Thursday, February 4, 2010

Healthy = blah?

Why does everything "healthy" taste so blah?

I know, use spices... Cook it differently.. Whatever. I'd still prefer the cookie to the carrots. And the chocolate to the apple.

Salads are Blah. Even when I try to spice them up with nuts or fruit, they get boring. And chicken? Ick. I'd rather have beans for protein. Oil and butter are yummy. Baked and broiled are bland.

You get the picture.

I'm obsessed about food - yes, again. Wish I could control my own eating habits a bit better. Every time I make Rice Krispie Treats, I eat through about the whole batch in 3 days straight. I guess at least this time, I only made half a batch (but it still barely lasted 3 days!)

I guess that's one of my comfort foods. And I do prefer those to a slice of cake, anyday! I add chocolate chips to give it character. I would have added a picture - - but they're already gone now. They are right up there with Bagels - - yes, I will pick them up off the floor (even the floor of the garage!) if they have been dropped.

Today: I am thankful for air to breathe. Snoring - even fake snoring - can be fun sometimes. My DH told me the other day that I snored when I was preggers. Go figure!

Stay tuned tomorrow for Hazmat!