Friday, April 30, 2010
He's now getting fed 2x at daycare and 1x at home. He wants to go to bed at 6:00 or 7:00 - way early - except once we put him in bed, he doesn't want to be there.
I'm hoping that we figure out a more "routine" pattern in the next couple of weeks. This weird stuff can't continue forever, eh?
Love: having a schedule
Hope: we figure one out soon!
Do: Need to wake baby up so I can join my girls for dinner!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Pics overdue!
Trying to plan a trip for the summer. Possibly to both Dallas and Wichita.
Also trying to think through plans for Christmas. Possibly driving for a 2 week stint. Hmm- that seems like an awful lot of time with family. That also would mean no plans, again, for thanksgiving which is always kind of uneventful. Maybe another walk with the family through the park, although maybe this time with kiddo walking and not in the stroller.
Love: Travel. And planning travel.
Do: count down the days to the exam. 6.
Hope: I don't have a breakdown before then. However, a breakdown is probably inevitable.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
4 years...
I've already been a Muddy-Buddy to my DH. But for some reason - just the crawling through the mud part without the 6 miles of biking and running - is something I am looking forward to.
What is it with me and mud? I don't like bugs. Or snakes, all that much.
I don't know what it is with me and mud - but I will be asking Mark, about 4 years from now, if he'll be my mini-muddy-buddy.
How's that for a random post today? ;)
Do: Get off the computer!
Hope: I don't have to fix dinner.
Love: Studying! I wish.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
At 6 months:
your child is 19.3 pounds, and that is
at the 73th percentile for weight.
your child is 27.25 inches, and that is
at the 69th percentile for height.
And on the topic of my exam (which I should be studying for instead of posting):
"U.S. (and Canadian) actuarial examinations form the most difficult system of professional examinations that exists in the known universe. The exams are not just hard because they are hard, but they are also hard because they are unreasonable -- you can't see how your test was graded, model solutions posted are not model but so-so, tests are often not published, and there is no clearly defined pass mark. Just '''' it up and do not waste time on complaining. If you are in the top 5% in mathematics skills in the U.S.... you will make it if you work hard.... But you will get the best job there is, bar none."
-Dr. Krzysztof Ostaszewski
Do: Made dinner 3 nights in a row. Who knew fried rice could be good (and simple!)?
Love: Eating. Too much. And eating too much. (Eats Shoots and Leaves, anyone?)
Hope: More easy-breezy baby bedtimes are in our future. And the red eyes wasn't a rash or something from dinner!
Monday, April 26, 2010
6 month checkup
He's in the 75th percentile for head, weight, and height. 27.25 inches and 19 lbs 6 oz. Funny enough, he was 19 lbs and 6 oz the last time we were in (for his thrush a week or so ago)...
All is well, though. He finished with the doctor, and fell asleep on the table before the nurse came in with his shots. She tried moving him, and putting something in his mouth, and he didn't want to wake up. She asked if she could just go ahead with the shot, and I said I saw no reason why not... what an awful way to wake up! He fussed a minute or two and was over with it. 3 shots total and one thing in the mouth. Doc says no shots at 9 month check, but they do draw blood. DH says if it involves a needle, he considers it a shot.
Love: That baby got a clean bill of health at his checkup, and I survived a male doc!
Hope: Bedtime tonight goes better than bedtime last night.
Do: need to get some studying in this week. we're in the single digit count down!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I guess I'm lucky, really. I can walk to the daycare, the doctor, the dentist. I can walk to the grocery store, or the park. I can walk to yoga classes, or the YMCA. We've got a handful of fast-food choices we could walk to.
Yesterday, I walked to the park where there was an arts and craft festival going on. I love those things! I got a little something for everyone - a taggie for the boy, some scarfs and a toy for the pups, a salt scrub for me, and I shared my fresh-squeezed lemonade with DH.
Earlier this week, DH had to leave his car parked at the doctor. So, I walked to go pick it up.
Yes, I guess we are quite lucky. I don't consider where we live to be all that commercial, but I guess we do have several things conveniently located in 3 or 4 different directions! As DH quipped, "you're probably willing to walk further than most people!" ... I suppose that's true. It's not like any of these places are in our back yard, for instance! However, they are all within 1 mile or so.
Love: Walking
Hope: for "Normal" meals today
Do: more studying!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
You've Got...
I love it when you can capture such wonderful expression.
