Today's post may be a longer-than-usual one, since I am feeling inspired today.
I'll start with shopping: I saved $309 dollars today! (And I spent less than $100). So what did I buy? Socks!
It really is the little things in life that make me happy. The socks I bought for kiddo are "labeled" in such a way that you can actually figure out (if you continue to buy this particular brand) whether they are the same size, or the next size bigger. The small has one gold line, the medium size has 2 gold lines, and the larger size has 3 gold lines. Brilliant! Why aren't all socks (for kiddos) size-marked in some manner! I'm sure I am not the only mom who has had to go through socks trying to figure out if they are the same size, or if one is bigger, by eye-balling. I'm not so good at estimates - - and since I'm a mathematician, go figure. Wait. Maybe it's me that has to go figure...
So why have I been inspired? My readers have spoken!! I was actually a bit surprised to get a few comments on the last blog.
I often think of my blogs as a representation of the conversation(s) I am having with myself. So - although it lives in "cyber-space" - it's an extension of my head-space. It's intimate, in a way, and I don't always write "for the reader", so to speak. It's like a public journal.
Regardless, I still think blogging is fun. I can look back and remember - just a little easier - all of kiddo's milestones. There are the funny moments, the solemn times and the daily "stuff" that is captured via the blog - including pictures!
Back to reader comments, for a moment. My SIL (sister-in-law) posted that she blogs "vicariously" through me. I thought that was an interesting comment. In fact - so interesting - that I am today taking it literally.
First, a definition of vicarious:
/vaɪˈkɛəriəs, vɪ-/ Show Spelled[vahy-kair-ee-uhs, vi-] Show IPA
performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another: vicarious punishment.
taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute.
felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others: a vicarious thrill.
Physiology . noting or pertaining to a situation in which one organ performs part of the functions normally performed by another.
For fun - and maybe slightly in jest - here is my vicarious-take on what I would say/blog about... that is... if I were indeed my SIL:
"We've had a great week! We don't do family outings often enough, and we took the Boys to see the Globetrotters. It was a good game! I had seen it before, but this was the first time for all of my kiddos. Some of the antics were the same for me, but it's always fun to watch spinning basketballs and crazy dunks. I'm glad we elected this over Cirque De Soliel and/or the Cowboys Stadium tour (which really would have been more for me, anyway). Of course.. maybe I'm inspired to do another family outing without waiting 3 years again!
In other news, took my (insert one: oldest, middle, youngest) to another doctor appointment this time. Luckily, just a checkup - not another emergency. Whew! On the way home, I stopped by my favorite drink place (Sonic - where else?) for my favorite drink: Dr Pepper. I wish I could stop this habit, but I'm addicted - completely - to Sonic Ice. It is totally worth the drive. If I didn't have a car, I might take a walk just to indulge my habit. I also love the fact that they have HH and 1/2 price drinks from 2-4pm!
My oldest is "too cool" for me, these days, and I still can't believe that my youngest is now so old.
Okay, I shouldn't be blogging, I need to get to the laundry. It's amazing how quickly it piles up with 4 boys in the house!"
Love: That my readers have - once again - inspired me to post! Thanks again!!
Hope: My SIL doesn't mind (too much) me taking her comment very "literally".
Do: Put in some more time with the books!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Is it dying?
My once daily posts have gone to bi-weekly! Ack!
Is it the death of a blog? Is this how it slowly dies?
Maybe I'll find new energy and revive or at least start posting more than twice a week. Or maybe - just maybe - this is the beginning to the end.
Kiddo met some of his friends in the park yesterday, and we had a great time! Since he's not at the age where he can play "with" other kiddos, it was really more of the mommy's talking and what-not. It was fun! I would have loved to post some pictures... Unfortunately, my camera has decided to go temporarily out of commission. It isn't focusing for some reason, which is a bit of a frustration.
Love: Playing with kiddo and his friends at the park!
Hope: We have more regular playdates in the future!
Do: Need to accomplish some "around the house" stuff this weekend!
Is it the death of a blog? Is this how it slowly dies?
Maybe I'll find new energy and revive or at least start posting more than twice a week. Or maybe - just maybe - this is the beginning to the end.
