Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year in Review

Whew! Just back from a whirlwind tour. Our 11 week old has now been to 6 states, and visited family and friends from many parts of the country! (I need to start keeping track for him... but so far, his states include North Carolina, Virgina, Florida, Texas, Kansas, Missouri, and DC if that counts.) Before he is 6 months old, we'll be adding Illinois and Colorado to that list! What a lucky little devil...

I digress. I thought I'd reflect on the year ending in just a few short hours!

I started the year married to my DH. Unfortunately, I also started the year with fret and worry over my baby - my best companion and dearest friend, my dog Kobe. Before the first week of January was over, Kobe was recovering from surgery to remove a cyst on his spine.

And unfortunately... the bad news didn't end there. With Kobe still in the hospital, only a few days later, my brother and sister called with the horrible news of my father's passing in a house fire. As we reflected on my father's death, we called it a "blaze of glory!" as that is how he would tell us the story. I miss my daddy. I miss that he is no longer around to tell stories. As long as I live, however, I pledge to remember him. Whether it's buying a diet coke at Quik Trip or giving a nickname to those I love, a part of my father will be with me always.

I was lucky enough to be in Kansas - at "home" - for my 32nd birthday. My sister, pregnant with her 4th child, was induced beginning that morning and my niece Grace was born. I am pleased to share such a special day with such a special girl, who has been adopted by a loving family a few miles away. Grace's family graciously keeps us updated on her progress. (Over the Christmas holiday, we got to see how well she is walking and eating and how much she is loved on a DVD.)

Upon returning back to North Carolina, Kobe continued to recover - and we began looking for a new home to call ours! With our lease expiring in May, we had a bit of time - and therefore spent some time looking. It was a process. Beginning in January, and dragging on for a bit.

In the interim, on Valentine's Day, the pregnancy test I took was positive. I was shocked and nervous - but mostly excited. FINALLY after waiting for many years, we would have a baby before year's end! The days of saying "I want one" could finally come to an end!

By May 1st, we closed on a fabulous new home. Beautiful. Everything we wanted and more (more money AND more features... bummer that those seem to go together!) The move went smoothly, and by mid-summer the dogs were ecstatic about their new fence.

Before the pregnancy progressed too far, we made a few "last" baby-free trips to visit family and a late honeymoon. We spent memorial day in Kansas. For the honeymoon, we flew to Spain for a Mediterranean Cruise to Italy, France, Spain, and Monaco. The land was beautiful and the sea was peaceful. The company (that is, my DH) made the trip memorable. His first cruise. Our second European adventure together.

In July, we visited family again and we were showered with gifts for our baby boy. We had friends visit from Texas. We got news of other babies on the way from good friends all across the country, and Austin friends engaged to be married. All the while, my belly grew and grew, engorged with the kiddo.

October 16th is the day of the year that will stick in my mind. Sometimes for reasons out of my control (filling out paperwork for Doctors or School), and others to remember and celebrate a special little boy - Heir Mark Jacob Williams.

A little on our whirlwind visit to family for the holidays... MJ travels well in planes, and on one plane we were told, "I didn't realize that I had a baby sitting right behind me" and on a second, "He was really good!" Family adored him - - particularly his 4 year old cousin, Jayla. Jayla would do anything we asked if it was for the baby. Get the carrier, get the blanket, get his pacifier - - put away his blanket or spitrag - - or throw away a diaper. She wanted to hold him all the time -- and he was almost as big as her! We also got to visit with a friend from Austin and friends in St Louis along the way, which was awesome. I didn't expect to be so COLD in Texas (the in-laws are working on getting heat in their house by adding insulation, currently). The white christmas (snow) was a nice touch. I didn't expect to be so TIRED along the way, either. I apologized if I shied away from helping in the kitchen or doing the dishes - - although Mark mostly slept through the night, I was not sleeping so well and taking care of an infant (for those who don't know) is pretty tiresome!

And alas, we are at home. The whole family has been bathed (people and dogs) and peace is currently upon us (now that the baby fussed it out and fell asleep, hopefully for the night!)

