Monday, November 2, 2009

Thanks, Grandma!

My mom (Grandma) was in town for two weeks right after I had the baby, and I am very greatful! The first couple of days, I couldn't get out of bed to even make it down stairs. I'm moving around a bit better now, but I have to do my own laundry and dishes! And not just mine - - but the added baby laundry as well! Did I mention that kiddo is now peeing at least twice per day during diaper changes? Yep, that just means more messy clothes (and messy kiddo) to clean up.

Today is my first day "officially" home by myself- and it's only half a day! My dear hubby is working part time this week, which is nice! And knock on wood... Mark is sleeping contentedly today. That's a big switch from yesterday, where he was Mr. Fussy Pants. We'll work out our schedule yet!

This weekend and next week, more family will be in town. We'll be happy to have the company (and help!). Big 2 week checkup for baby and I tomorrow... I think I wouldn't dread it so much if it were only the baby going to the doctor. But - - I still hate doctors and appointments and they still make me anxious and give me panic attacks. But alas, I made it through pregnancy and birth, I should be able to make it through another stinkin' appointment. I won't like it though!