Friday, December 31, 2010


2010: A year in review, by the numbers

1 - Kiddo's first birthday, DH's one-billion second birthday
2 - Number of daycares Kiddo attended
3 - Number of "trips" we took via airplane (as a family)
4 - Number of days (in a row) Kiddo had an accident report after joining toddlers!
5 - Number of Girl Scouts who went to the Zoo
6 - Approx # of Doctor visits for Kiddo
7 - Approx # of Hours spent in Car on Holiday trip
10 - Days spent on vacation for the holiday with the family!
11 - Number of months kiddo was at when he learned to walk
101 - Kiddo's temperature (luckily, the max temperature so far!)
263 - Number of posts made on my blog in 2010
428 - Flight number on the way home
799 - Finishing place in Old Reliable 10K race
2011 - The new year!

P.S. This seemed like a good idea when I started, but wound up being way more difficult than I anticipated! I guess my brain is still turned "off" for vacation!
Love: Numbers.
Hope: Health and Happiness to all for the new year!
Do: Think of a resolution for the new year!
Where? Back at home in the "usual" spot- and happy as a clam to be there!
Weather? A little brisk- but it's good to be home!

In Kiddo's favorite words - according to the nephews - "Bye, Bye!"

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


One of the themes for this holiday was music!

Most of the kids got some kind of musical instrument, and there were lots of "lessons"!

Kiddo learned to play the bongo drums from his cousin. One cousin learned from DH to play trumpet, another cousin learned guitar from uncle B.

Kiddo also got his very own xylophone!

Along with the music, I've posted a couple of additional pictures. Me doing the computer thing, as usual, and Kiddo riding in the car.

Perhaps the next post will be all about the Ft Worth Zoo! Or perhaps a Flat-Stanley preview! Stay tuned!

Love: Animals! Lions, Monkeys, Zebras and Snakes!
Hope: Tomorrow involes a bit less walking.
Do: Have more pics to post soon!
Where? Covington, Texas (or there-a-bout)
Weather? GORGEOUS! After a rain yesterday, weather was perfect for being outside in long sleeves but without a jacket! The sunset was a fiery red.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Craziness continues!

We've been in Texas for a couple of days, now, and it's been loads of fun! Since we got the White Christmas last year, we're happy that the White Stuff is staying in the east coast this year- and hoping that we are travelling late enough that the flight craziness will not be quite so bad for the future!

I love kid pyramids! Right now, with 6 grandkids, it's the perfect number for a 3/2/1!

Kiddo is keeping us entertained this holiday. He hasn't been into unwrapping gifts as much, and doesn't quite get the concept - but he is enjoying making monster noises, giving kisses and hugs, and walking, walking, walking!

He's been a great sport with all the family around. He's been enjoying the variety of animals (cows, dogs, goose).

There have been lots of cute quips and quotes. For example, we're listening to the TV in the background, and they are talking about how some individuals in a relationship "hide" or spend money without letting their partner know. One of the top things money is spent on? Online dating sites. If that's the case -- the problem is likely not that someone is "hiding" or spending money without consent!

With 5 kids (age 7 to 13 or so) and 2 adults in the same room, there was also lots of quoting and giggling - like "That's a fact!" - which I still don't exactly understand the story behind, but I know if I tell my nephews that's a fact, I will certainly get a giggle!

What else was new and/or interesting this holiday? The lack of drama. That's right- I feel like this was one of the least drama-filled holidays I can remember in a long time! My sister and I had a fabulous visit. My family enjoyed a relatively quiet Christmas eve- but with great food, presents, and lots of laughter!

I am sad that I did not get to see some family that I see almost every time I am in town- and I had to visit at least one dear relative in the hospital.

Love: Drama-free holidays!
Hope: We continue enjoying fabulous weather in Texas!
Do: Need to figure out a plan.
Where? Hanging out at the in-laws!
Weather? Sunny and just above freezing- with no snow on the ground but just a tad of ice on the puddles!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy day!

Christmas past and present - what a blessing each one is!

The gift giving, the food, the holiday spirit - all of which pale in comparison to the family you are able to share with, and the memories you create!

It doesn't matter if the house is clean or the dishes are dirty, the holiday means something to everyone - and hopefully, the only meaning isn't "Stress"!

So - to each and every one - I offer a Christmas wish:

May your heart be full with family and friends,
May your belly be full with yummy food.

May your day be joyful and bright,
May your season be full of delight.

... and of course, in the words of Tiny Tim - God bless us, every one!

Love: Family and friends!
Hope: Smiles abound!
Do: Enjoy family and food and the holiday!
Where: Still in Kansas

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Trip - Part 1

By plane and by car, we are halfway across the country!

We had breakfast with family, then drove many miles to have dinner with more family!

Kiddo slept in his strangest "bed" yet- including under the bed for at least a portion of the night- and now I am beginning to wrap some presents.

I offerred to give my brother a ride- and he didn't even recognize me! I made him get in the car, anyway.

Love: Naptime - and giving presents to people!
Hope: I can get most of the gifts wrapped!
Do: Wrap, of course!
Where? My mama's house in Kansas.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I am feeling very fortunate that I get to head home for the holidays.

Christmas Eve, I will be surrounded by my family. The last time I was home (in Kansas) on Christmas Eve was a few years ago - and I have never been to a Christmas Eve in Kansas with my new family!

There will be plenty of people to see, and a few days to get it all in!

There are so many things I enjoy about the holidays - spending time with family, eating the "familiar" foods (things like Spinach Dip, Sausage/Egg Casserole, and mini-cherry cheesecakes, just to name a few!) and sharing stories and traditions.

For me, giving is also part of the fun!

To avoid over-packing for the holiday, we did our own Christmas today. Kiddo, of course, was a bit sick, so that was unfortunate.

My laptop will not be traveling with us - so I will be at the mercy of family for future posts!

Love: Holiday traditions, old and new
Hope: The travel goes smoothly...
Do: Need to finish packing! We leave in less than 48 hours!
Where: My usual "spot" on the sofa.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog Trend..

So my current trend in blogging - aside from not adding pictures (since my relationship with my camera has been on the rocks) - has been actually writing my blog from interesting places.

Today, I'm sitting in an office building (not the one I normally work in) on a day where many schools are closed because of the snow. So at least when it's applicable, I think I'll be adding a Where to the bottom, with my other daily (less often than daily lately) updates.

Along with the snow, the holidays bring business with gift shopping and trip planning. This month has also brought a bit more work than typical!

I have a feeling my camera and I are about to get back together. My niece has sent me "Flat Stanley." He's a character in a book they read in school. I have a feeling I'll be sending a whole lot more pictures back with Stanley than typical. I'm thinking I might actually journal his adventures. At the very minimum, I have the feeling that Flat Stanley's picture may be making it my blog one day soon.

We have plans for Flat Stanley, but we're also taking ideas. What does Flat Stanley need to see/do while visiting the coolest-aunt-ever? I think today's picture playing in the snow is just the "tip" of the iceberg. Or maybe it was the top of the slide on our swingset.

Love: Snow!
Hope: Everyone drives safely today!
Do: Work a little, but then leave early!
Where? Today's blog brought to you from inside the "beltline" (a "Loop" - or interstate - that goes around the center of Raleigh, for those not from this area).

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I'm sure I could fill an entire blog of filling in the sentence "My kid is so cute when..."

But today, I'm going to attempt to focus. So let me tell a story.