Kiddo met some of his friends in the park yesterday, and we had a great time! Since he's not at the age where he can play "with" other kiddos, it was really more of the mommy's talking and what-not. It was fun! I would have loved to post some pictures... Unfortunately, my camera has decided to go temporarily out of commission. It isn't focusing for some reason, which is a bit of a frustration.
Love: Playing with kiddo and his friends at the park!
Hope: We have more regular playdates in the future!
Do: Need to accomplish some "around the house" stuff this weekend!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Homophone Trifecta
I think Trifecta was a word my dad used often. Since he had 3 kids, that is how he would sometimes refer to us, I think. So today, I decided I would look it up, to see what it means officially. Here is the definition that is somewhat suiting for today's discussion: any achievement involving three successful outcomes.
As I was cleaning up some old work-related notes, I came across two words: seeded and enforce. I immediately knew why I had written these words down --- they annoyed me! Why? There are insurance terms that are homophones, and the words were both used incorrectly in a presentation related to insurance. In the "insurance" sense (cents), these words are more typically "in-force" (as in the number of policies in force) and "ceded" (as in reinsurance ceded).
So why a homophone trifecta?
As I was pondering this blog, there were three "categories" of homophone related topics(ish) that came to mind. The first, those "insurance" related, are noted above. There are two other categories, though.
The second category? The "typical" usage of homophones (non-insurance). Words like two and too, their and they're, sense and cents. Accept and except. Weight and wait, Rain and Reign, breaks and brakes.
Lastly, the third category. These are the most fun. For lack of a better description, I'm going to call them Mommy/Kiddo homophones. Most people might not consider these word pairs homophones- but this Mommy, and her Kiddo, have their own "language". For kiddo, it is likely temporary as he learns to master language. For mommy, well.. no excuses, it is what it is.
Mommy: Crayon/Crown
Mommy: Cookie/kooky
Kiddo: coat/go
Kiddo: sock/snack
Kiddo: gabba gabba/gobble gobble
So this trifecta may not exactly measure "three successful outcomes," but it is all in the name of language, and homophones. Not to be confused with homophobes or homonymns or heterodasticity...
Love: Words, and the development of language. I couldn't have "spoken" this post with the same effect(affect).
Hope: We continue to understand more of kiddo's words every day!
Do: Get Mr. Kiddo to bed!
As I was cleaning up some old work-related notes, I came across two words: seeded and enforce. I immediately knew why I had written these words down --- they annoyed me! Why? There are insurance terms that are homophones, and the words were both used incorrectly in a presentation related to insurance. In the "insurance" sense (cents), these words are more typically "in-force" (as in the number of policies in force) and "ceded" (as in reinsurance ceded).
So why a homophone trifecta?
As I was pondering this blog, there were three "categories" of homophone related topics(ish) that came to mind. The first, those "insurance" related, are noted above. There are two other categories, though.
The second category? The "typical" usage of homophones (non-insurance). Words like two and too, their and they're, sense and cents. Accept and except. Weight and wait, Rain and Reign, breaks and brakes.
Lastly, the third category. These are the most fun. For lack of a better description, I'm going to call them Mommy/Kiddo homophones. Most people might not consider these word pairs homophones- but this Mommy, and her Kiddo, have their own "language". For kiddo, it is likely temporary as he learns to master language. For mommy, well.. no excuses, it is what it is.
Mommy: Crayon/Crown
Mommy: Cookie/kooky
Kiddo: coat/go
Kiddo: sock/snack
Kiddo: gabba gabba/gobble gobble
So this trifecta may not exactly measure "three successful outcomes," but it is all in the name of language, and homophones. Not to be confused with homophobes or homonymns or heterodasticity...
Love: Words, and the development of language. I couldn't have "spoken" this post with the same effect(affect).
Hope: We continue to understand more of kiddo's words every day!
Do: Get Mr. Kiddo to bed!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Another post of scattered thoughts.
Why is it that my brain is always on over-drive and can't concentrate? Is it that I try and concentrate on too much during the day? Is it that there is too much going on? Is it that I'm female? Some days, I definitely wish I could flip the "off" switch. This isn't one of those days that I'm successful - so hopefully my lack of focus and direction won't prevent this from being an educational update, at the very least!
Somehow, my last post was on Monday and I managed to skip all the days inbetween this week. How did that happen?