Could it be possible that the baby grew and developed so much in just the short week that we were gone? He looks a little fatter, and seems just a little longer sitting in his "bouncy" chair. He is holding toys and playing (actually interacting with!) a mobile. He's still pretty "boring" in my book (I look forward to running around and chasing him and teaching him so many things about the world - we've already started with signing and singing the ABCs and the counting song). He gets a little less boring every day, and I fall a little more in love.

And so - - 2009, like the last few years for me, was full of ups and downs. In 2009, the ups seemed higher (the baby, the new home) and the downs seemed lower (my dad, Kobe's surgery). I won't be making a resolution for 2010. However, I do have a wish: for peace and stability.

All in all, I continue to be blessed. SO - for those of you with glasses on this new year's eve, please join me in a toast: To 2009.

I'm stealing this last bit from many friends blogs - but it's one that I always enjoy.... so:

Peas out.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

AFC (Away From Computer)

I am SO excited for the holidays. Not for the gift giving, and not for the food (okay, maybe a teensy bit for the food). I'm excited because I want Mark to meet everyone! I look forward to watching his little face light up again and again. I anxiously await his cousins (and aunts and uncles and grandparents) interacting with him. I am a proud mom, and enjoy showing my baby off to the world!

Since we will be travelling, whether or not I'll be able to update the blog is an unknown. I have decided not to take the computer - so I will be at the mercy of friends, family, and/or a hotel for accessing internet. Thus, the "daily" insights may be on hold temporarily. I do hope to continue to update at least once or twice before the new year, however! I have enjoyed "journaling" for all the world to see. I think this media helps me retain my positive outlook on life in general, and I love bringing a smile to other people's faces - even if it is only one reader a day (but I suspect it's more..)!

We've got some packing to do. In addition to our regular carry on luggage, we've got a car seat and the Bjorn. We've also got a stroller, and did I mention a baby? We've got a diaper bag. We've got Christmas presents. It will be quite the trip. Luckily, we've had a practice run at traveling with the little guy, even if it wasn't in and through airport security! Even in the Smithsonian, they did have security (and it's amazing how little they look at a stroller when they see a kid to go with it. As long as they see the kid, that is!)

Speaking of airports.. One thing I look forward to? Priority boarding! Hopefully we'll be there in time that we won't miss it. I am a little nervous that he might be fussy and we might get "those" stares from other passengers. You know the ones. Perhaps you've even given them a time or two. I know I have (to the obnoxious three year old kicking at the back of my seat, or the parent who did not even seem to attempt to quiet the child). Hopefully I don't turn into one of "those" parents. Maybe I should pack a big sign that says "I'm sorry!"... Hmm.. good idea, maybe, but with all the other stuff that goes along with the baby, I think we'll be lucky just to make it across the airport in one piece. Whew!

Enjoy today's picture: The first trip with Mark, to Washington DC where we paused in front of the White House Christmas tree (with the Washington Monument in the background).

Also - - this year I/we never got around to sending out Christmas Cards. Even still, I would like to wish you each a very joyous holiday season. Do something for yourself to avoid the stress and smile. We love you!

Today: I'm thankful for airports and airplanes. We'll see if I'm thankful for them tomorrow, while travelling on Christmas Eve with an infant AND potential snow and storms in the midwest! Wish us luck!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Santa is Everywhere!

Through the last year, I have been inspired and humbled by the generosity of family and friends. Yes, indeed - Santa is everywhere!

Baby gifts continue to trickle through our door. Mark received numerous gifts handcrafted with love. He received gift cards (see prior post) and gifts from the neighbors (again, prior post..) In the last 24 hours, Mark has received a handcrafted gift, a "normal" gift, and a gift card. I presume that these are not holiday related, but "welcome baby" gifts. The baby and the holiday seems to run together this year...

