Monday, March 28, 2011


I am a fan of "fancy" dinners. I don't get them all that often, but I do enjoy a good meal - particularly somewhere that has multiple choices on the menu from which to choose!

Yes, I must admit that I enjoy over-indulging. Even my Wii knows it.

Tonight was a more unique event than typical - many colleagues are in town for a meeting - and this time, not one that is being sponsored by my employer!

Regardless, since I am making a presentation (rather - hosting a Jeopardy game!) - I was invited to (and enjoyed!) a "fancy" dinner this evening!

Love: Fancy dinners
Hope: Presentation goes well!
Do: Get to bed soon!
Steps: 8526 (and I worked for those today! Hopefully steps are easier tomorrow - not sure if I'm done for the night or not on those...)

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I like to count.

I can tell you how many steps are in every set of steps I regularly take. Scratch that - even though I count every step nearly every time, I don't necessarily retain that piece of information.

However, I do like to count.

At the moment, I am counting steps (10,000 per day for work is the goal) and rabbits killed by the dogs (so far - 3 in 2 days).

I don't like doing "bistro math" or making change. However, it helps me clear my mind sometimes when I count.

I count when I run. 50 arm pumps while pushing the stroller with one arm, switch, 50 arm pumps with the other arm.

Perhaps it is a little bizarre, but I am a counter.

Love: Counting
Hope: I make 10,000 steps today.
Do: Start doing some number crunching that's a bit more difficult than counting (that is - GO STUDY!)
Steps: 8838 (but not done yet for the day!)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daddy Calls me Doodlebug...

My DH got a library card, and let me have the key-fob version. Kiddo's daycare is literally across the street from our local library - so after not going to the library, perhaps even since I was a child - - We have been checking books out for Kiddo so we can do the obligatory "bedtime" story.

A few of the books we check out we are ready to send back to the library. A few, though, stick with me. I had to purchase a copy of the Belly Button book I liked it so well! The other one I can't seem to get out of my head is called "Daddy calls me doodlebug."

There are two main reasons this book sticks with me. We call our little one "bug." And my daddy was a huge fan of nicknames.

The book itself is all about nicknames, and was a very cute read.

Anyhow - Nicknames was the first response to my ping-pong blog!

My daddy called me Bukus. I don't know where he got that from. My sister was Berries and my brother was Bubba, and my oldest Nephew is Pooh. My "bug" never got a nickname from his grandpa, but his Uncle calls him AJ.

I'm sure there were several other nicknames used for me - - but Bukus is the one that will always stick out the most.

Ping-Pong Blog Topic: What is the last book you remember checking out from the library?

Love: Nicknames!
Hope: My "bug" doesn't hate his nickname when he's older!
Do: Move on with morning routine!
Steps: 74 - but hey, it's way early!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog Ping Pong, anyone?

Perhaps it was the 30 day challenge that left me inspired, but I thought I'd come up with a "new" blog game. It's a game of ping pong, and here is how I propose that it works!

I will post a topic, and then you blog about that topic. And at the end of your post, you send a topic back!

So today's topic? Post a picture of a pet!

The first person who responds with a picture of their pet and a corresponding blog idea (by blogging, or posting something in public electronic media anywhere) will get to be the topic of my next post!

I'm not sure how long I'll play - maybe until I get bored, or maybe until I come up with a topic that has no takers. I suppose this one, however, should be fairly easy, with as many dog-people (and the fewer cat-people) that will likely see this post!

Love: My four leggers
Hope: I have one person who wants to play Ping-Pong Blog Style!
Do: Call it a night!
Steps: (I am going to add this when I can remember- we are doing a step challenge at work, and our goal is 10,000 per day!) 10,352

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bacon and Optometry...

That has been my day thus far! Walked to the eye doctor (finally, a decent one I'd go back to - Preston Optometry in Cary), and after hitting the grocery store, came back for a lunch of bacon sandwiches. Yum!

Now, off to study!

Love: Bacon. But not in chocolate.
Hope: Eye exams continue to be this easy in the future!
Do: Clean a bit for this evening!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It is now that time of night - right after Kiddo goes to bed (and/or stops fussing) - where I take a deep breath, and I feel at peace.