I had a dentist appointment (two fillings and a cleaning, next up for my whities: getting started on the long, expensive, and painful implant process for a tooth I had pulled last year).
Kiddo has managed to fall from the 90+ percentile in weight to the 20th percentile! In fact, in 3 months (from his 12 to 15 month checkups) he managed to grow an inch while LOSING 2 ounces! I guess on a positive note, his head is still at the 70+ percentile level...
There has been lots of studying this week- I feel like I'm mostly on target. After failing 3 in a row, however, I'm a little frustrated overall - both with myself, and with the fact that I can't manage to do what it takes. Dang life sometimes gets in the way of studying. At least this time, I am headed to Chicago for a seminar - and luckily, the family will be following me for a few "play" days following the seminar.
There has been a couple of runs - even though I lost (probably with Kiddo's help) my single most treasured, most motivating piece of running gear: My Garmin. (It still makes me sad to think about it. I liked my Garmin so much that I got my dh one for Christmas, and now I keep thinking about stealing it!) For the meantime, hopefully it is keeping my phone company (which I also think is lost for good, and will have to replace sometime in the not-so-distant future. Bummer.) And I've managed to do at least a little bit of exercise every other day (the "odd" numbered days, if anyone is curious). Today's activity was a little bizarre - - working out to Nickoldeon on the Wii (a birthday gift), while kiddo was sleepy and maybe a bit under the weather from today's 15 month checkup.
Otherwise, I think I should point out that I follow a blog that always has a "fantabulous friday" posting, and I love it! I'm addicted. I don't know why it is so appealing to me to both 1) put my entire "life" - all of it's good and bad and the inbetween - on a blog, but also why 2) I am obsessed with following the nitty-gritty details and stories of other people's lives. Although, perhaps those are actually related thoughts- - and that I put my entire life on a blog because I enjoy so much when others do the same? Hmm..
Do: Work harder at getting out of my current "funk"
Hope: Today's prayers for my friend, HEM, who was recently in the hospital with some crazy stuff
Love: Sweaters in the winter. Even if my collection is much (MUCH!) smaller than my dear friend AW's.
Why is it that my brain is always on over-drive and can't concentrate? Is it that I try and concentrate on too much during the day? Is it that there is too much going on? Is it that I'm female? Some days, I definitely wish I could flip the "off" switch. This isn't one of those days that I'm successful - so hopefully my lack of focus and direction won't prevent this from being an educational update, at the very least!
Somehow, my last post was on Monday and I managed to skip all the days inbetween this week. How did that happen?
I had a dentist appointment (two fillings and a cleaning, next up for my whities: getting started on the long, expensive, and painful implant process for a tooth I had pulled last year).
Kiddo has managed to fall from the 90+ percentile in weight to the 20th percentile! In fact, in 3 months (from his 12 to 15 month checkups) he managed to grow an inch while LOSING 2 ounces! I guess on a positive note, his head is still at the 70+ percentile level...
There has been lots of studying this week- I feel like I'm mostly on target. After failing 3 in a row, however, I'm a little frustrated overall - both with myself, and with the fact that I can't manage to do what it takes. Dang life sometimes gets in the way of studying. At least this time, I am headed to Chicago for a seminar - and luckily, the family will be following me for a few "play" days following the seminar.
There has been a couple of runs - even though I lost (probably with Kiddo's help) my single most treasured, most motivating piece of running gear: My Garmin. (It still makes me sad to think about it. I liked my Garmin so much that I got my dh one for Christmas, and now I keep thinking about stealing it!) For the meantime, hopefully it is keeping my phone company (which I also think is lost for good, and will have to replace sometime in the not-so-distant future. Bummer.) And I've managed to do at least a little bit of exercise every other day (the "odd" numbered days, if anyone is curious). Today's activity was a little bizarre - - working out to Nickoldeon on the Wii (a birthday gift), while kiddo was sleepy and maybe a bit under the weather from today's 15 month checkup.
Otherwise, I think I should point out that I follow a blog that always has a "fantabulous friday" posting, and I love it! I'm addicted. I don't know why it is so appealing to me to both 1) put my entire "life" - all of it's good and bad and the inbetween - on a blog, but also why 2) I am obsessed with following the nitty-gritty details and stories of other people's lives. Although, perhaps those are actually related thoughts- - and that I put my entire life on a blog because I enjoy so much when others do the same? Hmm..