Regardless- it feels so wonderful to be surrounded by such generous and loving friends and family. We are both grateful and humbled. Somehow, even a "thank you" card does not seem sufficient to express our gratitude to the coworker who left a bag on my desk or the friend in California who commented, "now we have two men in your life to meet!" Thank you (again) to the family visiting us after Mark's birth, and to the crafty folks who made him something special. Thank you to those we got to see this year, and those who called us on the phone. Thanks even to those we didn't see or talk to as much as we would have liked for simply being a part of our lives.

Today: I am thankful that the holidays are nearly upon us!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Credit Cards, Christmas Cards, Gift Cards... all are pretty fun and useful! Today, though, I'm thankful for gift cards. :) Today I got to go shopping with OTHER PEOPLE's money! A big thanks to Seth's work for the Babies-R-Us gift certificate that we still haven't managed to spend all of! However, we did get a folding stroller for taking on our next big trip. It folds smaller and is more light weight, but still has a canopy and a bag for carrying "stuff" on the back. Much better for some uses than the larger jogging stroller...

Anyhow, we are one step closer to our trip! And tonight - my brownies will be making Christmas Cards to send to Veterans.

Credit Cards? Well, we're working on getting those paid off. One day. :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009


The neighbors brought over a wonderful poinsetta this afternoon for the holidays. I think we have lucked out, as our neighbors - particularly those that live right next door - have been very generous with us since we moved in.

Mark has become a bit more playful recently. He pays attention to toys just a little, and has started grabbing things a little. He likes Patty Cake and when I sing and sign the ABCs. He's also gotten into television- particularly when faces are on! He liked watching cowboys recently. Otherwise, he's pretty quiet and generally relatively good. It's fun to be a mommy. :)

So today: I am thankful for good neighbors (after all, like State Farm, a good neighbor is there!)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lazy Day

Before the baby, I did not enjoy lazy Saturday mornings nearly to the extent I do now! Admittedly, I feel a little guilty when I'm the last one in the house to wake up. However - it's pretty nice to sleep in once in a while! I'm also still getting up in the middle of the night (but only once!), and I'm not sure that I sleep as deeply constantly paying attention to the baby. Anyhow, captured in the picture for today is Mark enjoying a lazy Saturday morning --- at a hotel in Washington DC. He's not always photogenic, but I like this pic. We've been getting a few good ones lately, and we have lots of copies we'll be bringing with us to Kansas and Texas for the family.

It is hard to believe that the holidays are only a few days away! I'm looking forward to more travel and showing off our precious little guy to the extended family. Hopefully he'll do his job at not only being cute, but also at being well behaved! We look forward to the many adventures in store for us! At least this weekend, though - we're enjoying staying home, bundled up inside!

Today: I am thankful for warm and cozy blankets.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Yep, still a doggie-mom

Today, I had to take one of my doggy-dependents to the vet. Poor Katie-Girl has allergies! She got a shot, and some antibiotics and they cleaned out her ears. Hopefully she will be back to being as good-as-normal before long!

Her side effects might include extra drinking (translation: extra trips outside) and/or increased hunger. With the expected forecast for the next 24 hours to include a couple of inches of snow - hopefully she likes the cold!

In other news, we had a luncheon today at work (and got out early). I enjoyed hearing everyone's favorite TV show! Although I could concur with several that were mentioned, I said my favorite was Wheel of Fortune - and I still watch it today! I'm not in the wheel-watcher club, and I don't have a spin id - but I do enjoy trying to solve the puzzles.

So today... I am thankful for raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. (Make that whiskers on dogs. I'm not much of a cat person.)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Does size matter?

If so, my kid's already an A/B student!

Today, Mark had his first Doctor's appointment. He never saw a pediatrician in the hospital (because we gave birth at the birthing center) - so his information at Birth, one day, and two weeks was all with the Midwife. This was his first "official" appointment with a doctor - Doctor Mary. He got a completely clean bill of health (other than a bit of a yeast infection that really only started in the last day or two).

What I always look forward to are his stats! He's up to 13 pounds 11 ounces and 24.5 inches tall. Height is 85th percentile, weight is 90th percentile. His head circumference is 39.5 inches. So - - he continues to be a BIG kid. He also had his first round of shots - - in total, 2 shots in one leg, 1 in the other leg, and one oral vaccine. Poor kid. I must say, however, he was a trooper! He stopped crying even before we could schedule his next checkup (at 4 months)!

