Thursday, February 18, 2010

Four Months

Baby M went to the doctor day, and was his usual mellow self - - in fact, the doctor even asked if he was always that mellow!

His official numbers: 25.5 inches (60th percentile) for height and at 17 lbs 3 oz for weight or 80-90th percentile. The doctor said, "I can't find anything wrong with him!" He got 3 shots, and was quite the trooper - - he fussed for about as long as it took me to get him dressed, and then was flirting with the nurses and receptionist while we made his next checkup (for 6 months)!

In other news, he rolled over yesterday (Weds) from his stomach to his back. Then today (Thurs), he did it twice in a row! Which means- - - he's officially mobile. We'll get video tape of it soon. It's also cool to see that instead of fussing on his stomach, he can now just roll to his back on his own!

We also noticed his first birthmark/freckle - - on his left shin. Pretty fun!

One of his daycare teachers had a baby today - so he'll have a new teacher for the next 6 weeks or so.

Today: I am thankful it was Baby M that had to have shots today and not me!