Our house has suddenly become a place where bad dreams occur more frequently - particularly in my 5 year old!
As a result, I introduced the concept of a "Dream Catcher" to them.
In case you have never heard of a dream catcher, it comes from American Indian Folklore, and is something that you make and put above your bed to catch the "bad" dreams but to let the good dreams come through.
So, here is how you can make one yourself (or with your children!)
Supplies needed:
Paper Plate
String (yarn, twine, whatever you have on hand!)
1. Measure a small circle in the middle of the paper plate. (Tip: Draw around a cup!) Measure a larger circle, up to approximately the rim of the paper plat (Tip: use a bowl!).
2. Cut out both circles. You'll discard the inner-loop.
3. Punch holes around edges of the the small circle - Any number will do! Now, count your holes! You'll want to punch the same number of holes around the inside rim of the large loop (which means they will be a bit more spread apart).
4. Use the string to connect the two, weaving through the outside and the inside alternately.
5. Here's the fun part! Use your creativity to decorate, draw, add feathers, beads, whatever you'd like! My daughter wanted a tatoo on hers - which I was able to make happen! My son just colored the outside rim of the paper.
6. Hang in a bedroom - preferably over the bed - and your child won't have any more nightmares (well, theoretically...)
See pictures attached of two that we made at my house recently!
P.S. I guess I have become "crafty" mom!