Thursday, November 26, 2009

Misty Morning

Everyone is going to post something about Thanksgiving today, so I'm going to post something (slightly) different. I'm going to post about fog. Actually, scratch that. I'm going to post about mist.

Why not fog? Well, that has a negative, feeling down sort of connotation in my book - like it's dreary outside or something. Mist has a totally different - serene and peaceful - type of connotation to it!

Lyrics to a song:

'Twas a Misty Morning on the top of a hill,
with all the trees below standing quiet and still.
When in a distant voice I thought I heard someone say -
"It's just the morning's way of thanking God for today."

That's the kind of morning it was! The "pack" (me, DH, Mark, and both dogs- see pic) went on a grand walk this morning. We were gone almost 2 hours - and we hiked to the park! It was fabulous. A little chilly, perhaps - but kiddo was snug as a bug (pun intended) in his stroller. The rest of us enjoyed the "normalacy" of doing something we all enjoy! What a beautiful way to start the morning off!

And now, I'm thinking of another song lyric... "Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain." In this case mist, but hey - who's counting?

We captured a pretty cute picture of baby smiling today (see 2nd pic), talked to all the grandparents, did some cleaning, watched a parade on TV (and saw Santa!) and we're off to a heckuva good start to the day. Friends and football this afternoon - - - what ISN'T there to be thankful for?

Livin' and Lovin' Life,