As October is coming to a close, I'm trying to decide what to post for November!
I was at one time successful with thank-yous, so I may try that again. Or not.
sometimes it's stressful if there is something you feel like you "have" to post.
So this week, I posted some extra pictures. And for once, they are actually of ME, and not the munchkins!
We tried a wine "flight" last night, but weren't impressed with any of them. Other than, I suppose, that they darn near put me to sleep.
All of the neighbors are going to Octoberfest/Costume parties. We're boring tonight. Tried a new restaurant (which did not have a kids menu, and was fairly sub-par in our book). Did a tiny bit of Christmas shopping.
And I stayed in the car with two sleeping kids while DH went into target.
Somehow, Kiddo has decided that he can do "quiet time", but he really doesn't want to take a nap. He's 3 now. the verdict is still out a bit on whether he really needs it. Today seemed to be a good day, with very little tantrum throwing. As much as I have heard about terrible twos... I think in this house, for this kiddo, it's more about the (not quite so) terrible threes!