Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I often wonder what kiddo's vocabulary will eventually be like.

Will he adopt my odd terms - for example, I ask if he is "hungers" (instead of hungry), and I tell him when things are "non-negotiable."

We were playing with the neighbors - and the mom of the 3 1/2 year old stopped calling him "baby Mark" so the name doesn't stick and get picked up by her young son. I thought that was interesting. Of course, I'm certain that's something one day I will figure out for myself.

Until then - Kiddo is signing "more" and "finished". He waves "goodbye" pretty regularly (and even does it if we read a story that has the word "goodbye" in it).

I'm not sure he really grasps the meaning of the words- but he can at least repeat the signs! For now, I'm thankful that we're starting to communicate... for REAL!

Love: silly words
hope: Kiddo catches on and makes some of his own one day
Do: go to bed!