Sunday, December 12, 2010


I'm sure I could fill an entire blog of filling in the sentence "My kid is so cute when..."

But today, I'm going to attempt to focus. So let me tell a story.

After our normal "breakfast" routine this morning, and a quick diaper change, Kiddo went to the TV to "push buttons" - his favorite thing. I usually think he just likes watching the lights! But this morning, he turned on the music! We've got a kid CD that we have and play on occasion..

Anyhow... My kid is so cute when he dances! And this morning, he was "feeling" the groove! I even got a video of some of it- and one of these days, I'm going to figure out how to upload video.

As a friend once explained- dancing is something that's inherent. Of course, I'll dance a little with Kiddo but would never do it outside the house. I think it stems back to being in 6th or 8th grade or something and being told by a friend that I should never attempt to dance again. I was crushed. Maybe I still am, a little.

However, Kiddo loves to dance. He'll dance to the TV, or he'll dance to music, but he's got his own moves- - -and it's abundantly cute and entertaining to watch!

Love: Watching kiddo dance
Hope: He's never told to stop!
Do: Fly out in just a bit to Florida!