We were told to avoid crowds (hmmm.. crowded airports and airplanes are on the horizon)... and that mommy and daddy need to keep washing our hands. All in all, not much more to say. Other than the fact that I'm glad it is HIM going to the doctor and not ME. I cringed a little for his shots, and felt sorry for all the poking and prodding the doctor had to do to him. At the end of the day... we both survived. :)

Today: I am thankful for a healthy baby!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Morning Person

Although I had my doubts in the first few weeks after giving birth, I have definitely returned to being a morning person. And the last few days have been really fantastic, and I have what I like to think of as my usual level of adrenaline (and/or positive attitude). Both of these are things I definitely missed while being pregnant. It's nice to know that the hormones have levelled out - - and I'm a mom now, to top it off! And the holidays are here. There's lots to be excited about and lots to be thankful for!

Anyhow - I also have a morning kid.. We get lots of smiles in the morning, which is awesome! We get a handful in the evening as well - but nothing like that bright smile to start off the day. How could I not be a morning person?

The afternoons, and even late morning can get a little cranky. But - the day always starts out in a fantastic sort of way, and I love it!

Today? I'm thankful for beautiful mornings, and the baby's smiles that seem to go along with the morning!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


As they say, timing is everything.

And right now, the timing between my chest and my baby's stomach is not in sync!

He's sleeping. He must be growing, eh?

I am thankful that he sleeps 6+ hours nearly every night!

(My chest will adjust.. so I'm told!)

Monday, December 14, 2009

People Watching

I must admit - - I think one of the reasons I like social networking (aka Facebook) is because I'm nosy - - and because I enjoy people watching. It's not every day you can sit in an airport or be a tourist for the day. What does this have to do with anything?

On our recent trip to DC - - I think the people watching was the highlight!

I noticed myself... watching Mark when (perhaps) I should have been paying attention to the capital. I noticed DH... soooo excited to see coins he'd been wanting to see since he was 10 years old. I noticed all the "characters" out for the "Jingle All the Way 10K" on Sunday morning. I noticed another mom breastfeeding, in a museum.

I take great delight in human kind. The dad carrying his daughter up on his shoulders. The college buddies joking around. The kid drawing happy faces on the foggy window of the tram. The kindness of the stranger sharing an umbrella. The capitol security guard conversing with me about breastfeeding.

It was a cold and rainy weekend - - but it gave me great pleasure to be out and about and master the art of the first trip with kiddo. I'll do some things differently next time. More thin blankets, less thick ones. Fewer diapers. More onesies/layers for the kiddo for cooler weather. Smaller diaper bag that fits under the stroller. And some things, I'll certainly do the same. Bring the sleep sheep (portable noisemaker for kid). Enjoy the time spent with family.

Today: I am thankful for being human.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Computer and Travel

Believe it or not, I can survive without my computer for a day or two. I don't have to check EVERY posting on Facebook, or make sure I see an email within 3 minutes after it was sent. Nope, you see - - I am.... rather... we are headed out of town for Mark's first trip. And unfortunately, the computer was not invited. This of course also means that the "blog" will have to lie dormant for a day or two. So if you've been checking every day - - I apologize for the hiatus!

Where are we going? The Ultimate Sausage Factory - - that is, Washington DC. (There is a joke that one of the lawyer's I work with tells frequently that says something along the lines of the two things you should never watch being made are Laws and Sausage, hence legislature and such is called the "sausage factory")

So, we'll be visiting the Capitol and the Smithsonian. We won't have time for everything - - but the nice thing about living within driving distance (4-5 hours) is that we can go back! Some of the highlights we will have to hit at our next time around.

I'm very excited about this trip. Not only to get used to traveling with a baby before we head to family for the holidays, but also because it's been almost 5 months since I've traveled anywhere! I think since 2006, that is the longest stretch. Over the last several years, I've been traveling every other month - and sometimes more than once in a month! I'm a bit anxious to do some more travel - I love it!