I also think it is interesting that this is the same jacket that he wore over 4 months ago, when we had some pictures taken in Kansas. I think Brown is a good color on the boy!
And this expression/ thinking picture also captured my attention. If only babies could talk...
Love: Thankful, at least, that we are (mostly) better from our crazy sick week.
Hope: The sun makes an appearance today!
Do: Study. Study. Study.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
So today, DH is working from home, I took the day off (which may be my first day off for being sick since I've worked at NCRB), and baby went to daycare- but only for part of the day.
Then, we spent more than an hour engaged in "Family naptime" this afternoon - the whole dang family on the big bed. Even Katie-Girl joined us.
Do: Get healthy again.
Hope: Tomorrow is a better day.
Love: That baby was spared this time around!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wife, Mom, or SuperMom?
DH has been sick. Up last night every hour or two. So I didn't get much sleep, and had all the kiddo responsibilities, in addition to the could you/would you/please errands for DH.
Makes for a stressful, long day... it's not over, and I'm starting to feel a bit yucky myself.
More gatorade for me. Hopefully, the boys are content for a bit longer as-is.
Hope: The "yuck" leaves this house. Poof! And also hope for a better night tonight - I like my precious sleep!
Do: Hang in there. No major accomplishments for the day.
Love: Health. Joint parenting. Sunshine.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Drake Alum...
Every year in Des Moines, there is a "most beautiful bulldog" contest (since Drake's mascot is the bulldog).
This year's winner? Meatball. A shout-out on the news also mentioned the one from the furthest away - from nearby me in South Carolina!
Every year brings another bulldog. And even though I lived in Des Moines and went to school at Drake, I think I only ever met one of the bulldogs.
Love: Drake in the Weird News
Do: Did a project at work today where I got to calculate- was a lot of fun!! Reminded me why I became an actuary.
Hope: I get some study time at work this week. Although tomorrow, it's a Wii bowling tournament!
Monday, April 19, 2010
She also enjoys acting as his personal foot rest during nap time.
But she does like being a dog some days. This is her playing with the water hose - one of her favorite things!
I blog about the other members of our pack, but rarely does Katie-girl get any (positive) attention. So today, here's to one of the loves of my life: Katie-girl!
Love: Katie-girl, of course!
Do: Have to work tomorrow.
Hope: The weather continues to be so beautiful!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
But the first thing he ever devoured was PEACHES! And now, that's all his daddy wants to feed him.
Feeding baby is still a pain! Lots of fussing, for us and for daycare. I keep crossing my fingers that it will get better-- but it's hard to study while the baby is crying because he "has" to eat his veggies or his rice cereal.
Love: Fruit. Not just peaches, though!
Do: Study. Never enough. 2 1/2 weeks.
Hope: Focus returns once baby finishes eating!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Ready for summer?
I've got my sunglasses and I've got my hat. My mom ordered me a swimsuit. I'm ready for summer.... are you?
Love: A walk with the baby and the dog in the beautiful weather, and sitting with the door open. This time of year rocks!
Hope: Rash on leg goes away before I have to make a Doctor appointment.
Do: Dishes and Dinner are done. Make more progress on studying tomorrow!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Yes, today Mark turns 0.5! (I would say he's 6 months old, but my cousin is down on fractions lately, which is why I'm using the preferable 0.5)
So how did we celebrate? We took the little boy out to dinner, and he had applesauce at the table from the restaurant for the first time. Very cool!
And it was an awesome evening!! Dinner was fabulous, and we even went to the book store after dinner, and bug got some new books!
Excellent date night and time with the family;
Love: Family time!
Hope: for a productive weekend studying
Do: Start putting the baby to bed a bit later.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tip for the Day
But I do want to share my tip for the day. If you do find yourself in a court house, you will need your state issued i.d.
After arriving without my ID to the Court of Appeals this morning (my work had a case on Insurance Rates that was being heard), I wound up having to do some gymnastics and sweet talking to make it back to the office (in my manager's car) to retrieve said ID and return to Court! Whew! I only missed 45 minutes of the 1 hour and 15 minute hearing. Doh!
Love: Thanks to my boss for letting me borrow her (really nice) car!
Do: Remember your ID next time you travel downtown!
