Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another quick follow-up blog!

In case you were wondering...

Our tally for the day (signatures and initials required to close on our new house):

Signatures - 34
Initials - 27

Now for our interim role as landlords...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Pie, Closing..

In response to the last blog - I couldn't resist. I had yet another piece of pie later that evening. And another one for breakfast the next morning. That made for 5 slices of pie in less than 48 hours. And what's more? Last time I was at the store I bought a (small!!) apple pie. I guess I'm on a pie kick lately. Maybe I'll actually MAKE a pie one day. Until then... perhaps I need an intervention.

We close on the house tomorrow, and we did our final walk through today. I am SOOO excited. This house is really awesome!!! I am very much looking forward to OWNING a house again! This time, I was more attentive to the details. The wallpaper in the kitchen isn't so bad. The "baby" room is green and the "guest" room is lilac/purple. The bathroom is in fact yellow - and everything else is pretty neutral. I found a really cool place to hang our huge picture. The back fence has some gaps in it that we'll need to take care of with chicken wire or some such thing even after we've fenced in the remainder of the perimeter. And the house has two really interesting tree stumps.

Anyhow.. Maybe my next task will be to count how many times I sign and initial at closing tomorrow, so I can provide a full report! This, of course, in addition to all the signing and initialing of the contract, the rental agreement, the fix it request, (in my best the King and I impression electronically) - et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pi day - and more

It's past pi day, actually.

If you aren't quite the math nerd that I am - Pi day is March 14th, since the mathematical equivalent of pi is 3.14159... or approximately 3.14.

So why would I write about Pi day two weeks later?

Well, that was a pretty crazy few days. To recap:
3/13 - Friday the 13th
3/14 - Pi Day
3/15 - Ides of March
3/16 - Husband's 30th Birthday
3/17 - St Patrick's Day

That's quite a few holidays/celebrations back to back - - - not quite the 12 days of Christmas, but lots to think about and keep busy. I actually made a pie on the 15th - - Lemon meringue. It's one of the worst things I've ever made. Note to self: Use fresh eggs, and be sure the jello says "cook and serve" if you attempt to try this in the future!

So since then, I've been CRAVING pie. Last night we bought some at the store. Today, I had a piece for breakfast, and another piece after work as a snack. This time, it's cherry pie - and it is very yummy. I would have gone for the Apple, but any fruity pie will do - - and my honey said he would be more likely to spare me from having to eat the entire Cherry pie myself. Although at this rate, it might just be gone before he even remembers we had it in the first place...

The debate now: another piece? Or self control?

Maybe I'll update next post. :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Definitely not my favorite thing in the world, but it does seem appropriate. This year was the first time I filled out a bracket! I did it on facebook, however, and only got half way through (didn't realize I needed to finish it so quickly).... So I'm only halfway there! I think Basketball may be my favorite sport to watch, either live or on TV. Before I left Austin, I got to see Kansas and Texas play last season- which was a great game, since those are the two teams I feel some sort of connection to for one reason or another. Kansas, because my dad was always a huge supporter. I grew up in Kansas, and also have several friends who are major Kansas fans! Secondly, Texas, because I married a good ol' Texas Boy.

In other sports news this week, however, we went to our local professional (NHL) Hockey game on Friday! The Carolina Hurricanes beat the New York Islanders 5 to 4. We sat up relatively high, but got to see all but 1 goal on our side of the arena. If I had to do it over again, I'd see if I could operate the spot light. You get to sit high up in the stadium, essentially all alone, and get to your chair by the skywalk/catwalk. That looked cool. It was also neat because that is the first time I've been to any professional sports game in a VERY long time. I've seen the Royals and Cardinals play in Baseball, but otherwise haven't seen anything. Austin is the largest city without any professional teams!

So, I guess that makes this sports week at our house. I think I like games better, though.

How much longer before the tourney is over?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reality begins to set in....

We're moving. But you probably knew that.

I'm anxious to be settled in a new place - but I'm not looking forward to the process. And reality is beginning to set in.

We have to have people in and out of our rental house for the next several months. ANNOYING! I hate cleaning and keeping things clean. Plus, they don't call, show up at random times, and the company that does it SUCKS. First of all, they asked us (the tenants) if we have an extra key. They've called TWICE to tell us they are putting out a sign, and hanging a lock box on our door, but it is still not there. And they want to come over without giving us more than an hour's notice - - and expect us to keep the dogs continuously caged/locked up. UGH!

In other annoyances, there is the finding a mover piece of things. To get an estimate, you have to fill out lengthy surveys and declare every book, plate, CD, and lamp. Every picture, every piece of glass, every vaccum cleaner. Blech.

And then, there is packing. Not easy, and not quick, but necessary to get all your belongings from point a to point b.

Hmm... I suppose this isn't the cheeriest of blogs. :) Perhaps that is why I aptly opted to name it Reality begins to set in....

We're about 2 1/2 weeks away from closing, and everything seems to be going okay! We've got the funds needed - and all in one place. Even got our tax return (federal), which is helpful! We can't pay off the credit card at the moment, like I would prefer, but that will come in time.

And in the end.... about 6 weeks from now.... I'll be venting on the other side of things. The unpacking, the setting up of new services, and having to take the dogs out on a leash every day (until we get a fence built)!

Ahh, isn't life fun. :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I guess it's time I blog about it. I'm addicted. I play 2-3 turns every time I log on to the computer, usually with different people and different ongoing games. Don't know what about it appeals to me. You'd think, since I'm a math major and an actuary, that words and letters wouldn't appeal to me. Not so my friend. I like figuring out how to get those special squares. I like obsessing about it. And many of my friends, particularly those I run with, beat me at regular intervals. My hubby beats me fairly regularly, also. Other times, he helps me play.

However, I still enjoy it. Throw me 7 letters anytime, and let the game begin!

When did this obsession begin? I like to remember back to when I was 8 years old. I remember my mom, dad, and I all playing for some reason. I know my parents were helping me - at least a little. But somehow, I managed to (or they let me) win. I have the score sheet to prove it - thanks to my wonderful mother, who saves everything. I hand wrote on it, "I beat my parents at scrabble when I was 8 years old."

Maybe that's why, to this day, I still enjoy a good game.