Monday, February 7, 2011


The "old" camera lens is dead. And luckily, it's still under warranty!

However.. Since DH knows how I can't live without my camera... he got a new lens for us!

This is just one of the recent pictures we've taken. I'm still crossing my fingers that we get the "old" lens returned to us before our upcoming Chicago adventure - we shall see!

This weekend it was wet and cold, and we attempted to take Kiddo to the KKC (Krispy Kreme Challenge) - - however, he got wet and cold and was pretty miserable, so I wound up stopping about 1/4 of a mile in to take kiddo back to the car. Poor buddy. I did still manage to run 4 miles - on Sunday. I really like a nearby lake that has a very simple, 2 mile route and only a few hills.

One day soon, I'm going to do a "picture" challenge that one of my cousins has started. That should be something interesting for you to look forward to - but not this month!

Love: Running events - we have another one scheduled for Sunday! Hopefully the rain and cold stays away!
Do: Get in some more hours studying. Although I managed to help clean 2 rooms of the house and put away laundry over the weekend, studying (as usual) suffered. A couple of trips to the park and the Super Bowl party made the cut, though!
Hope: Those in "frozen" weather areas get a warm-up! It makes me cold just thinking about all the snow around the country!