Friday, January 30, 2009

16+9=25 Random Factoids

I think 25 is the new 16?

At the end of November, I posted 16 random things about me. Now it's the end of January, and everyone recently has been upping the ante to 25 random things! I'm... resourceful (as opposed to lazy)... so I'm reposting my 16 things, and adding 9 to make a total of 25!

For those only interested in something new.... Skip to #17!

1. I know more about dogs than the average person from training my dog, Kobe, in Agility for several years. When we participated in dog shows, the dog-related conversations ranged from breeding, to training, to alternative ways to cut nails.

2. The only way I like my hair cut is long and straight. Anytime I do something different (get it cut off, get a perm) I always go back to long and straight. Easy to put up for work or exercise, and fine to just leave down. In the last few years, I've gotten highlights a few times.... just because long and straight gets boring every now and again.

3. I have an "I Love you" toast stamper on my desk. It's from one of my favorite toy stores -- Toy Joy in Austin, Texas.

4. I love planning - and having plans. I get bored easily. I'm always looking forward to what's next. Right now, there's house hunting, going to see Stomp, and hopefully planning a honeymoon!

5. Socks, Socks, Socks. Yes, I love them. I have a passion for them. (This is old news, now that my blog has socks in the title.) I own more socks than any one person should ever own. I've got toe socks, socks that light up, and socks that are "clear." I've got fuzzy socks, and socks of just about every color of the rainbow. I have socks for every holiday, and random socks for book club (harry potter), or thong sandals (where they are more like mitten socks than glove/toe socks). I love socks.

6. My bedspread is red. (Hey, that rhymes!)

7. Since Seth and I met, we've been about 18 different places, and we have tons and tons of pictures. I narrowed that down to 150 for a wedding slide show, but clearly - - we love to travel and spend time together, and I hope our list of places to go and see continues to grow for the rest of our lives!

8. I love kids and everything or anything that has to do with kids. I love making faces and playing games. I love children's cookbooks and fun foods. I love laughing and the energy of children. I love scouting, and camp songs (and recently became a girl scout co-leader). I take every opportunity to be fun and silly - including jumping on trampolines, crawling on the floor, and getting dirty.

9. My last trip to Kansas was unexpected.

10. I am inspired, refreshed, and renewed by being outdoors. When I've had a bad day, there's nothing like a good walk or run to get rid of the negative stuff floating around in my head. I can take the dogs, or go by myself. Everytime I've spent 10 minutes or more outside, I return to the inside-world energized. Sunshine or rain, cold or hot - - enjoying the beauty of nature is among my favorite pastimes.

11. I started blogging because I felt like I should blog more often. It's something I actually like doing once in a while, but (before starting this blog, of course) I never took the time. I feel like if I scheduled it, that it would be too forced and I would no longer enjoy it. So, I'm stuck with a pattern of updating and/or posting something only once in a blue moon. I guess the moon is blue today, so I hope if you made it this far you are enjoying my random facts!

12. When we leave town, the thermostat is kept at about 62 in the winter. When we get cold, it's a bit chilly - - but no worries, we know some good techniques to warm up!

13. I give money to charity. I don't usually go around telling many people, because it's something I do for me and not for any kind of recognition. I can't always help my family in the ways they need it, so I donate to their community instead in hopes that in some small way, I can help pay for the services they may need to use. In fact, more than half of the money I give to charity goes to the community where my family lives (Wichita, Kansas).

14. I like to write, and one day hope to publish an autobiography. Until I moved to North Carolina, I even had the appropriate title - - - it was going to be named "My Life: Up and Down I-35". Unfortunately, where I live now is no longer on I-35. It is, however, along I-40. So somehow, a new name will eventually come to me. Of course, I guess I should probably start writing. The chapters I wrote in high school and middle school are a start, but a lot has happened since then. And I am excited to watch my chapters continue to unfold!

15. For my wedding, I had a weird rash on my left arm that I had the makeup person help me cover.

16. I am thankful for all of my friends and family. Since I have not lived in Kansas for a long time, I have always had friends that have adopted me as their family. Whether it's a running buddy, an agility friend, a coworker... I am eternally grateful for everyone who has been a part of my life. For the lessons I've learned, for the dinners we've shared, for the laughter and the tears - - thank you for being my friend.

17. I can be very controlling. Sometimes I get something set in my mind a certain way, and I will stop at nothing to achieve or accomplish whatever that is. Once, I was up well past my usual bedtime seeking out a specific book (and visiting 5 or 10 bookstores until I had that book in hand.)

