Saturday, August 23, 2014

About me!

I will ask in advance for your forgiveness, because this post is going to be a bit cheesy...

But... I've decided to post a few things about ME.  I know, you all know who I am.  But I mostly post about my kids, and rarely post about me - - but today... it's all about me!

I'll start with the "boring" me... The one that actually works for a living! Me at work:


Now, a taste for what I drive... My super-cool "magnet" on the back says "Shop Raleigh" - - Love it!  Of course, I still need a "Drake Alumni" sticker for my back window...

Next up... A moment for one of my recent passions - Jewelry Class!  All made from Dichoric Glass - and quite a deal!  I paid $50 for all this (and one pendant not shown for a gift):

Next up... I thought I'd do a little before and after, two ways.

Before (pregnant) - and after (including losing 20 pounds):

And the next set - more recent - but before/during/after a hair change:

Even though you can't tell/see the highlights very well in the above "after" photo, they do come out in a few other pictures below!

So... What's next up? 

Something random.

How about... how anal retentive I can be?

Just to show that sometimes I can be a bit crazy.  But it's not just with crayons... It's also with socks!! (...and with the way I sit in the car..)


One more quick bit about me, and then I'll leave with a few pictures of my most favorite people in the world!

I love tea.  Love it.  My favorite tea shop posted this picture, and I thought it was awesome!

And now, as promised, to close with some pictures of the kids - this time, WITH me!  I recently go us "matching" clothes - because I thought it would be awesome to be able to dress like my children.  I act like them, so I might as well sort-of dress like them!!  (You can also notice the "before" and "after" hair in these pictures a little bit better...)

And lastly.... 

Practicing  mid-air shots - - because we'll have to find a beach and capture this shot soon!  Counting down to vacation...