I remember my mom once observing that I "talk" to kids.
Hmm. She is definitely right about that. I guess there are lots of adults who don't. Somehow, I've never known how not to talk to kids, though!
Now, I've got a little three year old who is a talker. I love it!
When I went to pick him up, his whole class came over and wanted to tell me about Pete the Cat, stomping in strawberries and blueberries. It was really cute and sweet.
My favorite "talk" time, though, is bedtime.
Every night, it's the same thing, for the most part: "What are we going to do tomorrow?"
So, we talk about going to preschool and work, about eating breakfast and dinner, or about packing our suitcase. We talk about whether it's Friday - the ever important day at our house when the trash man comes- or whether it is a "stay at home with mommy and daddy" day, when preschool is closed. Our conversation almost always ends something like this:
"Okay, Kiddo, what's your "last thing" for today?"
"What are we going to do tomorrow?"
"We're going to take over the world!"