Sunday, December 31, 2017

A 2017 review - in Pictures!

The last several years, I have made it a New Year's tradition to post a blog - not Wordless Wednesday - to recap the year in pictures.  This exercise makes me feel blessed and fortunate, and sends off the year so we can begin new adventures.

And so - I give you - my 2017 recap in pictures!

As a family, we continue to learn and grow!  We took a couple more rounds of swim lessons over the summer, where Mark earned his black belt for swimming all the way across the pool!  Laura also made huge progress in swimming, and becoming comfortable in the water without a floaty.  

Mark has found a soccer group that he truly enjoys, Laura recently learned to roller-blade (and both kids got roller blades for Christmas), and I took a pottery class and learned about the art of clay.  Seth continues to dabble in wood working - this year, making a doll house for Laura, and making some progress on a new dining room table for the family.  (Crossing my fingers for early 2018!)  The biggest news on the learning front is Laura starting Kindergarten!  She is already doing very well in reading, and loves math.  And at our last parent teacher conference, Mark's teacher commented that she is impressed with his "leadership" qualities.

One event that Mark and I were fortunate to attend early in the year was the wedding of his first grade teacher - Ms. Fox became Mrs. Burke!  Mark still has a special bond with this teacher.

Laura graduated preschool, leaving behind some dear friends - but was fortunate to be able to join a Girl Scout troop (with mom as a leader, of course) - so she will be able to make new friends!

2017 brought us many travels!  

We enjoyed a trip to Washington DC, and the "Great Falls" in Virginia.

We visited Disney World for the first time, and saw Princesses and Star Wars galore!

We enjoyed a trip to Charleston and Columbia, in South Carolina, to witness the full eclipse - and spend some time at the ocean, of course.

And...  our travels brought us to both sides of family over the last few months.

The kids both participated in their first Color Run (5k) with me.


It was also a year that both kids began the childhood right of passage that is the "sleepover"!

There was one minor "scare" - a trip to the emergency room after Laura stabbed the roof of her mouth with a pencil, which resulted in a cat scan - - but luckily, just a "simple" accident with a quick recovery, and nothing "major" was found from the scan!

As I look back through the year - I remember love and smiles.

To all my friends and family.... may 2018 continue to bring you love and smiles!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Monday, December 25, 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017