Monday, April 12, 2010


It's hard to remember to update, sometimes! I was just about to shut the computer down for the night to head to bed, and realized I have a lot of faithful readers who would have been disappointed for the 2nd day in a row! (Like me still checking blogs of people who updated last April 27th, January 14th, October 17th... Why is it I can remember the exact day of these people's last updates? Do I check that often? I suppose the answer must be yes.)

Mark was sick last night (his first vomiting experience), and I was a little worried. He somehow woke up and had a fabulous day today - except for eating. He hates anything you have to put on a spoon. Loves his water. Loves his bottles. But no food, thank you. Except peaches. He usually likes peaches. We'll be pulling out the peaches tomorrow to see if that helps him actually open his mouth for the spoon (thanks to DH visiting the neighborhood grocer). He was eating really well before his thrush!

Anyhow, I digress.

I am stealing a topic that someone else posted today, actually. They posted it as a quote, but I really liked it. The quote was something that said to live, you should have something to love/be thankful for, something to do, and something to look forward to/something to hope for.

So today... and perhaps if I'm up to it in the future... I'm going to post along those lines.

I'm thankful for/love my hubby, my baby, and my puppies especially. DH is so awesome taking care of me and allowing me the opportunity to study lately. I couldn't ask for more!

Something to do? I'm all over that one! Studying, Working, spending a little quality time with my near 6-month old.. the list never seems to end!

I'm looking forward to planning a trip and not having this particular test looming over me. In just over a month, I'll be done studying this round- and I will have earned some much deserved rest from the books for a month. I can't rest too long, though, because I need to do some time for the next test in October- and it's so very hard to study with a little one around! Today, I also hope for peace within my Kansas family.

Love. Do. Hope.