Do: Work harder at getting out of my current "funk"
Hope: Today's prayers for my friend, HEM, who was recently in the hospital with some crazy stuff
Love: Sweaters in the winter. Even if my collection is much (MUCH!) smaller than my dear friend AW's.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Big Shoes
Friday, January 14, 2011
Lots o' stories!
Has it really been 3 days since I last posted?
Today will be a mismatch listing of stories!!
DH did allergy testing. He's allergic to grass (no more lawn mowing?), cats (but luckily, not dogs), and mold - but no allergies to cockroaches. I guess this means he can be an exterminator but not a lawn care specialist or house-keeper!
On another note... Kiddo, since the first of the year, has been walking out of daycare with me (in other words, I am no longer carrying him out). He wasn't sure about the transition at first... but now, he's walking over to his coat as soon as he sees me, and then walking himself out! It's very cute, and I like that he has a little independence. He's also giving very slobbery kisses, and has been giving good hugs lately! One day, he'll learn what is (and what is not) an uh-oh. I'll post another picture soon.
Another kiddo story... he has learned that if he points to our TV/stereo system and dances, that mommy understands that he wants to listen to music! Another very sweet little-bit of communication. It's amazing the things you can "say" without words - and I feel like I am learning all over again! I'm trying to teach him the sign for music. We'll see if that takes!
Hard to believe I'm another year older today - and I got birthday wishes from more than 50 people total! I still had to work, but DH did make me fish for dinner (which was yummy)! This weekend, I "get" to catch up on studying - and hopefully, the weather will be nice enough that I can squeeze in a run!
So that's what's new and shakin'. I'll be glad when all the ice on the back porch melts!
Love: Chillin' at home on a Friday night, spending time with the hubs!
Hope: Kiddo's latest "cold" is short-lived.
Do: Pet the dogs, thankful that DH is not allergic!
Today will be a mismatch listing of stories!!
DH did allergy testing. He's allergic to grass (no more lawn mowing?), cats (but luckily, not dogs), and mold - but no allergies to cockroaches. I guess this means he can be an exterminator but not a lawn care specialist or house-keeper!
On another note... Kiddo, since the first of the year, has been walking out of daycare with me (in other words, I am no longer carrying him out). He wasn't sure about the transition at first... but now, he's walking over to his coat as soon as he sees me, and then walking himself out! It's very cute, and I like that he has a little independence. He's also giving very slobbery kisses, and has been giving good hugs lately! One day, he'll learn what is (and what is not) an uh-oh. I'll post another picture soon.
Another kiddo story... he has learned that if he points to our TV/stereo system and dances, that mommy understands that he wants to listen to music! Another very sweet little-bit of communication. It's amazing the things you can "say" without words - and I feel like I am learning all over again! I'm trying to teach him the sign for music. We'll see if that takes!
Hard to believe I'm another year older today - and I got birthday wishes from more than 50 people total! I still had to work, but DH did make me fish for dinner (which was yummy)! This weekend, I "get" to catch up on studying - and hopefully, the weather will be nice enough that I can squeeze in a run!
So that's what's new and shakin'. I'll be glad when all the ice on the back porch melts!
Love: Chillin' at home on a Friday night, spending time with the hubs!
Hope: Kiddo's latest "cold" is short-lived.
Do: Pet the dogs, thankful that DH is not allergic!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I've been on a binge the last several days, and I'm not sure why. That is- a COOKING binge!
It's been quite a long time since we had 3 homemade meals in one day - but with the snow (or rather.. ice) outside, the oven has been going inside!
DH mentioned that he'd like to get a "food" package of assorted meats that he saw a deal on, but at that point in time, we had hardly any room in the freezer! That's not the case anymore- and I'm not sure if I saw his comment as a challenge- but regardless, I've made lots of "stuff" lately - even after "skipping" going to the grocery store this weekend!
So.. Homemade Quiche got rid of the pie crust in the freezer and all the extra bacon packages (3 total half packages) - along with the bacon sandwiches (they aren't BLT in our house 'cause DH doesn't do the L) for dinner. We've had homemade muffins (does "homemade" really describe a mix, though?) and for lunch, stuffed peppers. I've got the crockpot on with chicken and dumplings for dinner, and rice krispie treats may be in our immediate future.
