Tuesday, April 27, 2010


No original thoughts today, just a couple stolen from here and there:

At 6 months:

your child is 19.3 pounds, and that is
at the 73th percentile for weight.

your child is 27.25 inches, and that is
at the 69th percentile for height.

And on the topic of my exam (which I should be studying for instead of posting):

"U.S. (and Canadian) actuarial examinations form the most difficult system of professional examinations that exists in the known universe. The exams are not just hard because they are hard, but they are also hard because they are unreasonable -- you can't see how your test was graded, model solutions posted are not model but so-so, tests are often not published, and there is no clearly defined pass mark. Just '''' it up and do not waste time on complaining. If you are in the top 5% in mathematics skills in the U.S.... you will make it if you work hard.... But you will get the best job there is, bar none."

-Dr. Krzysztof Ostaszewski

Do: Made dinner 3 nights in a row. Who knew fried rice could be good (and simple!)?

Love: Eating. Too much. And eating too much. (Eats Shoots and Leaves, anyone?)

Hope: More easy-breezy baby bedtimes are in our future. And the red eyes wasn't a rash or something from dinner!