Friday, January 27, 2012

Six Words

Each year, one of my favorite things to do is to get a "page a day" calendar to keep at the office.  Then, each day, I get one tidbit of something.

I try to make sure it's a slightly different calendar each year.  I've had a year of origami, a year of tea, and a year of Fact vs Fiction - just to name a few!  I've never seen a sock one, and shoes are not the same!

Anyhow! This year, my calendar is Six-Word Memoirs.

It's Friday... and I went ahead and moved the calendar to Monday (like I sometimes do) so that I don't forget.  I'm glad I did!

For Monday, January 30th - the six-word memoir is:  "The child within won't go away."

Since I'm due in two weeks, the first meaning that came to mind was a very LITERAL translation.  The child that is "within" me now will be mine forever, somehow.  And by the time it is this close to the due date, it seems like she won't go away!  On her own schedule, of course!

Ordinarily, I'm sure I would have more appreciation for these six words from a "life" perspective- since I am a firm believer in following the child within - and try to keep a happy, child-like perspective on life.  Whether that means getting more excited than anyone reasonably should over a new pair of socks, or going out to take a walk in the rain just because (and get dirty on top of that!) - making a new recipe with Kiddo's help and getting muffin mix all over the kitchen, or sitting on the floor and playing trains for hours and hours - there are always opportunities to embrace the inner child.  I like to think that I take full advantage of as many as I possibly can. :)