As my sis-in-law was asking recently, what could an Actuary and a "Cooker" (which definitely describes my last couple of days better than "Chef") have in common? They both are solving problems. In my case, coming up with creative-ish solutions to problems.
So... here's what I did for the Quiche:
Store-bought pie crust (using 2 is probably better), cook at 425 or so for 5-7 minutes.
Next, beat 4 eggs and add 1 c milk. To that mixture, add 5-6 strips of cooked bacon, broken into small pieces, 1 c cheddar cheese, 1 c veggies (I used canned corn and tomatoes, drained and "patted" dry). Pour into hot crust, then cook for about 45 mins more at 350.
Too bad Kiddo can't have egg...
And here's what I did for my stuffed peppers:
Cut 2 green peppers in half, remove seeds and such. Boil in water for around 5 mins.
Brown 1/2 lb hamburger with 1/2 onion, and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Mix hamburger with 1-2 c cooked rice, and a can of diced tomatoes. Add in 1/2 c of cheese and fill peppers. Put 1-2 T cheese on top of each one, and bake in oven around 400 for 20 minutes or so.
Of course - stuffed peppers at my house are always with some variation. Right now, I have red quinoa (I love quinoa!) that I need to figure out something to do with - and I thought about using that instead of the rice, but the rice was a little easier/quicker (since we already had some leftover... although, truth be told, I used a boxed rice mix, and cooked it half on the stove and then finished it inside the pepper mixture, inside the oven.)
And the last recipe for the day? Crock-Pot Chicken and Dumplings. I'll write this one in a little more "traditional" style. Ready?
Crock-Pot Chicken and Dumplings
1 onion, diced
1-2 chicken breasts, cut into edible-sized pieces
2 cans (or 1 box, around 32 oz) chicken broth
1 can cream of chicken soup
4 T butter
1 can refrigerated biscuits
Except the biscuits, dump all ingredients in crock pot and let it cook on "low" all day. 30 minutes before serving, cut biscuits into 4-pieces each, and add to crock pot, turning to "high."
Love: Cooking... once in a while! I'm on a binge the last few days!
Hope: we actually eat the leftovers!
Do: Take kiddo outside after nap, even if it is c-c-c-cold.
It's been quite a long time since we had 3 homemade meals in one day - but with the snow (or rather.. ice) outside, the oven has been going inside!
DH mentioned that he'd like to get a "food" package of assorted meats that he saw a deal on, but at that point in time, we had hardly any room in the freezer! That's not the case anymore- and I'm not sure if I saw his comment as a challenge- but regardless, I've made lots of "stuff" lately - even after "skipping" going to the grocery store this weekend!
So.. Homemade Quiche got rid of the pie crust in the freezer and all the extra bacon packages (3 total half packages) - along with the bacon sandwiches (they aren't BLT in our house 'cause DH doesn't do the L) for dinner. We've had homemade muffins (does "homemade" really describe a mix, though?) and for lunch, stuffed peppers. I've got the crockpot on with chicken and dumplings for dinner, and rice krispie treats may be in our immediate future.
As my sis-in-law was asking recently, what could an Actuary and a "Cooker" (which definitely describes my last couple of days better than "Chef") have in common? They both are solving problems. In my case, coming up with creative-ish solutions to problems.
So... here's what I did for the Quiche:
Store-bought pie crust (using 2 is probably better), cook at 425 or so for 5-7 minutes.
Next, beat 4 eggs and add 1 c milk. To that mixture, add 5-6 strips of cooked bacon, broken into small pieces, 1 c cheddar cheese, 1 c veggies (I used canned corn and tomatoes, drained and "patted" dry). Pour into hot crust, then cook for about 45 mins more at 350.
Too bad Kiddo can't have egg...
And here's what I did for my stuffed peppers:
Cut 2 green peppers in half, remove seeds and such. Boil in water for around 5 mins.
Brown 1/2 lb hamburger with 1/2 onion, and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Mix hamburger with 1-2 c cooked rice, and a can of diced tomatoes. Add in 1/2 c of cheese and fill peppers. Put 1-2 T cheese on top of each one, and bake in oven around 400 for 20 minutes or so.
