found that Daycare will be closing it's doors. That means we are stuck finding a new place, which is no fun! It was hard enough to find the first one - and it is so convenient, it's really unfortunate.

So, pizza for dinner for us followed by a quick shopping spree. Although Mark was well behaved, as usual, he was demonstrating that he can squeal at very high volumes in the restaurant and in the shop!

We finally committed to a June trip to see family. It's nice to have the ticket, and something to look forward to, in just under a month! Finding a ticket for a decent price was definitely more of a chore than usual, however, but we still managed to get decent prices. We enjoy seeing family.

I've had a huge headache most of the day, and tomorrow I have a lunch with the Actuaries in the area that I am looking forward to.

Lots of craziness. My head is spinning. I might be heading to bed earlier than usual - it's been an odd day, and I'm beat. To top it off, I have a doctor appointment to (not) look forward to tomorrow. I am finally going in (my first "real" doctor in the area) for a bad rash that I've had for over a month. Joy.

Hope: This wasn't too boring! ... and that the headache goes away soon.
Do: Need to work on finding a new daycare.
Love: That we have travel plans on the horizon!