I just read an article on running that was totally me, in a nutshell.
I hate running.
I love the idea of running. But actually doing it? Why?
Well, after nearly 6 months of being "injured" with Plantar Faciitis (heel pain), I definitely miss running. I crave running. And I can't do it. And I simultaneously hate running.
But it turns out... most people who run hate running. They like the running community, the medals, the free t-shirts - - but most people probably don't actually like to run.
I'm fascinated by the opportunities that running provides me to play like a child. The mud run and obstacle course, the run sponsored by a kid charity, or the color run. One of my upcoming running adventures will be an Electric Run - a glow in the dark night time experience that I've been planning for and excited about for a long while now!
But back to the love/hate thing about running. It strikes me now that....
It's kind of like family. Only kind of, I suppose, because I'm sure I'd be in oodles of trouble if I said I hate my family. And not from my family, necessarily - - but from society in general. It's frowned upon and seen as pretty uncool to "hate" your family. It's true, though, that I'm not in love with some of the decisions and choices that family members have made for themselves. It's also true that I've had to learn to embrace and love the person without embracing and loving the choices.
It's still damn hard. An emotionally draining sort of hard, rather than running - which is a physical sort of hard.
But similar, from my perspective.
And this is a blog. So... I suppose, at the end of the day, it's all about my perspective, eh?