Lesson #1: Do not let the us upstairs where we can access less-frequently used rooms. We hate pooping on leash. We'd much rather poop in privacy, on the floor in your bonus room.
Lesson #2: Do not leave "cushion" showing on the couch. We think it's a stuffed toy and we want to destroy it!
Lesson #3: Strangers are not allowed. No neighbors, no fence contractors, no dogs, nobody, nothing. It doesn't matter if we've only lived here for 4 or 5 days, it's still our territory.
Lesson #4: We don't care if you think it's a good idea to let us out one at a time. If we need to go, we will make every effort to run behind you so we can escape.
Lesson #5: We need more exercise. We don't care if you are unpacking boxes and tired and pregnant, we haven't gotten a walk in too long. Play time doesn't count. Take us on a walk!
With love,
Katie-girl (and to a lesser extent, perhaps, Kobe-dog)