One of the highlights of this trip will be staying at a Ritz Carlton. Because it's the low-travel season, we got a heck of a deal on a fantastic room - - at least, that's what I hope to be able to report upon our return! The Metro entrance is right outside the hotel doors.

So, it's off to pack and take the dogs to the kennel for me and Mark. Have a great weekend- - - and hopefully we'll have some good stories (and some good pictures) to post upon our return!

Today, I am thankful for the ability to travel!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

TV Drama...

Our "big" TV has been out for a while. I don't even remember the last time it worked! Anyhow, on the "to do" list was to call about getting it fixed. In the meantime, the TV from upstairs made its way down to where we watch TV, and sat on top of an unpacked box full of DVDs. That smaller TV is still there, still in the same room with the "Big" TV.

It reminds me of when I was a kid, and I would go to my grandparents. In their case, though, they kept getting a higher TV stand as the pile of "junk" in the living room you could no longer walk through got higher and higher (product of the great depression, I suppose) - but alas, I digress.

We finally began considering our options. Get a new TV? Get the old one repaired? Early indications suggested the repair would be more than the cost of a new TV. We had a mechanic come out, and they suggested that it would be $500 for the parts and labor. Yeesh. That was my breaking point, so made the decision even tougher. They suggested we call the manufacturer to see if they would replace the part for free. After all, the TV is only 5 years old (manufactured December 2004). Well, it was a phone call that would be worth the effort if it made the $500 more reasonable - even though it seemed unlikely.

Low and behold, the manufacturer will be replacing the bad part for free! And that means it's still going to cost us - but only $200.

So, a new TV would be nice. Maybe we'll replace our really-old-technology smaller TV, which means the overall cost would have probably been about the same as just buying a new big TV. But... we'll get 2 TVs out of the deal!

Today: I'm thankful to simply have a TV - big or small, good technology or bad, good picture or bad. 'cause I like some mindless entertainment once in a while!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Back to work...

Still nothing exciting to report now that I'm back to work. I do enjoy being back to work - - it makes both work life and home life more enjoyable - at least for now!

This was a picture taken 11/19 when Mark went to the office for a visit with me one day. He was popular! I look pretty happy, too.

Anyhow.. short today, but at least with a picture!

Today, I'm thankful for my job. I guess I've probably been repeating things I'm thankful for lately. So how about this.. I'm thankful for the hand lotion at my job that I put on most mornings after I get in to work. I'm also thankful for the ice machine at the office. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


There's a lot to look forward to this holiday season!

I'm not much of a decorator - - having a Christmas tree and lights on the house and such. It's a little hard when we rarely have anyone other than the two of us around to enjoy it! Even this year, I finally decided I would get out my fake tree (less than 3 feet?) but only added a couple of decorations. At least I had a place I could put the wrapped presents!

I do like stockings. I have 5 of them hanging from the Chimney, now. (The dogs have stockings in our house, also!) Of the 5 - only 3 have names. Mine, Kobe's and Mark's. One day, I'll get around to getting Seth and Katie stockings with their names on them. Until then - - you can tell that Katie's says "woof" and Seth's is brown!

I like gift-giving. (Well, okay, admittedly gift-receiving as well.. but MOSTLY the giving!) I already wrapped and shipped gifts to Kansas. When my sister-in-law was here, I had her take the first batch to Texas. That leaves only a handful left! If I did no more shopping, I'd only feel "guilty" about 1 person total - - okay, maybe 1 and a half! I enjoy shopping for not only my family, but Seth's family as well! The kids are the most fun to shop for - and typically, I buy cool things throughout the year so I don't have much actual "shopping" to do around the holidays!

This year, we may be getting a new TV for Christmas. We'll see - - right now, it depends on how expensive it will be to "repair" the current TV (which is less than 5 years old!) We did get bonuses at work today, which is definitely nice.

Anyhow - I'm thankful for family generally today. So, I thought I'd post a quick picture of part of my family - - I don't have a good one of all 3 of us with the dogs - - -yet! One day!

