Sunday, May 6, 2012


I'm nursing, and I have a love/hate relationship with it.  I certainly enjoy the nutrition I'm able to provide my daughter.  I also like that it's easy, and at least 3 fewer bottles a day (up to 30 bottles per week, though!) that don't have to be washed or sanitized.  I hate the inconvenience of pumping at work.  I hate the waking up sore (before I'd prefer getting up) to feed the baby.

So... why write about Bonding?  Some women will tell you that they love to nurse because they love that they can bond with their kid while nursing.  I'm not that woman, and that's not what I'm about to say.

What I enjoy is that short period of time immediately after the baby finishes nursing (and I finish getting dressed again) - just before she spits up.  The happy baby, full tummy, alert, focused, and smiling.  Once in a while, I even get a coo.  Yep, that few moments a day (several times a day)... Awesome.