Of course - stuffed peppers at my house are always with some variation. Right now, I have red quinoa (I love quinoa!) that I need to figure out something to do with - and I thought about using that instead of the rice, but the rice was a little easier/quicker (since we already had some leftover... although, truth be told, I used a boxed rice mix, and cooked it half on the stove and then finished it inside the pepper mixture, inside the oven.)
And the last recipe for the day? Crock-Pot Chicken and Dumplings. I'll write this one in a little more "traditional" style. Ready?
Crock-Pot Chicken and Dumplings
1 onion, diced
1-2 chicken breasts, cut into edible-sized pieces
2 cans (or 1 box, around 32 oz) chicken broth
1 can cream of chicken soup
4 T butter
1 can refrigerated biscuits
Except the biscuits, dump all ingredients in crock pot and let it cook on "low" all day. 30 minutes before serving, cut biscuits into 4-pieces each, and add to crock pot, turning to "high."
Love: Cooking... once in a while! I'm on a binge the last few days!
Hope: we actually eat the leftovers!
Do: Take kiddo outside after nap, even if it is c-c-c-cold.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
After being cooped up inside this morning, we decided to head to the park! It was 31 degrees... Brrr!
As we walked onto the playground, we thought at first that we were the only brave soles outside - - but soon another family (without their hats/gloves) came tromping through, with a camera.
We didn't stay long- and we got a major fit as we left - but all-in-all, it was a nice family outing.
To top it off, I've had a good day of studying (making good progress), a great day with family, a homemade quiche, and a couple of rooms in the house managed to get clean.
The last 2-3 weeks have also been movie-catch-up time! After going 2 or 3 months without seeing a movie, I've seen Harry Potter, Tron, Inception, and How do You Know! It's interesting how movies used to be such a standard part of my life - watching a minimum of two a week, and often three or four - to something that I see only occasionally. I guess it makes me feel grown up!
Love: Weekends.
Hope: My knee decides to stop bugging me and behave!
Do: Finish another chapter!
Weather: It's not supposed to get out of the 30s until next weekend!
As we walked onto the playground, we thought at first that we were the only brave soles outside - - but soon another family (without their hats/gloves) came tromping through, with a camera.
We didn't stay long- and we got a major fit as we left - but all-in-all, it was a nice family outing.
To top it off, I've had a good day of studying (making good progress), a great day with family, a homemade quiche, and a couple of rooms in the house managed to get clean.
The last 2-3 weeks have also been movie-catch-up time! After going 2 or 3 months without seeing a movie, I've seen Harry Potter, Tron, Inception, and How do You Know! It's interesting how movies used to be such a standard part of my life - watching a minimum of two a week, and often three or four - to something that I see only occasionally. I guess it makes me feel grown up!
Love: Weekends.
Hope: My knee decides to stop bugging me and behave!
Do: Finish another chapter!
Weather: It's not supposed to get out of the 30s until next weekend!
Friday, January 7, 2011
January Holidays
You may have thought the holidays are over... but I'm here to tell you that EVERY day is a holiday! In fact, yesterday - January 6th - was "Cuddle Up Day."
What other bizarre holidays occur in January that you can look forward to?
Unfortunately, these have passed:
1/3 - Festival of Sleep
1/4 - Trivia Day
1/5 - National Bird Day
But there are some bizarre days still to come this month!
1/13 - Make Your Dreams Come True Day
1/14 - National Dress Up your Pet Day (Watch out Katie-girl and Kobe-dog!)
1/16 - National Nothing day
1/17 - Martin Luther King Day (quasi-legit)
1/19 - National Popcorn Day
1/20 - National Buttercrunch Day
1/21 - National Hugging day (perhaps I should have left this off the list.. I'm not much of a hugger!)
1/23 - National Pie day (Or Measure Your Feet day, if you prefer)
1/25 - Opposite Day
1/28 - National Kazoo day
1/29 - National Puzzle Day
1/31 - Backward Day
And for the record... I don't come up with these holidays on my own! I got a nifty, handy-dandy calendar with these holidays listed!
I also have a birthday this month - which I share with my niece (who will be two!) But why celebrate a birthday, when you can celebrate National Dress Up your Pet Day instead?
Love: Reasons to celebrate, even if they are on the silly side!
Hope: My fur-baby recovers from his major neck pain. Poor fella!