Hope: You don't find yourself in a similar situation, thanks to today's post!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Love: Sleeping Baby
Do: Put away dishes
Hope: Studying is productive
Monday, April 12, 2010
Mark was sick last night (his first vomiting experience), and I was a little worried. He somehow woke up and had a fabulous day today - except for eating. He hates anything you have to put on a spoon. Loves his water. Loves his bottles. But no food, thank you. Except peaches. He usually likes peaches. We'll be pulling out the peaches tomorrow to see if that helps him actually open his mouth for the spoon (thanks to DH visiting the neighborhood grocer). He was eating really well before his thrush!
Anyhow, I digress.
I am stealing a topic that someone else posted today, actually. They posted it as a quote, but I really liked it. The quote was something that said to live, you should have something to love/be thankful for, something to do, and something to look forward to/something to hope for.
So today... and perhaps if I'm up to it in the future... I'm going to post along those lines.
I'm thankful for/love my hubby, my baby, and my puppies especially. DH is so awesome taking care of me and allowing me the opportunity to study lately. I couldn't ask for more!
Something to do? I'm all over that one! Studying, Working, spending a little quality time with my near 6-month old.. the list never seems to end!
I'm looking forward to planning a trip and not having this particular test looming over me. In just over a month, I'll be done studying this round- and I will have earned some much deserved rest from the books for a month. I can't rest too long, though, because I need to do some time for the next test in October- and it's so very hard to study with a little one around! Today, I also hope for peace within my Kansas family.
Love. Do. Hope.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The 10 mile race and 4 mile race were on the same track for part of it, and I mistakenly turned my running partner astray... After 5.5 miles, we did finish! And we made pretty good time on the course- both of our own making and the "regularly scheduled route".
This was the first race that I got to see my kiddo at the finish line! We also got to see and spend a little time with another kiddo who is 2 weeks older than Mark. Overall, a fantastic morning!
Now if this stinky cold would just go back to where it came from.. (Oh wait, I think it came from baby, and I'd prefer that he is over it, too!)
Today: I am thankful for a running buddy willing to run slowly with me!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Old Married Couple... Makes me think of some people who have been together a long time and just click more and more all the time, I think. My inlaws, for example. Or C&J who both wear grey and enjoy Disney trips. Or B&Z who closed on a house today, and are both tall and mesh super well.
Couples like these somehow give me hope or something. As a dear friend once told me, you have to find someone who is "your kind of crazy" - and I'm glad I've found my crazy mate!
Today: I'm thankful for DH.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
My true love...
He still plays with the "pup" and runs in the yard. He still likes his chest rubbed. He still holds a special place in my heart, and always makes me feel better.
Lately, he's been spending more time in the crate (voluntarily!!) than typical. He's also jumping on the bed a little less. But he still loves going on a run with mom!
I remind him as often as possible that he has definitely not been replaced - - and will never be replaced by anything with legs!
Today: I am thankful that my Kobe is still in relatively good health!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Military Kid, already?
Kiddo got his first haircut on Easter Sunday. We video taped it to send to the grandparents. We kept a lock of hair for his baby book.
Does he look like he should be in the military already? It's short, but at least his alfalfa spike doesn't stick up 3 inches above his head anymore!
Today: I am thankful that the haircut was relatively uneventful. Good job, Daddy!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Poor baby...
This little boy had his first "sick" visit to the doctor - - for Thrush. Basically, a build up in your mouth that causes your tongue to be white and makes it painful to eat (and my chest also is suffering!)
We're on meds, he'll be better soon, I hope!
In other news, his "regular" teacher made it back into the infant room today after being out to have a baby of her own!
Today: I am thankful for a quick doctor appointment with relatively painless results.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Pics from "me" day
Friday, April 2, 2010
Sign me Up!
Yep, all in a day. Sign me up - I 'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Today: I am thankful for a Friday that felt oh-so-much like a Saturday!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Baby Products...
This week, I got to try a cart cover, since kiddo is sitting up well enough that he rode in the front of the cart for the first time.
A thing of baby powder goes a long way - and comes in handy.
We've used the baby oil and two different types of shampoos.
A blanket we used with the stroller today doubled as a 2nd awning so baby didn't have the sun in his face as he snoozed.
There are still a few things we've barely opened. I think I've used one q-tip, for example. Also, does anyone really use diaper cream?
In other news, I really can't believe we are ALREADY making plans to move up to diaper size 4. Oh my!
Today: I am thankful for the gifts we've received that we continue to use!