18. I enjoy wine, but often get headaches from drinking it.

19. I spend entirely too much time on the computer, and sometimes start feeling guilty for it as a result. Recently, I've been playing more games online (especially on Facebook - Scrabble and Pack Rat are my favorites!)

20. I like the 24 hours following a run. The running part is not always fun - - and almost always hard to get motivated to do - - but I know it makes a difference in the 24 hours that follows, and is one of my top 5 ways to relieve stress. (Starbucks, shopping, and socks would likely also be in the top 5!)

21. Finding 25 random things to say IS hard. I'm sitting here reading through other people's blogs and/or random facts to finish out my list. When it comes to words.... I'm not ashamed to beg, borrow, or (in this case) steal.

22. I work at the Rate Bureau where we do Rate Filings. Today, we had to finish the Automobile Filing to be filed with the Department of Insurance before 5pm. It was about 1200 pages or more, and we had to make 8 copies.

23. I recently failed an Actuarial Exam. I have to (choose to?) take it again in late October/beginning of November. I only have two more to pass before I am done with them for good!

24. We have been eating out most of this week because we have not been groce ry shopping in a while. We are out of several basics, including cheddar cheese, orange juice, coke, and most fruits and vegetables.

25. I am very practical when it comes to cars. Currently, my Toyota Camry has a broken windshield, a broken grate on the front, and other damage that has not been repaired from about 3 or 4 accidents. Yes, I am a bad driver.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I really want to make a post that says, "Normalacy returns" - - but what is that, really?

For us, being able to drive around town and get somewhere without the GPS has provided some comfort/semblance of normalacy. Still being "new in town," it's amazing how much little things such as having to use a GPS for everything make a difference!

This lack of using the GPS probably won't stick with us for too long, though, as the hunt for a house has begun! We are meeting with a realtor today, and we have gotten pre-approved so we know a price range. It's such a vast area - - and there are hundreds of houses to sort through! Right now, the task seems fairly daunting.

All-in-all, I'm very thankful for the last week of "quiet." Things will be busy with work for both me and the hubby in the next week (and I'm even doing a little work on a Sunday!) - - but the fact that it's work, and home, means that it's somewhat normal/expected. And I'm enjoying that.

Every time I think of something old/normal, though, something else new pops into my mind.. like the fact that tomorrow will be my 2nd brownie meeting, where I'll be helping as a coleader. It's girl scout cookie time, too! No worries, though - - the cookie baker assures us that none of the tainted peanut products were purchased and/or used in the making of the yummy cookies.

I think I've digressed here more than a typical post - - so I'll leave with just one more thought.

I like to think of myself as a forgiving person -- and I think, in many ways, that continues to help me navigate and cruise through my life in a way that leads to happiness. Everyone has a different path, I suppose - - but I'm quite satisifed with my life at the moment. Bad things happen to everyone - - but the quicker we, as people, can forgive, and find love and peace, the more we can cherish life.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Where to begin?

So few days - - - and so much to update the world on. Where to begin?

First and foremost, Thank you. (Yes, YOU.) SO MANY people have written emails, letters, posted to my Facebook account, called, stopped by my office, or just plain been supportive the last week. I am completely overwhelmed. I am greatful. I am inspired and encouraged by the generosity, compassion, and thoughtfulness of human kind. I am blessed beyond my imagination.

As you, my readers, may know by now, my father died in a fire at his home in Wichita, Kansas on January 9th. I think how exactly I feel about the situation is constantly in flux. There are moments where I am sad, and want to call to see how he is doing. There are moments where I am thankful that he was able to make our December wedding. I am glad he is no longer suffering. As the year continues, I imagine there will be several more feelings I will have to work through. What I know now, however, is that there are a multitude of people there for me. The memorial service was literally overflowing with people. My dad made an impression on so many people. He loved me, and I love him.

There has been so much more going on, although granted, it is all somewhat overshadowed by my father's untimely death.

On my 32nd birthday (January 14), my sister gave birth to her 4th child - Grace Elizabeth. I'm happy to report that my niece is healthy, after entering the world feet first! My sister is still recovering - both from the birth of the child, as well as from signing her parental rights over to adoptive parents. My sister is an amazing person who has truly had a rough life. At this point in her life, having the baby adopted is the best decision possible for the child. It will be an open adoption, and I got to meet the adoptive parents while my sister was in labor. We will be able to exchange pictures and keep in touch to some degree.