After our normal "breakfast" routine this morning, and a quick diaper change, Kiddo went to the TV to "push buttons" - his favorite thing. I usually think he just likes watching the lights! But this morning, he turned on the music! We've got a kid CD that we have and play on occasion..

Anyhow... My kid is so cute when he dances! And this morning, he was "feeling" the groove! I even got a video of some of it- and one of these days, I'm going to figure out how to upload video.

As a friend once explained- dancing is something that's inherent. Of course, I'll dance a little with Kiddo but would never do it outside the house. I think it stems back to being in 6th or 8th grade or something and being told by a friend that I should never attempt to dance again. I was crushed. Maybe I still am, a little.

However, Kiddo loves to dance. He'll dance to the TV, or he'll dance to music, but he's got his own moves- - -and it's abundantly cute and entertaining to watch!

Love: Watching kiddo dance
Hope: He's never told to stop!
Do: Fly out in just a bit to Florida!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


It wouldn't be a holiday without..

Taking Kiddo to see Santa.

Baking cookies with friends.

A little Holiday Shopping.

Some Christmas music.

All of that was done.... today!

There will be more baking, and more Christmas carols. More time with Kiddo and more wrapping and decorating.

But for now.. It feels like 'tis the season.

Love: Watching kiddo around others - in the mall, at friends, etc.
Hope: The weather doesn't get too icy overnight!
Do: Leave for warmer weather tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Every once in a while, there is a sense of quiet that passes over the house. Some days, it's after kiddo goes to bed.

And then, for a few minutes, I can sit in a room with the tv off doing absolutely nothing.

Not that I couldn't find something to do! It is the season to be busy - but take a few minutes to enjoy and find peace.

Hope: Everyone can find a few minutes of peace!
Love: Quiet times
No "do" today, just peace.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

2 years!

Tomorrow, DH and I will celebrate our 2nd anniversary!

How will we celebrate?

By getting up early to go to Kiddo's first parent-teacher conference (which, for the record, is optional!) Then, I've got a work dinner, and won't be home until late - almost bedtime.

The good news is that daycare has a Parent's Night Out this week, so we do have a date night planned this week! I'm looking forward to that.

Love: DH
Hope: The week goes easy on me!
Do: Need to study, exercise, or both.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Family night

Family night is awesome!

As an aside, I think it's the Yo Gabba Gabba that has reintroduced the word "awesome" into my vocabulary.

Tonight, DH, Kiddo and I headed out to a quick dinner (Panera) before moving on to the main event: the SPCA!

Tonight, the SPCA hosted an "Art" show - - which consisted of 'paintings' done by the shelter animals! It was SO MUCH FUN!

Not only did all the money go to charity, but we got to have Mark around lots of doggies and kitties! He had a great time - and was really well behaved.

All in all, a fabulous family night out!

Love: Family night
Hope: Kiddo continues to be an animal lover as he gets older!
Do: Plan another family night someday soon!

HAPPY HANUKKAH! (Which, btw, has my vote for the hardest word-of-the-day to spell!)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Surviving or Thriving

I asked a coworker, casually, how she was doing at lunch the other day. She said she was surviving, so I said, "Just surviving?" to which she responded, "Nope, I'm thriving!"

I love the positive attitude in that, and I often wish I could harness the positivity.

Some days, though, there's a problem with my head. I can't seem to be the person I hope to be -- and often, even if I can get there from an outsider's view, I can't get there from my own perspective.

Yep, I guess it's another cryptic blog day. In a nutshell, though, I'm sure I'm thriving - but some days, I feel like I'm barely surviving.

Love: Positive attitudes.
Do: Work on more holiday stuff?
Hope: My "surviving" moves on to "thriving" very soon!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kiddo's Routine

Kiddo does well with routine, and he'll be happy to return to his "daycare" routine tomorrow! He'll play with his little buddy who just turned one, and he'll have his picture taken by his teacher, as usual. These are a few pictures that capture how kiddo spends his day!

Meanwhile, it's back to work for me!

Although it was a pretty low key Thanksgiving break for us, the tree is up (and decorated). I got to play games with one of my new toys, courtesy of Black Friday sales. We saw good friends, and ate some good food. And now, it's back to routine. Looking forward to the next month, and the Holiday Spirit!

Love: Holidays and long weekends!
Hope: The routine goes smoothly tomorrow! It will be tough getting out of bed!
Do: Make my way to bed a bit early. Goodnight!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Green Friday?

Perhaps "Black" Friday should be renamed "green" Friday because of all the money people spend!

I love shopping. Love it. I love mornings. I love people watching. So, I ask, what about black Friday is NOT to love? As I headed out my door around 3:37am (to hit Target before they opened at 4am), I wondered if perhaps this would be the year I found out.

Instead, this is what I found:
* Not very many people were, like me, interested in the Wii Fit - easy Score!
* Some people will cut in line. And even when security is told, security will often do nothing about it.
* Some people truly are in the holiday spirit. See my "Thanks" below.
* Crowds can be awesome. You know, it's funny that some people really dislike "shopping" crowds. I am not among "those" people, however the crowds that occur somewhere like, for example, a concert are the crowds that make me start feeling a bit claustrophobic!
* Shopping is awesome. (Oh wait, maybe I already knew that.)
* Shopping centers with lots of places close by (for example, Kohls and Target) can be interesting.

Thanks: To the guy at home depot who offered to return my cart for me, even though I was in the very first row of cars parked in front of the store!
Love: SHOPPING! I guess maybe that's one of the reasons I named my blog as such?
Hope: I am not "shopped out" by Christmas!
Do: Need to start figuring out who I need to buy for, still!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


For today's post, I thought I'd show - in pictures - the many things that I am thankful for! Unfortunately, all of my friends have never posed in a big group for a picture. And if I were to take a picture of all the food I am thankful for, the camera wouldn't be big enough. And there's my job that I love, my good health (how do you take a picture of that? I did run 5 miles this morning - pushing a stroller for all but the last quarter mile. How cool is that?).

There's so much more I am thankful for - but too little space on this blog to post it all.

Love: Holidays!
Hope: Everyone enjoys their holiday, wherever they are!
Do: Get to go eat turkey. Yay!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holiday Chaos

As we approach the chaos that is the holidays, I am finding myself swept in. Swept into eating, swept into shopping, and swept into obsessing about eating, obsessing about shopping, and obsessing about obsessing!

Where do I go to see the best black friday ads? Where, if anywhere, do I want to go shopping? Do I go for the 3am, 4am, and 5am stores separately? Do I sleep in and take my chances? Do I really want/need anything that requires me to be out at that time in the morning?

As for eating, I will have my 2nd opportunity to "enjoy" thanksgiving as tomorrow approaches- with Kiddo's daycare.

Today was about going to the doctor and allergy testing (it is very painful having to watch a nurse draw blood from your child, in case you aren't aware and/or haven't had that experience).

I digress. Where was I? Shopping, yes.

Speaking of shopping, there's a catalog company that was at one time selling this awesomely cool mitten-like socks. I was not smart enough to order them when I saw them, and now they are gone - poof! And I am bummed. Very bummed, indeed.

And on to Starbucks. For some reason, although "starbucks" sounded like a good title for the blog at the time, it doesn't seem to be something that is all that bloggable that I can bring in to my occasional post. So I'm bringing it in today just in passing to make sure I cover it. I guess that's just something else I'm obsessing about?

Now we've covered Starbucks, Shopping, and Socks. And Eating.

