My mind is wound up tonight with lots of thoughts. But first, a bit of a complaint:
If you cook something exactly as directed on the package, it should turn out. It's that simple. Until it isn't.
Enter tonight's Pork Loin. After cooking it as directed, upping the temperature and cooking some more... I had to walk away. Thankfully, dear hubby "finished it off" with some pan frying to make it edible. And it wasn't bad, in the end - - but it isn't something that is on our "regular" list- and I suppose this is why.
Of course, it may have helped if the barley soup wasn't so... well... bland. Ick, nearly. I would have preferred just the veggie soup without the barley. Another fail. Not to mention that I was hoping for stuffed peppers with quinoa (when I realized that Quinoa, which tends to be a regular staple at our house, was not to be found in our over-stocked pantry).
So, to console myself... I over-ate most of the day. A couple glasses of wine, a cookie or two, baklava earlier this morning.. a peanut butter treat after lunch...
So perhaps I should confess that I am dieting - Weight Watchers. And I was down 10 pounds as of last week, which is great! But I'm not going to be surprised if I'm up this week. And thankfully, my "points" for the week start again on Monday.
So, Happy Easter to all! We've had a quiet day - if you count cooking 3 meals (waffles and boiled eggs for breakfast, homemade-ish pizza for lunch, and the failures above for dinner) plus a walk where even the little one managed over a full mile to and from the "walking" park.
The easter bunny was good. Here's a preview of what may be more to come for Wordless Wednesday this week: