Saturday, January 2, 2010

Exciting day?

I think it is cool, but your mileage may vary... (I love that phrase, btw, courtesy of a good friend in San Francisco.)

"Bug" got his Social Security Number today!! I was so excited, I nearly posted the number (which I realize, would have been WAY stupid!) The first digits are similar to his dad's, but not his mom's.

I guess this is all because I'm obsessed with numbers. Good thing I majored in Math in college. Consequently - - - today is a Palindrome day! 01-02-2010. (A palindrome reads the same forwards and backwards for those who don't know or have forgotten).

So, today I'm thankful for numbers. And wine. Yum. I had a very nice glass of red with dinner. I probably would have gone back for seconds, but I try to be a little responsible while still nursing the kiddo.

Did I mention the kids I had to explain "nursing" to over the holiday? My neice (one on each side) had to discover why god gave women boobies. Fun stuff. I love kids.

P.S. What's the first thing I do with Kid's SS#? Add it to my taxes, of course!