Do: Need to make up some study time - and sleep. But perhaps a shower, first?
What other bizarre holidays occur in January that you can look forward to?
Unfortunately, these have passed:
1/3 - Festival of Sleep
1/4 - Trivia Day
1/5 - National Bird Day
But there are some bizarre days still to come this month!
1/13 - Make Your Dreams Come True Day
1/14 - National Dress Up your Pet Day (Watch out Katie-girl and Kobe-dog!)
1/16 - National Nothing day
1/17 - Martin Luther King Day (quasi-legit)
1/19 - National Popcorn Day
1/20 - National Buttercrunch Day
1/21 - National Hugging day (perhaps I should have left this off the list.. I'm not much of a hugger!)
1/23 - National Pie day (Or Measure Your Feet day, if you prefer)
1/25 - Opposite Day
1/28 - National Kazoo day
1/29 - National Puzzle Day
1/31 - Backward Day
And for the record... I don't come up with these holidays on my own! I got a nifty, handy-dandy calendar with these holidays listed!
I also have a birthday this month - which I share with my niece (who will be two!) But why celebrate a birthday, when you can celebrate National Dress Up your Pet Day instead?
Love: Reasons to celebrate, even if they are on the silly side!
Hope: My fur-baby recovers from his major neck pain. Poor fella!
Do: Need to make up some study time - and sleep. But perhaps a shower, first?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Flat L.
Today, I thought I'd share with you my neice's "Flat Stanley." I was honored that she chose to ship it to us in North Carolina, and I hope she's happy with the "return" results - which were put in the mail today!
Since she doesn't regularly check my blog, I thought I'd also post the "note" that went with it - so you can also see what we were up to with Flat Stanley around for the holidays!
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Hello, Class!
As you can see, I am “Flat Stanley.” My adventure began in North Carolina with Uncle S, Aunt R, and Cousin M (see above). Oh! I almost forgot the four-legged dogs, Kobe and Katie! They hung out with me, also..
After just a few short days in North Carolina, it snowed! Aunt R took me outside to play on the slide!
Of course, I didn’t stay in North Carolina very long- I got to travel by plane! It was an exciting flight.
My next state was Kansas, where I got to visit a Castle and ride on a horse with M.
I spent Christmas Day in the car, traveling through Oklahoma. It was a long drive along I-35, but my cousin played with me part of the time.
Ouch! My cousin broke my arm, but my Aunt fixed me with a band-aid. I got to visit a farm – complete with a goose named D.W. I spent some of the Christmas Holiday on the farm.
During the holiday, I got to go to the Fort Worth Zoo! I saw lots of animals, including the monkeys! I also went to the Kimbell Art Museum, but got in trouble for taking my picture there!
I had a short visit with L, but she didn’t want to have her picture taken with me. I also got to dance with a monkey that played the song, “Jingle Bell Rock.”
One night, we caught a sunset where the sun was turning red!
After I got back to North Carolina, I spent New Year’s Day visiting my Aunt’s friend. She put me in the Rabbit Cage!
Overall, I had a great trip – and I am looking forward to my next adventure!
Miss Rebecca says “Good Luck” to everyone with the rest of the school year.
“Flat Stanley”
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There were several pictures that went along with the note - and a few other surprises in the package! Since it has not yet arrived in Texas, I won't give away any more details here.
Love: Being a "cool"/"fun" Aunt to my neices/nephews!
Hope: My neice enjoys the packet and the return of Flat Stanley!
Do: Hit the books.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The first few days of 2011 are upon us!
I've started the new year with a couple of parties, some solid study time, and rearranging a room. I ran yesterday, and made cotton candy today. I went to the grocery store. I printed pictures for 3 different projects, and completed 2 of the projects!
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Yep, one nice thing about the new year is that it's a fresh start, and I like those. Somehow, they help keep me motivated.
I don't like having to work when both Kiddo and DH are out- but it should be an easy day, at least! I like my job, and in some way, I have missed it!
Love: Getting stuff done!
Hope: Good luck to all those others out there who return (and have to work 5 days!) after a much-needed break!
Do: Go to work tomorrow.
Weather: Rainy, again today. The rest of the week looks a bit cold- highs around 50, lows around 30. At least the sun is forecast to reappear!
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