Monday, December 7, 2009


After dropping off Mark for his first "date" with a babysitter last night, we had to drop him off at daycare for the first time this morning! I was glad to go back to work (and also glad that it was only for half a day!) Mark did well in both instances- although I think he was relatively fussy at daycare today!

Nothing exciting to report, really. DH and I were both a little sad - but all went well and as expected!

As promised, I put him in a new play-suit from Nordstrom's. See picture attached. My favorite part: It says "Silly Bug!"

Today: I am thankful for adult conversation!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Today is my first anniversary (and my 101st blog post). Seems only appropriate that the topic should be "love."

It's been a great first year - but definitely one filled with some ups and downs! My father died, and my dog had surgery earlier in the year. However, we took an international vacation/"honeymoon", bought a house, and now have a beautiful baby to top everything off! It seems like it's gone pretty fast - although I know while I was pregnant the world seemed to slow down (because pregnancy seems to last forever!)

I think "Love" is where every day, you get closer to someone. I feel this way with both the men in my life (or maybe I should say both the boys in my life) - my hubby and my son.

I love my hubby's sense of humor - - and the way he makes me smile when I'm down by saying the most random things. I love his work ethic. I love his eyes, and his dimple. I love that he is a math/science nerd like me. I love sitting with him on the couch, or snuggling with him before getting out of bed in the morning. I love that he makes me want to be a better person. And to top it all off, he doesn't look too bad in plain white t-shirt and jeans!

Today: I am thankful for a fabulous year with my DH, and hoping for many more to come!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nodding off...

Going back to work on Monday, and hoping I can wake up and stay awake!

Even as I think about and began typing this blog, I was nodding off a bit. Baby is getting to wear (when he isn't growing, at least) he can sleep at least part of the way through the night. Of course, that brings challenges of it's own - - at least as a breastfeeding mama!

We had a big adventure today - went shopping a few places, but didn't buy anything. Next weekend promises to be an even bigger adventure, as we travel out of Raleigh for our first trip!

One of the things I like about weather changing to winter is the end of football season. Most people (typically men, but not always) would rather look forward to fall for the beginning of football season- but I prefer junk tv, movies, and more time with my hubby that goes along with the END of the season. Ahh well.

This week I started studying for my next Actuarial exam. This one is on investments!

Today, I am thankful for TV - even if we're using the tiny one at the moment!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dead Blogs

I have become addicted to following people's blogs. It's sad, really. About once a week, I go through my list of about 15 links to see who has updated. At one time, I was following a blog of someone who religiously updated daily - - I loved that!

Now, most of my blogging friends are "casual" bloggers at best. Some last updated in April or July. Some go about a week. Regardless, I find myself looking at the same blog over and over and over just in hopes of finding an update. I think this is simply a part of my personality. It's true of things like family and work, too. In other words.. as my mom so aptly put it while I was in college... I hate to miss out on anything! Whether it's my friend's cookie party or casual dinner by the pool in Austin, or my family's get together for Thanksgiving. I like to be included and involved. I think, for me, that's one of the reasons I enjoy other people's blogs. It's a glimpse and insight into their lives. I'm often certain that I would never be told "directly" some of the stories that people blog about. For example - a friend who recently got married and posted everything allowed me to be "marginally" be involved in a wedding that I was not formally invited to.

Anyhow - I have always been open about sharing my life with everyone. And now I can tell one story to everyone, without having to recount the story over and over again. Some people will stop me and say, "Oh, I read that in your blog." The other thing that is interesting about blogging is that I have no idea who is reading. Of course, I know a handful of people who follow regularly. For instance, when the blog automatically gets posted to facebook, one friend "likes" it when she reads it (almost regardless of what it says!) - I enjoy her acknowledgment. I also get lots of responses on facebook, even though on the blog site itself it is rare that I get a comment.

Wow. Who knew I could ramble on so long about blogging?

