Although this topic might have been better suited for a different month, I've decided to focus the month of August on COOKING.
I don't cook nearly as often as I should- however, once in a while, I do get an urge, and make something!
This month, I'll be attempting to post a new recipe every day. Although most days, I will only post recipes that I have personally made - I will be starting a "Friday Feature" - and post something from one of my readers! (Send me a recipe if you'd like to be featured!)
Today's recipe? Homemade Granola!
3 C Oats (not the quick-cook kind)
1 C Almonds - if you can find them, the unroasted seem to work best since there is roasting involved
1/3 c honey
1/3 c oil (I typically use canola, since it is what we have on hand- but I've seen peanut oil in the recipe)
oven at 275 degrees.
Mix almond and oats. separately mix oil and honey, then combine everything together.
Spread thinly on cookie sheet, and bake at 275 degrees for 1 1/2 hours (stir about every half hour, and once the time is up - turn the oven off but don't take the granola out- just let it cool in the warm oven)
Once it's finished... feel free to add dried fruit (I like cranberries and/or cherries), chocolate chips, or anything else you like in your granola!
Grab a yogurt, and top generously!