Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pi day - and more

It's past pi day, actually.

If you aren't quite the math nerd that I am - Pi day is March 14th, since the mathematical equivalent of pi is 3.14159... or approximately 3.14.

So why would I write about Pi day two weeks later?

Well, that was a pretty crazy few days. To recap:
3/13 - Friday the 13th
3/14 - Pi Day
3/15 - Ides of March
3/16 - Husband's 30th Birthday
3/17 - St Patrick's Day

That's quite a few holidays/celebrations back to back - - - not quite the 12 days of Christmas, but lots to think about and keep busy. I actually made a pie on the 15th - - Lemon meringue. It's one of the worst things I've ever made. Note to self: Use fresh eggs, and be sure the jello says "cook and serve" if you attempt to try this in the future!

So since then, I've been CRAVING pie. Last night we bought some at the store. Today, I had a piece for breakfast, and another piece after work as a snack. This time, it's cherry pie - and it is very yummy. I would have gone for the Apple, but any fruity pie will do - - and my honey said he would be more likely to spare me from having to eat the entire Cherry pie myself. Although at this rate, it might just be gone before he even remembers we had it in the first place...

The debate now: another piece? Or self control?

Maybe I'll update next post. :)