Today, I'm thankful for blogs that OTHER people write and update regularly. Thanks for letting me feel included!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Growing Pains

Aside from being one of my favorite childhood t.v. shows, "growing pains" actually means something else. Who Knew? (Well, probably most other parents. Forgive me, I'm still learning, and I'm definitely new at this!)

Mark stopped sleeping more than 3 hours at a time and was really fussy over the last 3 days or so, and then, miraculously, began being his "normal" self again (and sleeping a lot more). I looked it up on the internet. "Cluster feeding" it said. "Feed your baby if he is hungry." Although this may sound obvious.. I was feeling annoyed and frustrated. Turns out, the kid is normal - just getting BIG!

I feel like his legs haven't grown (except to get more round) - and his torso is now much longer and out of proportion to his legs. Maybe in this or the next growth spurt, he'll look more like my "bug" again!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Poopy Diapers

It's time. Actually, it's probably over-due. I'm a new mom, and a post about poopy diapers only seems fitting. You see, the day we got home from the hospital we were given a "poop sheet" so we could monitor poops and pees. Every since then, we've had to at least notice when the baby poops.

It's not so bad changing a poopy diaper. At least, it hasn't been... until recently. Recently, baby has stopped pooping continuously (yay!) in favor of BIG poops. The 1 diaper a day results in a poop explosion. I've had poopy diapers where it runs out the front and back, and poopy diapers where it runs out both sides. Almost every other day, this one "big poop" results in at least something soiled. Today it was a blanket - and would have been his clothes, if he were wearing pants.

I guess I am thankful that baby poops - and also that they are now relatively more infrequently. YOU, my dear reader, can be thankful that this blog did not come with a picture. ;)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Baby, Baby...

So for the "dependents" in my family, I have certain ways that I say their names. We've got "baby, baby" and "kobe-dog" and "katie-girl." It's not just the name, but the intonation that makes the difference. Of course, this being a written medium, I can't exactly provide to you and/or describe exactly how it is I say their names. But it is distinctive.

In terms of the words themselves, any other variations don't work! It's not baby boy or Mark baby, and it's definitely not kobe-boy or katie-dog!

Random thought. And short and sweet. I forgot to post yesterday!

Today: I am thankful for nicknames!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My "affair"...

So, I should admit.. Ever since I've known Seth, I haven't been able to stop my love-affair... with FOOD.

You see, I like to eat. All the time. Especially sweets. Even now, when I should be losing weight post-partum... I can't seem to stop eating! Although I try to have salads, and vegetables.. Somehow the ice cream and candy and sugar sweeps in and I have a very hard time controlling it!

Ugh. One of these days, maybe I'll get to a weight that I can manage and be comfortable at. Currently, I'm still up (from pre-pregnancy) by about 10 pounds and I can't manage to take that off. I'm up about 30 pounds from a "healthy" weight. For me, weight has always been mostly about food - although exercise typically does help some. I also lost my "pear" shape - - and weight has redistributed. This is definitely good - - it means that even though I weigh more, I can still wear some of the pre-pregnancy clothes. They just fit differently. And not all of them fit, but at least enough that I don't have to buy a new wardrobe of larger (but non-maternity) clothes.

Why isn't there the same satisfaction in... for example... drinking water? or something else, equally boring but calorie-free?

Ahh well - - even on a day like today, it's good that there is much to be thankful for. Today, I'm thankful for food. :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The "On" Button...

Recently, I have been technically inept with two different devices. In both cases, it was a failure to locate the "on" button.

I guess you have to learn to laugh at yourself, eh? In the future, I'll look for an on button more regularly... That, or continue to be technically inept!

Today: I'm thankful for devices that don't require an "on" button. Pillows, Sheets, Dresser drawers, kitchen cabinets...

Friday, November 27, 2009

And so, it begins...

The holiday shopping, decking the tree/house, etc... Bring it on!

This year's holiday will be especially fun for me, since we now have a munchkin in the mix!

Didn't make it to any door-busting sales this morning, but did wait until it got a little less crazy, and hit one store around 11 or so. Didn't get too much, but terribly hard for the die-hard shopper in me not to get a deal or two!!

