The time change is always a bit tough.
I feel like I'm supposed to be getting some extra sleep- and somehow, that doesn't seem to work out.
Of course, maybe part of that was waking up early to get to a race this morning.
After the race, I was beat. More tired than I've been after most races I've done, really. I started way too fast (I don't get people who RUN the whole time, and don't mix it up with walking breaks. I'm not sure I'll ever be a runner that doesn't do SOME walking during the race!)
I digress.
What I really wanted to say, is... everything doesn't always go my way.
I know, you're shocked.
For example... waiting for race results. Come on, people! We live in a world where technology reigns, and they should be INSTANT. Not "around 9pm" (which inevitably means "after 9pm").
Okay, end of spoiled rant.
Speaking of spoiled, though... I am thankful for DH. He made cinnamon rolls this weekend, amidst watching the kiddos so I could participate in a race. Love him!