Monday, May 23, 2011


For some reason, I've had numbers swimming through my head lately.

As I was mentally crafting this post, I was on a walk with the dog - something I should do tonight, again - and I saw fireflies. Not quite one-million, but the song that starts with the lyric, "one million fire flies" did come to mind. Only a handful. And so my mindset began..

At the time, I was about 73% through my book - that is, according to the new kindle! I am loving it, and working my way through yet another trilogy - this time, the "Hunger Games" which is fascinating and so wrong.

2:36 came to mind - that was DH's finish time for his half marathon. I looked up the one official half-marathon I ran in - which I thought was fast - at a 2:51!

20.9% is a number that has significance at work - from a recent rate filing.

The steps in the front of the house have been counted and re-counted... there are still 5.

The dogs will be in the kennel for 9 nights on our upcoming trip - and their food is already to go - 9 bags each.

The score on TV is 8 to 18.

My pedometer isn't yet up to the 10,000 I am aiming for in this last week - and I am drained of energy, still sore from the Gladiator 5K which I ran this weekend.

Numbers are everywhere. Some days, it almost feels as if they are attacking me. Good thing I like numbers- at least on most days.

Love: Counting.
Hope: Today involves a little less crying by kiddo. He had a tough day today.
Do: Start another book? Get some more walking in? Or maybe just call it a night?
Numbers: See above.