Saturday, February 1, 2014

Picture Overload

The snow has caused this to be quite a week!  Mom had lots of time off work - which meant playing in snow and lots of other activities!

These are our puppets.  Kiddo wanted a Robot - with teeth, wheels, and antenna - and most importantly, a big heart exactly like sister's!  Sister wanted a tongue and boots, and named her puppet "Rebecca".  I'm very proud that she knows her mama's name!

 The new camera allowed me to take a night picture that almost even captured the snow coming down (the splotchy spots)!

 Of course, time at home has meant playtime with this little gal, too!

On the first full snow day, I demonstrated (see above) how to make a snow angel.  However, it wasn't until preschool had snow angel making that I became willing to try it!  Below, Kiddo is making about his 4th or 5th snow angel of the season...

 We've had nearly 4 or 5 times sledding, as well!  Sledding involved lots of outdoor play for a short time, and then inside to warm up.  Kiddo felt safer - for the most part - in the laundry basket.  That brave sister was on the blue/adult sled, though!

 During one of our indoor play breaks, we made our own band out of cardboard!  The guitar was duct tape and we painted boxes.  Daddy even took a quick break from working to cut a piece of wood so we could perfect the "cymbal" piece to the drum set.  After we helped construct, we had our own jam session, too!

Of course, some of the "standard" toys have also come out more than once on those snowed in days and mornings - including the train set!

 And there was some time to just hang out around the house.  Which meant lots of pictures, of course.  So many, that this week's had to broken into today's post in addition to the regularly scheduled Wordless Wednesday.  And the week isn't over yet - we still have a super bowl party tomorrow!

 Brother - among other things - has really enjoyed playing with Daddy's old "noisy" camera.  Here, he has sister modelling (or putting up with him, at the very least!)

 Another inside break, for some hot cocoa.  Extra marshmallows?  Of course!

 And then, of course, a pretend tea time inspired by one of our books that Mommy has read to us.  We also got "badges" recently inspired by another book.  We love our books around here!