Sunday, February 12, 2012

Socks - Day 12

What sock collection would be complete without a pair... or two... of holiday socks?

This year, I couldn't "fit" into the average sweater, so I had to substitute these socks when I attended a neighbor's "Ugly Sweater Party."

At one point in time - I know I had toe socks for every holiday!

Over time, though, my sock collection has had to be narrowed down (otherwise it would no longer fit in a single drawer!).

So - unfortunately - I'm not sure I still have my St Patrick's day toe socks, or the New Year's Eve toe socks. (Yes, I did own both of these holiday toe socks at one time!)

I still have plenty for Easter, Christmas, and Valentine's day. Rest assured, only a handful of my toesocks actually made this month's worth of blogging about socks!

I also recently got a note from my MIL - and she has started wearing toe socks!  I like to think that I had some influence in that...