I like posting after kiddo goes to bed. And now, I, too, shall join him in the sleeping world.

Love: Blogging to clear my head.
Hope: Tomorrow is fun! It sounds promising, and I will likely have a shorter day at work!
Thanks: For my four-leggers. I love them.
Do: Let those four-leggers outside!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It takes one...

... to know one.

You see, in case you were unaware, DH and I are both math nerds. When we first started dating, he told me his birthday was two days before pi day (which I had never heard of, but is, of course, 3/14 since pi is 3.14159... but I digress, already). He also sent me a "Power of 2" song - which is basically a mathematical love song. There's also a song with an actuary in it that was in a musical (but there I go, another digression already).

The point of this post, however, is 1 billion seconds. My DH reaches that milestone at some point tomorrow, and I purchased one billion grains of sand for him to mark the occasion (and also 'attempted' a surprise party, but spoiled the surprise by accidentally copying him on an email... oops!)

So, do you need to know when your one-billion (or 1.5 billion, or some other) second birthday? A quick google search will do the trick - but I used the calendar (and probably another one) when figuring this out. I obsessed over it, also. I've had Monday 11/22 on my calendar for ages, with thoughts of different things to do.

So you may be wondering, how much sand is 1 billion grains? Approximately 430 pounds - but since sand only comes in 50# bags, DH got more than a billion. But I did not count them. And yes, the sand has a dual purpose: Kiddo needs a sand box!

This week is short and a bit crazy - but I enjoy all the food associated with Thanksgiving! I also look forward to some quality time with my boys!

Thanks: For the fabulous weather today! And for naptime. I've needed some extra sleep this weekend!
Hope: The holiday brings good cheer to those, like us, who will be unable to spend it with family.
Do: Get to bed early. Maybe then I'll feel like I can sleep in?
Love: My DH, and that we share a common nerdiness about numbers.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Half & Half

By half & half, I don't mean the stuff you put in coffee. Nope, today's blog (likely 'again') is about walking!

I believe we have reached the half & half point - that point where about 1/2 of mobility comes from crawling, still, but about half is walking! Yes, as of this week, kiddo has decided that two feet ARE good for something!

It's really fun to see him "toddle" around. He only starts over after falling down once in a while, but he can actually make it across about half of any room, and it's definitely fun to watch!

I also thought my daycare report on Friday was interesting. The "relief" teacher that is in there after about 3pm said, "No crying from Mark today!" Of course, he'd only been there about 1 1/2 hours, but at least - perhaps - the afternoon tears may be starting to go away!

Love: Watching kiddo learn- anything!
Thanks: for my health. It's not as great as it was 2 years ago, perhaps, but I've been lucky to not have anything major happen in quite some time (knock wood)!
Do: Need to get a bit more cleaning in this afternoon - and maybe some icecream!
Hope: We have a fun evening!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Inner Child

As you've probably noticed, I try to keep my "work" life out of my blog. Of course, work is where I spend the majority of my "awake" hours in a day, so sometimes that's hard. But usually, I can separate the two. Of course, some stories are too good to pass up. For example, as I walked out of my office today and was experiencing the pure joy of fallen leaves and wanting to kick them around, I mentioned to a coworker that I just wanted to play! She said it must be my inner child, and that hers died a long time ago. I couldn't help but feeling a little sad about that! Everyone should have an inner-child that they release once in a while. I guess my inner-child refuses to grow up, let alone die! Perhaps my inner child is released too often? Nah.. that couldn't be it!

As for "Rebecca's Rules of Blogging" - It seems like the same "work" rules should apply to daycare, and I should keep that out of my blog, too. But for some reason - I have trouble applying the rule to daycare. I guess because that's one of my main sources of smiles in a day. Perhaps it's related to my compulsive inner-child that refuses to back away!

As I was picking up Mark from daycare, I saw his infant teacher. Our conversation, paraphrased, went something like this:

Me: I miss going to the infant room!
Ms. P: There's a way to remedy that.
Me: Oh, I can visit whenever I'd like?
Ms. P: That's not what I was thinking.
Me: Hmmm??
Ms. P: You could always have another!

... why didn't I think of that? and why is it that this topic seems to be coming up repeatedly over the last few days? Maybe it's just me. After all, along with the inner child, I have several other personalities that like to come out once in a while. There's the obsessive me. There's the me that worries too much. There's the "oblivious" me that pays no attention at all. There's the random me. There's the busy-busy-busy-go-go-go me that can't slow down to breathe. Once in a while, there's the calm me that enjoys just sitting in a quiet room, sometimes with nothing to do at all. Perhaps I shouldn't admit to being multi-personalitied. But wait. If you know me well enough to be reading my blog, you probably already knew most of that about me.

Love: Kiddo's daily sheets. I get a picture of kiddo in daycare nearly every day, and I love it!
Hope: My multiple personalities calm down a little for the evening.
Do: Learn to use our relatively new leaf blower so I can "kick around" the leaves that came down in a recent storm!
Thanks: For the inner-child in all of us - no matter how close to "death" or far past that child may be!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


One of my nicknames for Kiddo is pronounced key-doh, key-doh. Kind of like kiddo-kiddo, but with the emPHAsis on the wrong syLABble. At least, that's what my choir teacher used to always say, and for some reason, the pronunciation stuck.

What else do I pronounce odd? Maybe I've posted my funny nicknames for things before.

Like maters and taters. (for tomatoes and potatoes). Or Wah-ca, wah-ca (for avacado).

Wish I had a more interesting post for today, but there you have it!

Love: making funny words out of normal words.
Hope: Key-Doh-Key-Doh learns my funny words, and maybe comes up with some of his own one day!
Do: Chores today - laundry, dishes, trash, etc..
Thanks: For family!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I think this is the week (or month) of allergies in our house.

Kiddo will be tested soon, and DH will also likely be tested soon.

For some reason, I've had the word "esophageal" in my head. I can't even spell it, but the syllables (ess-off-oh-gee-al) keep running through my head.

I still don't like hospitals.

I do like my sleep. Why is it Kiddo decides his nap is over just about the time I get around to lying down?

Rented some Red-box movies for the evening.

Random thoughts because it's that kind of day. Peas out!

Love: Sleep.
Hope: I get some soon!
Do: Watch the "baby" movie with my "baby" after snacktime!
Thanks: To all those nurses and doctors out there that make people better. I would not survive in that particular profession, so I am very thankful for those that can and do!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Driving to pick up kiddo from daycare, there was a car literally on fire in the opposite direction. I saw flames, and the fireman with the hose putting the fire out.

It was a crazy couple of minutes - but somehow, it was one of those situations where my mind just began to wonder.

My father passed away in a fire, and for some reason, I've thought a lot about him recently. Going through pictures yesterday, I found one and was showing him to Mark. It's sad that kiddo will never know his grandpa.

I think the crazy male daycare instructor must also somehow make me think of dad. His birthday is (would have been) in October. Many reasons... maybe he's looking upon us and trying to tell us something. I wish I knew.

Love: My daddy.
Hope: I remember and tell kiddo stories about my dad as he gets older. Maybe I'll tell him a story instead of reading a story for the next bedtime.
Do: Need to stop spending so much dang time on the computer!
Thanks: To good friends! Just for being my friend.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sometimes, I feel like I am on weird food routines.

For example, dinner tonight consisted of brussel sprouts, tomato/basil/mozarella salad, and about half a bowl of cereal with soy milk (since we are out of regular milk, and I've been making kiddo drink soy at home).


