Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Tonight at Kiddo's daycare, they had a "curriculum" event.

Learning about what the kids are learning is nice - and playing with finger paint was fun - but getting to know Kiddo's friends' parents a little better was probably my favorite part of the evening!

In his current class (infants), there are about 6 kids born between October and December 2009 - which means that all 6 kiddos (as they turn one) will be moving on up to the next room! One kiddo even shares Mark's birthday!

Anyhow - kids are awesome. Getting to know new people is also awesome. Hopefully one or two of them will stop by my blog - and to those parents of kiddo's friends, I give a special "hello"! Perhaps we'll have a play date soon!

Love: Meeting the parents of kiddo's friends
Hope: One or two "check in"
Do: Get back to my books! Two weeks from tomorrow (and counting!)