Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Coffee

Another Friday Coffee!  Tonight, I opted to indulge in coffee the best possible way... skip the coffee, and head right to the coffee icecream, instead!
Today, when a coworker stopped by to stay she was doing weight watchers (WW), I was thrilled.  I've been wanting to start doing WW for a while now, but haven't had someone to hold me accountable!  Now that I've got a buddy... we can attend lunch time meetings together, and perhaps I'm on my way back to a more healthy weight!  Hooray!
When I arrived home this evening, I had a piece of mail that made me do the mail-dance.  Have you ever done the mail dance?  The dance where you jump up and down (literally) because you are so excited to receive something?  Here's the funny part:  This mail wasn't even addressed to me.  It was for Baby G.  And it means travel is one step closer.  Any guesses yet?  If you guessed that it was a Passport, you have guessed correctly!  Still dancing (if only in my head) that we are a bit closer to our next family vacation! 
The word for this week weather-wise has been COLD.  Today it did not get out of the 20s!  Brrr!  This encouraged me to find a better "solution" to the every day "where are the gloves?" problem that my kids seem to have.  I approached a coworker who knits, and asked/begged/pleaded/cajoled with her to make a "scarf" like thing that can be thread through the sleeves of the coats to keep the kid's gloves attached to their coats!  And the best part?  She's doing it for a "trade" - - I will be giving her one of my necklaces.  Another win-win that almost has me dancing!
My pedicure date (and semi-real coffee...err.. lunch) date with a friend to catch up is tomorrow - and my feet are looking forward to it!  Some girl time is just what I need!