The other thing that I can't get enough of this time of year? Candy and junk food. It's addictive. I've been eating sugar instead of breakfast, even though I know it's bad for me.

And then, watching Kiddo's favorite show before putting him down, has the song "Party in my tummy" running through my head. Yummy, yummy.

Thanks: to coworkers who help me get rid of my candy (by eating it for me)!
Hope: I don't wind up gaining weight. I've still got about 20 pounds I'd prefer to lose!
Do: Eat my veggies. and bring fruit to work. Oooh... and get an apple or orange from the kitchen for a snack to avoid eating any more sugary stuff tonight!
Love: to eat. Anything. I'm just thankful - for the moment - that I only have 20-30 lbs to lose and am not a "biggest loser contestant" in the making.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I showed up at daycare today, as usual, to pick up kiddo. After I walked into his room, he wasn't there. There was also a strange man in the room whom I had never met before.

So, when I said something about, "where's my kid?", I was asked, in return, "is your kid particular about things?"... and then the story began.

After naptime is snack! Snack went well, as usual. It doesn't matter who feeds him, he's happy to eat! After snack, there was a tour of the daycare by a new prospective family. When a female teacher walked into the room with the family, the crying began. The male teacher, whom Kiddo has had only 2 or 3 times now, could not get kiddo calmed down. 20 minutes later, once the female teacher was done giving the tour to the prospective family, Kiddo was still very unhappy. Mommy was later than usual, and the time change is making things out of the normal. Plus, there was something at lunch today that kiddo was possibly allergic to (although we haven't "officially" done allergy testing yet). So - kiddo was being held and carried around by the female "relief" teacher, and the daycare was at peace again.

As the female teacher noted (correctly), Kiddo now has a care-taker hierarchy. Parents are definitely at the top, with female primary caregivers second, other female caregivers third, other friends & family fourth (we hope) and anyone else at the bottom. Unfortunately, for today, that included the male teacher (who noted that he has 5 kids and 6 grandkids - so the stranger anxiety is not a new experience for him!)

Poor kid. Bad day.

Love: That mommy at least makes the care-taker hierarchy!
Hope: Tomorrow is a better day. They are making soup, since it is nutrition week!
Do: Hope kiddo learns that male caretakers are really ok!
Thanks: Today, thanks goes to DH. Just because.

And in afterthought - I think my kid IS particular about things. In fact, as I was in the car on the way home, I recalled recently where my DH said something to the effect of, "Have you noticed that Kiddo has a temper?"

That's my boy. Personality definitely comes out when they are little!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


We know that daycare has rules. For example, each child has a "spot" for their mat, and that is where they go for naptime.

Today, however, kiddo taught us the first daycare rule that we were NOT aware of. What rule? Well, to get the pacifier, you must first lie down. :)

Like it or not, my kiddo is still a paci-man. He loves them. I was cleaning the bottles out of the kitchen, and collected a pile of 5 or so. He sat and tried them, one after another, until he found his favorite one. He also likes putting them in cups for the sounds that they make. I used one to lure him into walking across the kitchen.

And then later this evening, as it was getting close to bedtime, I had a pacifier and he kept putting his head on the pillow. It was really cute- and the first time where I distinctly believe that he was teaching us the rules of daycare!

I am glad that he goes to bed (relatively easily, thankfully!) without a pacifier. Taking them away for naptime won't be so bad when we finally do it- I hope!

Love: That kiddo taught US a new rule!
Hope: We learn more from kiddo every day!
Do: Enjoy what's rest of the weekend!
Thanks: Today's thanks is to daycare, for making sure kiddo has to follow the rules!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Travel Ups and Downs

There are many ups and downs about travel! Today (and last night), I'm in Boca Raton, FL where I will get to visit NCCI for the first time!

Here are the good elements:
Just being in a new place
Seeing old friends and new faces
Doing new things

And the bad:
Being out of your routine
No pets.
Being herded like cattle through Airports, rental car counters, etc
Missing family

This post seemed more interesting (to me, at least) when I began to write it. Now that it's written, not so much. Of course, one person did tell me once that they like it when I "talk to myself" in my posts, which is what I'm doing now, I suppose. So maybe at least this short paragraph will be entertaining? And if not, well, you didn't waste more than 3 or 4 minutes of your day reading!

Love: Traveling!
Hope: I learn something new at today's meeting!
Do: Get a little extra work done, since I've got an hour or so free!
Thanks*: Today, I'm going to thank the woman who will never read this blog, but sat next to me on a flight, for giving me her old magazines. She was very thoughtful, and now I have reading material for my way home! Although, I also should thank DH for graciously allowing me to travel on occasion!

*New for the month of november - and possibly longer - we'll see!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sleep is good.

My cute little giraffe was not himself today.

A little out of the ordinary, I decided to change clothes after work and take Mark on a run around the lake. Two miles- what could go wrong, eh?

I got about half way around, and the fussing was ridiculous! He was screaming like he has rarely ever done in public, and throwing himself around with a major temper. I have no idea what was causing his craziness. I about wanted to cry myself. I'm not sure if it is good or bad that this was a heavily populated trail. About the time this tantrum started, these two lovely ladies offered their help. For the entire mile back to my car, they pushed the stroller. The offered to carry him. They sang him songs. The also offered numerous pieces of mother's wisdom/advice. Rachel and Samar. I think they kept me from busting into tears of frustration.

Hope: Kiddo is back to himself tomorrow.
Do: Send thoughts of thanks to the two strangers on the trail.
Love: "ordinary" days.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Have you ever wondered what Halloween looks like from a one-year-old's perspective? I imagine it goes something like this.

"Wow. A new person standing at the door, and they are letting me put my hand in the bowl!"

"Do I get to wave bye-bye again?"

"Hoods on costumes = torture!"

"I like when my mommy carries me!"

"What's this sweet stuff? Sugar? Can I have more?"

From a mom's perspective:

Sweating from walking around a bit more than I anticipated- and a workout for my arms like I've not had in a long time. I guess maybe they'll be stronger if I have to carry him through the airport? Oh - and the candy might really be for me and not him!

I did dawn a cape and pitchfork for part of the evening. And made owls!

I will post pictures soon - time to relax, for now! Oh yeah, and watch the world series!

Love: Holidays!
Hope: My arms aren't too sore tomorrow!
Do: Finish laundry tonight. Yay, chores?!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Busy, busy!

One of the best things about not studying is that I can DO things! Mark's nap time no longer means, "Must hit the books!" but can mean - time to blog! Or go on a picnic! Or whatever happens- we can blow with the wind. Or something.

We started the morning with some cleaning and laundry, followed by picnic with daycare. Now, there's plenty of cleaning and such that still needs to be done.

This will last only a couple of days (my energy for doing things like cleaning), so I suppose I should get off the 'puter and take advantage of it!

Love: Fall weather
Hope: The weather continues to be beautiful!
Do: Need to get in a run tomorrow!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Canine Puberty

I'll admit - I never really think about the four-leggers going through Puberty. That is, until something like this happens!

Yep, I found my girl-dog Katie trying on my bra. I don't think it really fit, but it did make for a great laugh and a "must-get-camera-now" moment. She was busted.

Love: Being done with my test. Thank heavens it's over!
Hope: I get some exercise in this weekend!
Do: Try and get back to more regular posting!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


One of the books we have from the Library is called "All the Hippos go Beserk!" We read it to kiddo tonight.

