Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby's Blood....

I never really thought much about blood types. I knew (vaguely) about some problems where baby could have a blood type different from Mom that requires shots (a shot?) while the baby is in-utero.

I didn't realize that one of the risk factors for Jaundice was baby's blood a different type from Mom, though.

I'm O. I'm positive. Really. I'm O positive.

Baby is O negative.

What does this mean?

Baby will be LOVED by the Red Cross. Her blood can be used for - literally - anyone! She's got the "Universal Donor" blood type. What's more, it's a slightly rare type of blood- only 6.g% of the population have that blood type! Me? I'm "normal" when it comes to my blood. I guess that means vampires wouldn't be as interested in little old me.

Here are some quick facts about the United State's distribution of Blood Type (courtesy of wikipedia):

Country Population
O+ 37.4%
A+ 35.7%
B+ 8.5%
AB+ 3.4%
O- 6.6%
A- 6.3%
B- 1.5%
AB- 0.6%