Before kiddo, these moments would come once I walked in the door.

Regardless... That one deep breath a day - whenever it occurs - reminds me that it is important to have (or find) peace in your life.

Love: My moments of peace - whenever/wherever I get them!
Hope: Others can find and be at peace - even if only for a moment.
Do: The usual.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Challenge - Day 30

A picture of someone you miss.

So, I must admit. The ending of this blog is a bit bitter-sweet. A bit happy, since I did finish the challenge in 30 days (give or take one or two off for one reason or another), and I did enjoy posting the pictures and a little more "history" about myself (coincidentally, with less about kiddo than has been typical of the last 17 months).

On the other hand, the last day makes me sad because the topic is a picture of someone you miss. I miss my father.

I miss calling my dad with the Jayhawk game on in the background, and having to repeat myself two or three times.

I miss my daddy's hugs, and the way his shirt would smell of cigarette smoke.

I miss hearing my dad argue with anyone - about anything, and stories about my daddy's adventures - whether traveling in Sweden, or playing bridge with a new "gal" online or at the club down the road.

Love: My daddy.
Hope: I figure out a reason to continue blogging regularly - even if it isn't daily!
Do: Take a break for at least a day or two - and celebrate the fact that I made it all the way through my 30 day challenge!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Challenge - Day 29

A picture that can always make you smile
My little guy makes me smile a lot. Whether he's lifting up his shirt to tickle himself, dancing in the living room, making silly noises, or just giggling. I'm so glad I'm a mom.

Love: Being a mom.
Hope: Kiddo keeps me smiling!
Do: Enjoy the light in the evenings this week!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Challenge - Day 28

A picture of something you are afraid of

You would think, with all of the recently failed exams, I would get over it. However, I really hate to fail. Which means - I should be getting some time in studying instead of blogging. It feels like a vicious cycle. I'm doing my best, that's all you can do...

Love: Passing!
Hope: The upcoming test isn't a repeat of recent performance..
Do: Hit the books!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Challenge - Day 27

A picture of yourself and a family member
This is the family member I usually use and am with most frequently, it seems.

Love: Spending time with Kiddo.
Hope: Prayers and Hope to Japan.
Do: Enjoy today's beautiful weather!

Challenge - Day 26

A picture of something that means a lot to you.

They say a dog is a man's best friend - well, not this dog (because I'm not a man).

This, dear readers, is my dog Kobe. We fell in love in 2000, when a coworker found him as a stray. The first few months were rough - and not like "ruff, ruff!" He chewed our couches and our door frames. He "ate" his way out of two crates - at least. Yep, he was an onry booger. However, he was trained and got his CGC. He went on to do agility for 6+ years, and got several agility titles.

There's something about my relationship with my dog that I just can't explain. This boy isn't like any other dog I've ever had (or any dog I will ever have in the future, I am certain). He is special - to me - in so many ways. He loves taking me on walks, and encouraging me to exercise. He loves me so much, he has "caught" a bird or two over his life to bring to me. It's not just these moments that I know we were made for each other, though.

Every night, after dinner, he comes and gives me kisses - as if to say, "Thank you for feeding me. I don't take you for granted." Something about me and my dog just "click." It's as if we were made for each other, for this lifetime.

I must admit, however, he is getting a little older - and leaves the sofa a little less often. Although he can still be enticed to play or "perform" on demand, he's changed some in his old age.

My Kobe-Dog is more special to me than words could possibly ever be able to describe.

Love: My dogs, Kobe and Katie.
Hope: They stay healthy and happy for years to come!
Do: Enjoy your pets today! Take them on a walk!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Challenge - Day 25

A picture of your day

For some reason, it was really hard for me to figure out today's post/picture. So I'm going to go with... a picture of what I wore today. Somehow, it would be much harder to capture the running around I did at the office, the "fresh fruit friday" delivery, the playtime with the neighbors, and the overslept-and-late start of the day.

