Wednesday, October 27, 2010


One of the books we have from the Library is called "All the Hippos go Beserk!" We read it to kiddo tonight.

And yep, I'm going beserk. I must have walked around the office 10 times more than usual. I'm always antsy and stressed before an exam - at least for now, I'm holding my own. By tomorrow morning, I'll probably feel like puking. By tomorrow afternoon, I'll feel like being drunk. And for the next several weeks, I'll play major catch up. Laundry and house work are out of control. At least end of an exam is a new beginning for life - - if only for a few moments!

Still more studying and memorizing to do. Blech.

I know there are probably only a handful (if that many) of actuaries who "check in" to my blog - but one of my colleagues put this quote on the "Actuarial Outpost" today, and I thought it was so appropriate I'm going to repost:

"I feel like my marginal passing rate per study hour is dropping faster than an ILF curve." (Note for those non-actuary readers: two of the things I am studying for this exam is "marginal" rates and "ILF Curves")

Love: Reading books to kiddo
Hope: Tomorrow is over fast - and kiddo doesn't get me up in the middle of the night again!
Do: Get to bed early tonight. And eat ice cream. That makes everything better, right?