Sunday, November 3, 2013

Local Produce

I'm a big fan of "The Produce Box".  It's a box of locally grown produce, delivered once a week.

It's inspired me to cook - and eat - a bit more healthy.

In the last few weeks, I've made:
Coleslaw (with cabbage, kale, apples, onion, broccoli, and blueberries)
Apple Pie (it's cooking now, and my house smells amazing!)
Flavored Water aka "Spa" water to one friend (Blueberry/rosemary and lime/cucumber)
Butternut Squash Soup
Roasted Veggie medley (Zuchhini, Cabbage, sweet potato, tomato, onion, corn)

Those are just the dishes that come to mind.

Somehow - I've also become the seed roasting queen in the last several weeks!

Acorn, Butternut Squash, Spaghetti Squash and pumpkin seeds- done in a savory, hot, plain, and/or sweet combinations.  Crazy!  I like all the seeds about equally (and have added them to my homemade granola) but my favorite flavor combination is Worcestershire and garlic salt.  I even had to buy a new jar of the Worcestershire!

The produce box will soon come to an end... at least for the season... but before it does, I hope to find a few new recipes as well as just enjoy the last of the awesome seasonal flavors.  I see a sweet potato dish in my future...