Friday, October 5, 2012

This is it!

I walked into the office today, without a certain bag that has been attached to me since maternity leave ended.

This certain device... contraption... that is the mark of a nursing and working mom.

Have you guessed it?

Yep, it's also sometimes called....a pump.  And not the kind you use to  fill up your car with gasoline.

There is nothing... I repeat... NOTHING... fun about pumping.  I could try to be positive and say something like, "it's better for the baby".... but I can't make the jump from that statement to the pump.

Closing doors, "escaping" and "hiding" in various restrooms and/or mom-friendly places (family restroom at the airport, mother's room when visiting a vendor's offices, etc) - SO. NOT. FUN.

So today?  I'm feeling a little more free.

I'm still going to "try" doing the nursing thing in the mornings and evenings.  And even though the pump didn't come to work with me today, I may wind up bringing it with me if I travel for any length of time.

But... at least for today... I feel like a free woman.  Not that I'm totally "back" to being myself again - but I feel like I'm one step closer along the journey.