In other news, my dog Kobe is now home from the hospital and on his road to recovery. He is walking again - - almost on his own. He continues to grow stronger each day. He continues to be the apple of my eye, and an inspiration. Although agility can no longer be a part of his life, new adventures await him.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 9, 2009

A tribute to my Kobe...

I've spent quite a lot of time over the last few days thinking about my Kobe, so I thought it was time I devote some space on my blog to my best friend.

You see, Kobe isn't just any dog. He's my first dog. I had dogs growing up, and I enjoyed them. But with Kobe - it's more of a partnership. I've spent numerous hours training him, but he's spent numerous hours teaching me.

I've learned about loving unconditionally. Kobe wags his tail when I get home - - every day. If I yell at him for digging through the trash, or if I fail to give him exercise for a long period of time, I still get the wagging tail when I get home. He forgives me.

I've learned about independence. Even as a dog, it's okay to do your own thing. In training for agility, one of my favorite memories was when my dog trainer told me (and the rest of the class) that Kobe has a middle finger. If there is something more important that needs to be sniffed, or a small animal that needs to be chased, everything else can wait. You see - - taking time out for what is important in life is a great way to live.

I've learned that sometimes, you sniff the wrong butts. Kobe has been sprayed by a skunk - - twice. He didn't learn the first time. I'm hoping I'm a little quicker at learning from my mistakes- but I am human, and I've certainly made some mistakes in my life - - sniffing the wrong butts, I suppose.

I've learned the importance of exercise. If only I could be as excited about running as Kobe is, I'd be a much healthier person!

I've learned that if you're having fun, it's okay if you don't always win. Kobe and I have run many agility courses together - - and he helped me learn to enjoy the moment. In fact, one of my favorite awards was for the dog that was having the most fun on a course. It was Easter, and we even beat a famous AKC Championship!

He's taught me patience, and the value in keeping your mouth shut sometimes. He does a great stay. Once we were at the emergency vet, and he wouldn't squeal/yelp in pain when the vet put a muzzle on him.

Starting when we got back from spending time with family over the holidays, the kennel called and told us Kobe wasn't walking right. That led to one vet visit, which lead to another, etc. After getting progressively worse, an MRI revealed a cyst (like a blister) attached to a disc in his spine (a discular cyst). Surgery yesterday (1/8/09) removed the cyst. Now, he's healing and still at the vet hospital. He's scheduled to come home on Sunday, and I'm looking forward to it. Our house will be back to normal, and we'll be on our way to at least a healthier 2009.

So - if you've got a glass of wine (or can of pop, or even a bottle of water) sitting next to your computer - - please lift it and join me in a toast.

To Kobe.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

How to name a blog?

Well it's a new year, right? So why not start blogging. I've been relatively religious about following blogs of a few friends who seem to make it look easy to just randomly toss down some thoughts for the day or week or moment. Not so sure it will be that easy for me to update, but why not start the new year with something new, eh?

Right. So how to name a blog? Oh - before that - I digress again. I had to explain what a blog was to my mom a while back. It's always so fun and interesting to try and explain something new to someone, and their reactions. Anyhow.

Starbucks, Shopping and Socks. Why? Well - those are a few of my favorite things. :) When I'm down, or need a pick-me-up, or just need some clarity and mental health, I can go to Starbucks, go shopping, or change my socks. I'm a big advocate of all of three, actually. I rarely pay for Starbucks - and I don't go daily (sometimes not even weekly!), but I always get a Chai. Sometimes tall, sometimes grande. Sometimes with Soy, sometimes non-fat. Once, they added a shot of espresso - - I made them refix it.

I guess I'm full of digressions today.

I rarely pay for Starbucks because I use my credit card rewards to get gift cards. When I'm out of gift cards, I either order a new one, or stop going. I especially like going to Starbucks in the airport.

As for Socks, I used to be a toe-sock fanatic. I still love me a good pair of toe socks, but really, socks are more or less a collection. Fuzzy Socks, purple socks, toe socks, socks that are clear, socks that light up.. I even had to get toe shoes once, just for the frivolty of it.

Shopping? That's something that mellows me out. I like book stores, and clothing stores, and even Target. Just walking around is great - although money seems to slip from my pockets just as easily as the latest and greatest whatever catches my eye. Just today, I was out and bought Christmas presents for next year. Not many people shop in January for the following Christmas!

So, there you have it. Starbucks, Shopping, and Socks is born. And no, to my knowledge, I can not shop for socks at Starbucks. Maybe the next post will be more relevant. Most likely, it will at least have some information about my beloved puppies!