Thursday, July 22, 2010

Arnold Parmer

Is he a golfer? I think he might be. But really, that's just the name for one of my favorite drinks - - not even an alcoholic drink! Half tea, half lemonade.

I have no idea why I decided that blogging about a beverage would be appropriate for the evening. I guess I feel like I'm running out of topics? Maybe, more accurately, it's that my head is spinning from work, and it takes longer than usual for the work of the day to leave my head. And just in time for me to start studying. :)

Now, I'm watching Mark and Daddy play. I love that!!!

DH made a great dinner. Mark, like usual, ate and ate and ate!

Hope: My head doesn't explode.
Do: Need to start studying - even though I made a half-hearted attempt earlier when Mark took his usual "late" nap!