Monday, January 31, 2011

Readers, Vicarious, Socks...

Today's post may be a longer-than-usual one, since I am feeling inspired today.

I'll start with shopping: I saved $309 dollars today! (And I spent less than $100). So what did I buy? Socks!

It really is the little things in life that make me happy. The socks I bought for kiddo are "labeled" in such a way that you can actually figure out (if you continue to buy this particular brand) whether they are the same size, or the next size bigger. The small has one gold line, the medium size has 2 gold lines, and the larger size has 3 gold lines. Brilliant! Why aren't all socks (for kiddos) size-marked in some manner! I'm sure I am not the only mom who has had to go through socks trying to figure out if they are the same size, or if one is bigger, by eye-balling. I'm not so good at estimates - - and since I'm a mathematician, go figure. Wait. Maybe it's me that has to go figure...

So why have I been inspired? My readers have spoken!! I was actually a bit surprised to get a few comments on the last blog.

I often think of my blogs as a representation of the conversation(s) I am having with myself. So - although it lives in "cyber-space" - it's an extension of my head-space. It's intimate, in a way, and I don't always write "for the reader", so to speak. It's like a public journal.

Regardless, I still think blogging is fun. I can look back and remember - just a little easier - all of kiddo's milestones. There are the funny moments, the solemn times and the daily "stuff" that is captured via the blog - including pictures!

Back to reader comments, for a moment. My SIL (sister-in-law) posted that she blogs "vicariously" through me. I thought that was an interesting comment. In fact - so interesting - that I am today taking it literally.

First, a definition of vicarious:

   /vaɪˈkɛəriəs, vɪ-/ Show Spelled[vahy-kair-ee-uhs, vi-] Show IPA
performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another: vicarious punishment.
taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute.
felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others: a vicarious thrill.
Physiology . noting or pertaining to a situation in which one organ performs part of the functions normally performed by another.

For fun - and maybe slightly in jest - here is my vicarious-take on what I would say/blog about... that is... if I were indeed my SIL:

"We've had a great week! We don't do family outings often enough, and we took the Boys to see the Globetrotters. It was a good game! I had seen it before, but this was the first time for all of my kiddos. Some of the antics were the same for me, but it's always fun to watch spinning basketballs and crazy dunks. I'm glad we elected this over Cirque De Soliel and/or the Cowboys Stadium tour (which really would have been more for me, anyway). Of course.. maybe I'm inspired to do another family outing without waiting 3 years again!

In other news, took my (insert one: oldest, middle, youngest) to another doctor appointment this time. Luckily, just a checkup - not another emergency. Whew! On the way home, I stopped by my favorite drink place (Sonic - where else?) for my favorite drink: Dr Pepper. I wish I could stop this habit, but I'm addicted - completely - to Sonic Ice. It is totally worth the drive. If I didn't have a car, I might take a walk just to indulge my habit. I also love the fact that they have HH and 1/2 price drinks from 2-4pm!

My oldest is "too cool" for me, these days, and I still can't believe that my youngest is now so old.

Okay, I shouldn't be blogging, I need to get to the laundry. It's amazing how quickly it piles up with 4 boys in the house!"

Love: That my readers have - once again - inspired me to post! Thanks again!!
Hope: My SIL doesn't mind (too much) me taking her comment very "literally".
Do: Put in some more time with the books!