And yep, I'm going beserk. I must have walked around the office 10 times more than usual. I'm always antsy and stressed before an exam - at least for now, I'm holding my own. By tomorrow morning, I'll probably feel like puking. By tomorrow afternoon, I'll feel like being drunk. And for the next several weeks, I'll play major catch up. Laundry and house work are out of control. At least end of an exam is a new beginning for life - - if only for a few moments!

Still more studying and memorizing to do. Blech.

I know there are probably only a handful (if that many) of actuaries who "check in" to my blog - but one of my colleagues put this quote on the "Actuarial Outpost" today, and I thought it was so appropriate I'm going to repost:

"I feel like my marginal passing rate per study hour is dropping faster than an ILF curve." (Note for those non-actuary readers: two of the things I am studying for this exam is "marginal" rates and "ILF Curves")

Love: Reading books to kiddo
Hope: Tomorrow is over fast - and kiddo doesn't get me up in the middle of the night again!
Do: Get to bed early tonight. And eat ice cream. That makes everything better, right?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blogger 2 Blogger

Have you ever had a very "bloggable" day? My day was like that.

It started much like any other day - running a bit late. Things were fairly normal from there, and then I decided to run an errand at lunch.

I went to check-out, and got a whole lot of attitude. In an uncharacteristic display of frustration, I headed straight from the checkout line to the service desk to issue a complaint. I don't know if I felt better or worse after letting someone know.

I understand that people can have a bad day. However, if you're in the service industry, don't take it out on me!

I thought about this for a long while today even after it happened. I tend to over-analyze everything. I think I'm still over-analyzing as I type...

Then, after a quick training session this afternoon, we were walking back to our desks when we saw the gardeners planting Pansies at the office. The resulting conversation made me laugh - so I repost here to end on a better note!

The brief conversation I over-heard went something like this:
"Are those pansies?"
"Yep. I should know- I married one!"

Love: Eavesdropping. I hate to admit that, but as another coworker once said, "I'm a woman - of course I like eavesdropping!"
Hope: Ms. Attitude from lunch errands has a better day - or at least doesn't make anyone else miserable!
Do: Study for 2 more days. Blech. So ready to be done!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin time!

Kiddo didn't have an accident report in Toddlers today- for the first time! Yay!

In other news, it's pumpkin time! We attended a pumpkin carving party yesterday, and had a fun time!

The best part of pumpkin time? At least in my opinion - PUMPKIN SEEDS! I made a carmelized/spicy recipe using the ones I got from the party - awesome! Of course, I love them any way you can eat them. Pumpkin seeds should not go to waste!

Love: Pumpkin seeds and accident-free days!
hope: Nerves stay under control - they are starting to get yucko!
Do: Work on the last several papers I have only a little more time to master!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Quick Pics!

Enjoying the State Fair big-wheel truck, Playing with new phone from Grandma Kathy, and watching his favorite show (the only show we put on "for" him) - Yo Gabba Gabba! Maybe not in that order...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kiddo Stuff..

Kiddo needs his own sign. He can stand on the street corner and advertise "Will walk for pacifier" - okay, maybe not the street corner. Maybe we just need to get a video of him at home. He's up to 2 or 3 steps at a time- but only with proper motivation! When can you say he is "walking" for real? Maybe one day we'll just know.

In other news, we went to the doctor today and (four shots later) we have a normal kiddo. 51st percent for height, 41st percent for weight. Doc doesn't like the rash (neither do we!) and may have to do allergy testing - eventually. In the meantime, we have a regimen of multiple new skin things and follow up in 2 weeks if he is not better.

Another doctor tidbit? Not sleeping at night/waking may be caused because he's getting ready to walk. Weird, but possibly true? (He woke up a few times in the middle of the night last night). Her advice? Don't get into a new "habit" like eating or letting him sleep with us, and this too will pass. I like a practical doc.

No "slip" today for an injury - but he was back in the "infant" room for the day because numbers were weird (they had a teacher out, and needed to shift him so they could keep to their "numbers").

Love: Picture taking. I've gotten a bunch lately, but may not post until after exam. Last weekend to study - yikes!
Hope: I can be productive and get my "list" knocked out.
Do: Get back to it, of course!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 4..

Not that I'm counting, but today was Kiddo's 4th day in toddler class, and his fourth day coming home with an incident report!

Luckily, it's just scratches and bruises- nothing major! And tomorrow we'll be heading to the doc for the one-year check.

I got some pictures of kiddo's friends today! They weren't exactly playing, but it was fun to see them all the same! I stopped in the infant room as well as the toddler room.

Love: Injury-free days!
Hope: We have one soon!
Do: See doc tomorrow. What's up, doc?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Kiddo spent another day in Toddlers. What does that really mean?

Another day coming home with a bruise and/or scratches (with no "real" explanation)

A SUPER tired kiddo - falling asleep before 8pm on the sofa.

A need-snack-or-dinner-now moment upon arriving home.

Some whining and rolling around on the floor.

Yep, it's so much fun, it's only home where you can rest!

Love: the "daily" sheets that comes with the Toddler room. Thanks Ms. L!
Hope: This routine gets worked out eventually; maybe a longer nap during the day?
Do: back to the books..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Overdue Post...

I've got the exam in about 10 days, which means I've been bad about posting recently.

Lots of craziness - including studying, a trip to the fair, and enjoying my one year old!

He's moving up to the toddler room, which means I get an email sheet that is SO fabulous. It includes his picture and a couple tidbits on what he has been up to- and it is the HIGHLIGHT of my day!

Of course, there will be more accidents now that he is in the toddler room. He's been such a pleasant kid the last couple of days, too! Today, he survived 5 miles in the stroller (and even slept part of the time) which was VERY exciting for me!

So yeah- this blog is all over the place- but I'm generally "spent" by the time I've studied, played with kid, etc. I'm really looking forward to the studying being over- so I can catch up on TV a bit, perhaps do a little more blogging (or maybe more regular blogging), and some more running.

In the meantime... you (may have) guessed it... back to the books.

We also went to the fair over the weekend. Kiddo slept in his stroller there, too.

Love: My kiddo - he's been so sweet the last two days! It's like I'm falling in love all over again.
Hope: I'm not too sore tomorrow from my run...
Do: same old stuff.

Friday, October 15, 2010


DH suggested that Kiddo is waiting until he turns one (officially, tomorrow) to walk. Maybe?

Today I saw him stand up in the middle of a room by himself! I also saw, for the first time, him shuffle his first and take 2(ish) "real" steps!

It's fabulous watching a kid learn. Mark's a little tenative- similar to his dad. It is definitely interesting to see him grow!

Love: Kiddo growing up!
Hope: He's walking soon!
Do: Study. Less than 2 weeks to go. Maybe I should just make the "DO" a countdown for the next several posts... Hmm..

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Tonight at Kiddo's daycare, they had a "curriculum" event.

Learning about what the kids are learning is nice - and playing with finger paint was fun - but getting to know Kiddo's friends' parents a little better was probably my favorite part of the evening!

In his current class (infants), there are about 6 kids born between October and December 2009 - which means that all 6 kiddos (as they turn one) will be moving on up to the next room! One kiddo even shares Mark's birthday!

Anyhow - kids are awesome. Getting to know new people is also awesome. Hopefully one or two of them will stop by my blog - and to those parents of kiddo's friends, I give a special "hello"! Perhaps we'll have a play date soon!

Love: Meeting the parents of kiddo's friends
Hope: One or two "check in"
Do: Get back to my books! Two weeks from tomorrow (and counting!)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Proud Mom

This may sound dumb. And by dumb, I mean really stupid. But I was a proud mom that my kid got dirty with his first birthday cake. And I mean really dirty.

The cake - and obligatory cake face picture - are attached. A good time was had by all (even though "all" translates into a very small group of people). According to a friend, I got bonus points for the chocolate and green icing! It was on a cinnamon swirl cake, and turned out pretty yummy! Although first attempt was a fail (chocolate cake - if you have silicon bakeware, spray it with pam first!)

I'm sure it will be a bit more emotional for me when kiddo is really one - which is another whole 6 days away!

So why was I a proud mama? Because I love getting dirty! I like playing in mud, and smearing stuff all over. I do the arts and crafts for the pure experience of getting messy! The clean-up part is not so much fun, but I definitely enjoy the mess. (Luckily, my house is typically not representative of the fact that I love messes!)

What do I mean by messy? Well, take the cake, for example. It's supposed to be a turtle (head to the right) and it has a "messy" charm to it. I'm no pro decorator, but I enjoyed making it!

I think Dad's part of the first birthday was opening all the kid toys - we have one spoiled little guy!

Next year, I hope that we can invite at least one or two of kiddo's little friends. By then, he'll hopefully have some requests and thoughts of his own that he can share with us!

Love: Messy face!
Hope: Readers enjoy his first birthday pictures!
Do: Need to get back to studying for the day!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


One of my favorite things about my in-laws in town? Sharing pictures!

Here are a few pictures that were not taken by me of my precious little guy!

Today is kiddo's party - a bit early. Hopefully I'll post a cake-face tomorrow!

Love: Visitors
Hope: We do something fun today!
Do: Need to finish decorating kiddo's cake- wish me luck!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Usually, once you are "diagnosed" - it's a relief that at least you know something. So diagnoses (is that the plural) are typically interesting.

Kiddo went to the doctor yesterday. He was diagnosed with a "Geographic tongue". There's something pretty cool about that diagnosis. I think the fact that the word "geographic" is a part of it makes it pretty interesting.

The good part about it is that it has nothing to do with anything, and he'll have it his entire life - and we can at least read more to understand what it is he "has".

Love: A diagnosis that helps explain things!
Hope: We're through with "doctor visits" after his one-year checkup!
Do: Possibly need to take kiddo to dermatologist- he's got eczema and we're lotioning him up twice a day but with little relief! At least the rash doesn't seem to bother him much.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Some days, I feel "obligated" to post, but I don't feel like I have anything to say.

When I start typing, I almost always come up with something. Some days I could type on and on and on. I think typing can be therapeutic - as can putting your "thoughts" on "paper," however silly that may seem.

This is a busy week - a conference tomorrow and the in-laws coming to visit, a birthday party for Kiddo on Saturday, and who knows what else the week and next few days have in store.

Our house is clean, our fridge is stocked.

So let the entertaining begin!!

Come on. I'm waiting. Are you going to entertain me?

I guess not. Oh well, have a good day anyway!

Love: Talking to myself electronically, I suppose!
Hope: Tomorrow is a good day
Do: Need to study. At least get out the flash cards and pretend. Or maybe just go to bed early. Hmm..

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Who knew you could be so excited about shoes?

We got kiddo a new pair recently. He crawled over to the table and pulled the shoe box down from the table, and was playing with them.

Obligingly, I put them on. He proceeded to happily crawl around the house for a while! Eventually, I went and explained to him that we could take them off, since we are inside. He cried!

So alas, kiddo wore the shoes until bedtime. Weird kid!

In other news - he's not a fan of chicken nuggets.

Love: Telling stories about kiddo
Hope: We finish cleaning soon!
Do: Need to clean, study - the usual.

Friday, October 1, 2010


You saw the title, what came to mind?

Today, in my life, it holds a couple of meanings. First of all, after a few days of rain, we are finally in the "usual" temperature range for this time of year (translation: highs are no longer in the 90s!) I'm looking forward to a mild - maybe almost chilly- weekend!

In other news, though, Bug has a temperature over 101. Poor fella. It was the day I received my first "call" from daycare that I need to come pick up the kid. He's been home sleeping almost every since, but has wanted more water/milk than usual. Although he skipped most of dinner. He let me hold him while he was very still for almost an hour! Daddy is with him now - he may be going to bed a bit later than usual, and hopefully he isn't up in the middle of the night. Only the 2nd or 3rd time we've given him tylenol!

Love: Weekends! Although this one is a "work" weekend - cleaning and such!
Hope: Kiddo starts feeling better this weekend.
Do: Have 2 more papers before I'm "first pass" through the material. Would LOVE to finish tonight, but likelihood of that is, unfortunately, relatively small.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What is it?

Making new friends is a hard process to describe. What is it, really? Is it "flirting"? Is it "dating"? When there is a new person, and something about them "strikes" you as someone you'd like to get to know better - how do you describe that?

If you're single, there's all kinds of terms for this type of experience. But what if you're married? If the person you are "courting" is of the same gender?

Since we've moved to Raleigh, there have been lots of new people - and a few stand out as those I want to know a little better. Whether they have a sense of humor that strikes my funny bone, or perhaps tease me in a way that I enjoy - it's interesting how these "new" relationships develop. There aren't the same "courtship" rules. Would XYZ person be interested in going to lunch, if I asked? Would ABC person be interested in joining me to study?

Relationships. One of the few things that really makes the world churn. Good, bad, or indifferent- relationships keep life interesting, I suppose.

Love: Navigating the relationships of life- especially when it comes to "courting" new friendships!
Hope: Someone, somewhere, has those same thoughts about me, and looks at me as a "possible" new friend that they enjoy getting to know better.
Do: Need to break out the books - I'm behind this week!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010


I'm fascinated that kiddo is learning words all the time, even if he doesn't exactly know what they mean.

We know he understands because I've been working hard trying to use sign language with him. As of now, he understands "goodbye", "More" (which also means hungry/drink/etc), and all-finished. He can also blow kisses, which is adorable! This morning, I got him up and kissed his cheek- my usual morning routine- and in return, he blew a kiss back at me. So sweet!

I'll be posting pics soon. Kiddo got an awesome surprise from the grandparents!

Love: Kisses from my baby!
Hope: I get study time at work this week!
Do: Go to bed early, and possibly get up early?

Sunday, September 26, 2010


How's the weather?
About to rain, we need it!

What are you doing?
Watching a strange guy on TV taking pictures in a park.

What did you eat for lunch?
A burger with onion rings and a shake.

What time is it?
A little after 4pm.

Did you have a good weekend?
Didn't do much, but it was OK.

Love: Talking about Rebecca in third person.
Hope: I can get more studying in this afternoon/evening!
Do: Need to start thinking about dinner....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hard Work & Dictionaries

What do Hard work and dictionaries have in common? Other than the fact that those are both things running through my head at the moment, I can't come up with anything.

But then again, what do starbucks, shopping and socks have in common (other than the fact that they start with s)? I digress already.

Hard work.
Some people get stuff in life because they have some sort of natural talent. I feel like I'm not one of those people - and that I've had to work really hard for everything. For example, I'm totally addicted to a VERY STUPID game on facebook. Basically, the more you play (the more often) the more points you can earn, and your "level" goes up. I'm among the highest level of my friends, but for some reason, I can't seem to score at the "top" very often. Some people just have to practice more than others, I guess. Perhaps I shouldn't admit to spending so much time on a stupid game.

Every once in a while, I like to think about what the "Rebecca" dictionary would have in it. Today, I came up with what it would have as a synonym for accounting: routine. A friend who works in the accounting/finance field said he wasn't a fan of routine, and I felt obligated to remind him of what the Rebecca dictionary says.

My dictionary would also have lots of new words in it - for the purpose of playing scrabble, of course. For example, the word Keyes would be valid. There are several other words that I come up with often. The non-word "Xa" is another one I thought of today while attempting to play. And the letter Q would have a whole lot more words that didn't involve the letter U. But that's another digression, I suppose, since I really intended on just posting today's synonym from the dictionary.

Love: Making up words. You should try it sometime. And I love to eat. Don't know why, but I feel like I'm always thinking about my next meal.
Hope: Something. I can't think of a "hope" for today.
Do: Look forward to the fall feeling like the fall!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I am very bad with secrets. Not with keeping secrets, mind you, but with other people keeping secrets.

I have this "need to know" that drives even me crazy sometimes. Maybe that's what makes me a good analyst. I hate it when people feel like they have to "hide" something. It's even worse when they "hint" at something.

So, I do everything I can to figure things out faster. When I was a child, this meant opening presents on Christmas morning - then putting everything back together so I could go get mom, dad, brother and sister all up so we could do it together, by the parent rules.

Even with internet, sometimes it's not as easy to find things as you would think.

Love: Secrets - except when they are kept from me!
Hope: I find what I'm looking for...
Do: Need to be studying instead of blogging!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I won't be "corn"y, and say it was a-"maze"-ing - but it was my first corn maze! And it was very fun, indeed!

We donned the sunscreen, hat, and glasses (times 3 - for me, DH, and Kiddo) for 90 degree weather. And we made our way around about half of the maze or so! There was also fun in the sand, and with inflatables. I'd like to say we enjoyed the hay ride - but we missed that part! I was seriously bummed. (The last time I remember being on a hay ride was in college!) Another sign that it is, indeed, fall! I wish, however, the weather would get the memo- - I'd like something other than a high of 90 please!

Love: Time with family.
Hope: My muscles and body recover from a tough 4(ish) mile run, followed by the maze!
Do: Get better fall pictures with kiddo when it cools off a bit!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


We eat dinner out, on average, about once a week or so - sometimes twice.

Tonight, we received some of the BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE I have received in a long time.

We went to Mimi's - one of my favorite places, even though the menu has been completely redone, and immediately after being seated - before the waiter even came over to say hello - we had a "toddler plate." This included some cheerios, a package of saltine crackers, and an orange slice.

To non-parents, this might seem like "no big deal." But it absolutely made my day.

Kiddo likes to eat earlier than we do, so most of the time, we arrive at a restaurant and he is READY TO EAT! Many times, we have to immediately beg the server to bring something for him - a piece of bread, a side of re-fried beans. In fact, before heading to dinner this evening, DH and I had a conversation about whether or not we should give him a snack. The pre-dinner toddler plate was awesome. Not only did it keep Kiddo quiet and happy before we had our regular meal, but I actually had a chance to read the menu!

So many times, people share their "horror" stories from dining at a restaurant- such as a bad server that won't refill the beverage, or waiting forever for a check. Fortunately for us, that was not tonight's dining experience.

On the topic of service, I think it is only appropriate that I share some other recommendations I have seen lately. This is a bit of a delayed referral, but a friend recently (7/31/2010) posted about excellent customer service at Jet Blue airlines and with Snapfish.

Granted, my blog readership isn't spreading the word "too far" since my readership is relatively limited, but I do think that good companies and good service is worth sharing. Where have you gotten good customer service lately?

Love: Fantastic Customer Service
Hope: Others will share their stories!
Do: Spread the word!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Everything has been the same routine lately.

And it just occurred to me that kiddo is 11 months old today. For some reason, it lacks the "jazz" that some of the other months have had. Maybe it's 'cause he's nearly one. Now, to plan a party for him, eh?

It's nice, at least, that kiddo finally likes toys. :)

Love: Kiddo's smiles.
Hope: I can learn patience. Perhaps it is even more important than the stuff I'm studying for the actuarial exam!
Do: More studying, less playing online.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More pictures...

I can use a spoon!

Aren't I cute?

Me and my Circus Tent!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today, my friends, the blog is about ketchup. The whole blog. How could I possibly fill a blog with Ketchup? Well - it started with dinner.

We met some friends and went to one of my favorite local places. And while dining, the ketchup was emptied by the three people at the table having burgers and fries.

So, as the ketchup bottle from our table was re-homed to a different table (and the ketchup from the re-homed location mysteriously stolen), we began discussing restaurant habits involving ketchup. Do they refill the bottle? Do they replace the bottle? How long could a refilled bottle stay on the table?

The answer? Bottles are replaced. At least at this particular restaurant!

Although, next time you eat ketchup, will you wonder how old it is? Is ketchup from, say, June somehow worse than ketchup from September?

And on the topic of restaurant habits- what about salt and pepper? Or, as my friend suggested, tartar sauce? Are those refilled or replaced? Does it matter?

Couch Tag

Mark has developed a new game. It keeps him entertained for hours. It is called couch tag, and this is how it works. After we put him on the couch, he tags the person on one side of the couch. Then, he tags the person (or dog, or pillow, or end table) on the other side. Then, it's back to the other side. Back and forth, back and forth - for quite a long time!

Love: Silly games.
Hope: Weather stays nice!
Do: Get to the books!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Life's phases are interesting. For me, I haven't posted this week because I have the "blah"s. Can't get myself in check. Tried running one day this week, and still haven't found my "balance". DH pointed out that I haven't done yoga in a while. Maybe that's what I need. One way or another, I'd like to be out of this funk. Soon.

Hope: The funk comes to an end soon.
Love: Eh. Having a beer with dinner, I suppose.
Do: Something.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I often wonder what kiddo's vocabulary will eventually be like.

Will he adopt my odd terms - for example, I ask if he is "hungers" (instead of hungry), and I tell him when things are "non-negotiable."

We were playing with the neighbors - and the mom of the 3 1/2 year old stopped calling him "baby Mark" so the name doesn't stick and get picked up by her young son. I thought that was interesting. Of course, I'm certain that's something one day I will figure out for myself.

Until then - Kiddo is signing "more" and "finished". He waves "goodbye" pretty regularly (and even does it if we read a story that has the word "goodbye" in it).

I'm not sure he really grasps the meaning of the words- but he can at least repeat the signs! For now, I'm thankful that we're starting to communicate... for REAL!

Love: silly words
hope: Kiddo catches on and makes some of his own one day
Do: go to bed!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Picture Blast!

Enjoy some pictures today, for a brief update into what Kiddo has been up to lately!

Check out my new top teeth!

I learned to stick out my tongue! Disregard the snack I was eating at the time...

I love playing Piano!

Another of my favorite games? Peek-a-boo!

Mom thinks I make a cute bug-in-a-rug!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I love watching chefs on TV. I also enjoy eating my DH's yummy creations once a week! But I, myself, rarely venture beyond the "comfort" zone.

Sure, I do OK when it comes to standard dinner foods - precooked skillet meals, spaghetti, grilled cheese... Rarely do I venture beyond the usual! Tonight was a bit of an exception, as I tried my hand at frenched rack of lamb. Thank goodness for internet recipes! Some garlic and rosemary, some tinfoil - thank you to my favorite local grocer (TJ's) for the easy side dish and premade bread!

Tonight's lamb was a pleasantly suprising success! The lamb was juicy, and the sides were good. I even added a salad, so it was relatively healthy!

This weekend, I'm on a roll with the cooking. Rice Krispie treats, chocolate chip cookies, jello with pears, and dinner. Still on the list? Maybe some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and my favorite chili-edamame snack!

Love: Cooking - - occasionally. Especially when the results are YUM!
Hope: I'm not too sore tomorrow - 4 mile run pushing a stroller (minus 1/2 a mile carrying a baby).
Do: Keep on the study-roll for tomorrow! But for tonight? Enjoy a movie with my DH!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


It's a bit hard to be completely unaffected by the energy in the air that surrounds that odd shaped pigskin ball.

Yep - I can hardly believe it myself - I'm posting about football. I've never been a football fan - but I do love the social chatter that surrounds it, and watching my husband light up as the first game of the season approaches.

Along with the pigskin ball comes the signs of fall. Of course, for me, I officially call September 1st fall. What else makes it fall?

I bought kiddo a halloween costume. On sale at Amazon - woohoo!

Overnight low is supposed to be 58 degrees. PERFECT for waking up and going on a long run!

I bought kiddo a light-weight jacket.

School is back in session.

What do I love about fall? New beginnings. I've always been a big fan of fresh starts - even though they are often NOT easy. I think of it like a morning - getting up, fresh air, showering.. Or like a Monday - while most people don't like Monday's, I often like the new beginning.

Love: Fall
Hope: The weather remains like this for a good long while!
Do: Need to pull the books out- can't believe it's so late in the day already!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


We went to dinner tonight- one of my favorites, dinner for breakfast - and kiddo used a spoon for the first time! I guess the yogurt with his face-pancake was a good bribe, because I put the yogurt on the spoon, and he put the spoon in his mouth! And he did this a few more times - as long as the spoon had yogurt, he did whatever he could to have more! Good thing kiddo likes yogurt!

Anyway, it made for an exciting dinner - at least, for me! Sometimes, I think DH just looks at me and thinks, "She's crazy." But hey, aren't we all? Some of us are just more open about our craziness than others.

Kiddo used a spoon!

Love: That kiddo has at least made his first attempt at utensils!
Hope: We don't have to wait 6 months before he tries utensils out again!
Do: Make plans for labor day weekend? or plan to do nothing?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


That is, 33% of 2010 remains before we embark upon another year! And for the record, I didn't come up with that on my own. I just repeated what DH said... sort of!!

Big work project today, done.

It's officially Fall (in my world), and that means many things. Lots of football games (for those so inclined; not me!) Trees changing colors... New babies all around...

Today we met a kid that will be in Mark's daycare starting in October- her name is Sydney. There are 5 kiddos with October 2009 birthdays - including Sarah, Ian (who was also born on 10/16), Connor, Mark, and soon - Sydney! Eventually, they will be joining the toddlers with Aiden and others. No definite plans, yet.

Mark stood on his own this evening, even if just for a few seconds.

Love: My nerdy husband.
Hope: I get up sooner tomorrow so I don't have a rushed morning!
Do: Need to pull out the books, yet again. I know, that's an update that's getting old. Only two months to go, though!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lessons Learned

Here's what I know now, that I didn't know before:

Teething is the root of all evil. (Kiddo has tooth number 3, officially, as of today, and was fussy a good portion of the weekend. His tongue also has weird spots, and his appetite today was very poor. We temporarily lost the teething jell - but it showed up this morning as I was doing laundry. Go figure.)

Another way to say "corn dog": pig in a puppy. (Courtesy of a street sign- I think it's akin to pigs in a blanket, but like a pig in a hush-puppy shortened, maybe?)

North Carolina is a bit "hick." As heard over the radio at a fast food restaurant: "Come guess the weight of the pig in the freezer!" (At a maytag sale)

The Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium is a step up from the first North Carolina Aquarium we visited - it even had an Octopus!

Ocean waves are scary. Really scary. (Kiddo didn't like the water - luckily, he eventually levelled out. It only took a bucket of some salt water and a pacifier!)

Always keep the camera battery charged. (Of course it would run out the one weekend we opted to go to the beach with Kiddo for the first time! Luckily, I did capture a pic or two on the cell phone!)

Email reminders actually work!

Sunshine is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Vitamin D is good!

Lessons learned on "your" time are better than lessons learned on "company" time!

My memory has already begun to fade from the day - as I am sure there were many more lessons that I have already forgotten!

Love: A day with my boys in the sunshine. I think it's a dose of heaven!
Hope: This week goes by quickly - but with a Sept 1 big deadline, I am sure it will!
Do: Enjoy the late days of summer (or is that lazy days?)..

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I got my dose of Vitamin D and friends today - which was lots of fun! Some studying, some crafts, a movie, and lunch. What a day!

What wasn't fun? Kiddo has some more teeth that seem to be on their way, which means a bit of fussiness.

I love the sunshine.
I hope the Beach tomorrow doesn't leave me with a sunburn!
I do need to get in some more study time this evening...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Potty Parity

I don't often post about work. However, this week I was particularly tickled by a phrase my manager used: Potty Parity. We were talking about having 4 stalls in the women's restroom vs 2 stalls in the men's restroom, since over 80% of my office is female.

For some reason, the phrase cracked me up. I'm still laughing just to think about it!

Most phrases using "potty" aren't exactly "good." Although there is potty mouth, which I guess is descriptive, but not exactly "bad." How can you be "exactly" good if you aren't good, or "exactly" bad if you aren't bad?

I'm confused now.

What is the blog today about? Who took over my head? Do you hear the voices, too?

You're welcome for the "glance" inside. Hopefully your thoughts organize themselves better than min!

Love: Coherent thoughts, unlike those above.
Hope: The evening is relatively uneventful.
Do: Need to figure out what we're up to this evening!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I am finally getting around to posting a watermelon coma - in case you've never seen a watermelon coma, I'm quite sure this is what they look like. :)

The thought for today, however, is about being practical. You see, I'm not one to throw out/pour out water from "old" water bottles. Why can't it be re-frigerated and consumed? I don't get throwing away water.

The other night, I made dinner for the family. Nachos with guacamole. I asked my DH if he knew why that was the meal I decided on. I was amazed- he correctly answered, "because you needed to use the avocado- they were getting old."

Yes, I tend to be quite practical. Not always, or about everything - it's just a tendency and it certainly doesn't apply to all aspects of my life. I do find, though, with a kiddo around, it's just easier.

At a cul-de-sac picnic the other evening, at least two neighbors pulled pine needles out of Mark's mouth. I didn't bother. I figured with the dirt, ceiling crumbs, and dog treats, it rounded out a nutritious day of snacks. Okay, really that's only partly true. If I know it has chemicals in it and could be dangerous (like ceiling crumbs), I do try and take it away a little quicker.

But - at the end of the day- my kid is going to eat dirt. And bugs. And that's just part of being a kid.

Love: The recent "silly snacking" that Kiddo has been doing.
Hope: Hand to mouth doesn't last forever!
Do: Have to get the wee one to bed- even though he had another 6pm nap!