Although I am no longer nursing, the shirt is one of my favorite nursing tops! And I also love the skirt, although it is nearly too big- - so I may actually make the effort to add a pleat or two at the top so that even if I get a bit more skinny, I can still wear the skirt!

For the record- this is not a picture taken today, but it does have me wearing the same outfit that I wore to work. Like I said, close enough. And if you'd like to nominate this blog for the weakest/most boring of the 30 day challenge, I will second your nomination. Although it's likely not the worst picture, it is the lamest overall. :)

Love: Days where it's easy to pick out a picture!
Hope: My neighbor doesn't stand me up for our run!
Do: Check on kiddo.. you never know what he might be getting into!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Challenge - Day 24

A picture of something you wish you could change
I was reaching for today's picture/topic. I finally decided that it was the right opportunity to talk about how I'm a "fixer." Although I (unfortunately) sometimes feel like I'm at the center of conflict (of my own doing, since I have a hard time giving in!) I am also typically a person who thinks we should all just get along.

So... I'm not sure why... But this house in my city came to mind. I just think it's bizarre, and somehow, in my mind, it seems to fit today's topic.

Love: Low drama.
Hope: This house's drama is solved soon!
Do: Get some more steps in today...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Challenge - Day 23

A picture of your favorite book.

I couldn't pick just one - so instead, I chose a book I have read recently (within the last year) and a book that is not so recent.

I liked this book so much that I promptly read the sequel! The first is much better than the second, and it will be a couple of months before I can get to the third. Rats.
This is definitely on my list of books to one day re-read. I felt more emotions after reading this book than I could express -- I was completely caught up in the story!

Fiction books are definitely my style. I often read "trash" - both love story type novels and Janet Evanovich mysteries (Stephanie Plum is one of my favorite series!). Mostly, I stick to what I consider "book club" genre books. Books that have social points that can be discussed with a book club. There are only a handful of authors from whom I have read more than one book. The ones that come to mind (forgive my poor spelling!) are Janet Evanovich, Steigg Larsson, Jodi Piccoult, Nora Roberts, and Danielle Steele.

Love: Reading- when I get the chance to, which unfortunately is not as often as I'd like. And no, reading about Bond valuations or rate of returns does not count as reading.
Hope: The last book in the trilogy is better than the 2nd book (for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo et al)
Do: work some problems!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Challenge - Day 22

A picture of something you wish you were better at

Believe it or not, the skiing picture from yesterday almost made today's post instead. However, I had a harder time coming up with "something you wish you could forget," so I opted to use the skiing picture for that, instead.

There are several things I would like to be better at! Studying, for example. Although I have a hard time putting forth the effort, I would still really like to pass this upcoming exam.

But, perhaps the thing I need to work on the most:

I often have a short fuse. It is often harder with a Kiddo around, who also is struggling to master the concept of "patience." Although oddly enough, he once in a while does surprise me by finding endless possibilities for entertaining himself. I guess this post is really about my (lack of) patience, though. On our recent trip, DH captured this photo, which expresses how I often lose my patience with Kiddo.
In my defense... He was standing in the high chair/on the bench at the table. As you may recall... that is one of my biggest pet peeves!

Love: Singing songs to Kiddo to help him "wait" when necessary - how is it that I am able to help him with patience, even when I have none? Someone even taught me a song once that relates to patience - - perhaps I'll sing that one to Kiddo next!
Hope: I can continue to be patient.
Do: Learn to be patient!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Challenge - Day 21

A picture of something you wish you could forget
I tried skiing. We didn't get along so well. I'd like to forget about it, so that when I try again one day (but not for a while!), that perhaps we'll get along a bit better.

I remember my feet/legs being sore- and being scared - and so many bad things. Like not being able to calm myself down, and just wanting to cry. The skiing trip, unfortunately, was also combined with one of the first trips with kiddo - and I was still nursing. So I felt like I had a leach, and would never have fun doing anything ever again.

I think the only part of that trip that kept me sane was the fact that there was lots of family there! I got to see the nephews and my niece play with Kiddo, and fortunately, my MIL also didn't enjoy skiing quite as much as everyone else, so I got to hang out with her.

