Sunday, April 5, 2009


I was waiting until our doctor's appointment confirmed to officially post - - - but we now have confirmation that I'm not just sick (and craving things) all the time - I am pregnant! 12 weeks and 1 day to be exact.. On Friday, we got to see our first ultrasound picture (5 centimeters) - and we got our official due date of October 17th!

We are very excited.

So - - I assure you there will be more posting about baby you can expect in the future. Things such as putting a registry together, shopping for maternity clothes, and everything in between. I've wanted a baby since I was 10 or 12 years old and first started babysitting. I can hardly believe that I now have one on the way! Although it was not a surprise - and was planned as much as you can plan these things - I was amazed at how quickly it actually happened!!

Anyhow. More to come - - including the first ultrasound pic!