But yeah - I want to forget about my first experience on snow skis. I really would like to do it again some day. And in my head, it is something I should really enjoy!

Love: Travelling with family - we had a great time in Chicago, and kiddo was so good. He's starting to be fun - and have fun - and is no longer nursing, which is a major plus! What a difference a year makes!
Hope: Skiing again one day comes with happier memories..
Do: Finish dinner!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Challenge - Day 20

A picture of somewhere you'd like to travel

For a very long time, I have wanted to travel to Australia. There are many, many other places on my list (Alaska and Hawaii both come to mind), but I think that Australia makes the top.

But just for fun... I also posted a picture of Kiddo's "Geographic Tongue" for today!

Love: Traveling - Anywhere!
Hope: I get to go many, many more places before I die!
Do: Start making plans for the next trip...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Challenge - Day 19

A picture and a letter

I was searching for something else, and came across this picture. I thought it captured not only this particular time in my life, but also the spirit of what today's picture is about!

Love: Exams being done. That will be a while, though.
Hope: Studying once I'm back in Raleigh goes well!
Do: Enjoy my time in Chicago!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Challenge - Day 18

A picture of your biggest insecurity

I am insecure about my car. I never want anyone to ride in it, because I never keep it clean. It's all sorts of busted up - on the inside and on the outside- but it's never been a priority for me. It needs work on the brakes and a new grill on the front. I'm looking forward to getting a new car. Maybe late this year, maybe next year. In the meantime, why bother fixing anything about it? Except maybe the brakes- that is a safety thing!

Love: Reliable transportation - even if it isn't "pretty"!
Hope: I don't get stranded!
Do: Start saving for the new car....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Challenge - Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

This is dumb. But perhaps somewhat humorous.

Bananas have made a huge impact on my life for a couple of reasons. First of all, with Weight Watchers, fruit is free! Which means - I have been eating more fruit than typical lately.

But Bananas have made a huge impact on my life for another reason. Kiddo loves bananas. When I didn't have a banana one morning, it made a huge difference in our house! Not only did it make me realize how "set" kiddo's daily routine is, but also how he responds to food. He loves bananas. If we run out in the morning, breakfast isn't the same!

Love: Fruit!
Hope: Kiddo continues to love his fruit.
Do: Eat your fruit!... and veggies, if you must.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Challenge - Day 16

A picture of someone who inspires you.

Today's post was another tough one for me. I think it's partially a tough post because of something that is tough for me: People. I'm an analytical person, and I do well with numbers. However, when it comes to people, I have learned to tread lightly. I feel like I could easily hurt someone's feelings if I say or do certain things, or hang around certain people. For that reason - I opted to go the more "political" route for today, and not choose anyone that I know personally. As one friend or family member told me, "You can love all your kids the same, but you still have a favorite." It's tough. I won't admit to loving either of my dogs more or less than the other. I won't even admit to a favorite - although I'm sure everyone who knows me (and a post in the next couple of weeks will likely demonstrate), I'm sure it is true that I have a favorite. Luckily, I won't hurt one dog's feelings if I post the other dog. Yeesh.

Anyhow - since I've been needing inspiration for weight loss lately, so today I've picked one of my favorite past biggest loser contestants - Ally!

Love: All of the people (and there are many!) who have inspired me.
Hope: I continue to be inspired!
Do: Enjoy my pedicure...Ahh....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Challenge - Day 15

Day 15. A picture of something you want to do before you die

This picture was a little tougher than the typical post. I opted for this picture, because I think it sums up what I'd like to do before I do. Watch a few more sunsets, perhaps even on a beach, and grow old with someone I love. (Not just "someone", really, but with a particular someone.)

Doesn't this look just marvelous? It makes me sentimental just to think about it. It makes me think of many couples I have known where - although I may not know them well - this seems to be how I view them today. It's hard to come up with just the right words to describe. I definitely think today's picture speaks 1000 words, and I won't ruin it by typing out any more words of my own (well, other than my obligatory post-ending!)

Love: Silly camp songs (and all kid songs)
Hope: I grow old without losing my "young at heart"
Do: Go shopping!