Anyhow... Just cause thanksgiving is over doesn't mean I'm not still thankful. Plus, I liked adding something I'm thankful for to my blog posts each day. SO... I will continue!

Today, I am thankful for sales!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Misty Morning

Everyone is going to post something about Thanksgiving today, so I'm going to post something (slightly) different. I'm going to post about fog. Actually, scratch that. I'm going to post about mist.

Why not fog? Well, that has a negative, feeling down sort of connotation in my book - like it's dreary outside or something. Mist has a totally different - serene and peaceful - type of connotation to it!

Lyrics to a song:

'Twas a Misty Morning on the top of a hill,
with all the trees below standing quiet and still.
When in a distant voice I thought I heard someone say -
"It's just the morning's way of thanking God for today."

That's the kind of morning it was! The "pack" (me, DH, Mark, and both dogs- see pic) went on a grand walk this morning. We were gone almost 2 hours - and we hiked to the park! It was fabulous. A little chilly, perhaps - but kiddo was snug as a bug (pun intended) in his stroller. The rest of us enjoyed the "normalacy" of doing something we all enjoy! What a beautiful way to start the morning off!

And now, I'm thinking of another song lyric... "Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain." In this case mist, but hey - who's counting?

We captured a pretty cute picture of baby smiling today (see 2nd pic), talked to all the grandparents, did some cleaning, watched a parade on TV (and saw Santa!) and we're off to a heckuva good start to the day. Friends and football this afternoon - - - what ISN'T there to be thankful for?

Livin' and Lovin' Life,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Posh Baby...

After lunch with DH today, we headed to target (err... the store??) to do a tad bit of shopping - mostly for baby and nursing related items. By the time we were done, baby was fussy and hungry!!

So - after the suggestion of a friend (thanks, PT!) - we headed to the Nordstrom "family" area for feeding. In the feeding area, we met two other moms and babies - - and Mark was the OLDEST! That was definitely a new experience..

Anyhow, lots of story swapping and such. I watched another mom (with a baby born 10/19 - three days after Mark) get peed on while doing the "diaper dance." Overall, fun stuff (and another breastfeeding in public experience). I thought I would be modest... but one of the moms had actually brought a bottle of expressed milk so she wouldn't have to attempt feeding in public. It made me realize that I'm certainly not that modest! One mom was complaining about her baby being a "cryer" - the other complained that she had a baby with reflux. Me? No complaints! I'm pretty convinced I have the best baby in the world. In fact, he slept 6 hours (from 9:30pm to 3ish) last night. Woohoo!

So, for some reason, after being spoiled by Nordstrom's restroom, I was inspired to shop for baby.. just to see if I could find any baby clothes within a reasonable price range. SCORE! I picked up the cutest little jumper... and I even thought about how while some moms think hard about what they send their kid to the first day of school in once they turn five. Why? Well... I actually had the thought about waiting for him to wear this particular outfit until his first day of child care. What new mom of a 6 week old baby thinks that way? It was a peculiar experience for me. And I'm surprised I found clothes (for under $10, I might add) at Nordstroms for my spoiled little baby. So hopefully, picture of baby in the new cute jumper/outfit on his first day of school. And if not- you'll probably see a picture of it (or him in it) before too much longer.

So today, I'm thankful for plush areas in malls to feed the baby. I'll be back to the Nordstroms to feed the next time I'm in the area with a fussy baby! It makes a 2 hour trip option a 5 or 6 hour option - with shopping involved! Oh... and I'll add this time around that I am also thankful for shopping - and starbucks - and socks. (Baby got some new Nordstrom socks, too!)

Now that I think about it.. I'll have to get used to being out with baby for longer than 5-6 hours soon, since in less than a month we'll be headed on a big long trip for the holidays!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"The Store"

What does the phrase, "the store" mean to you?

My DH and I have an ongoing debate. I grew up with "the store" meaning - exclusively - the grocery store! If you were going to the store, you weren't going to Home Depot or Target. You were going to get groceries! I have a hard time remembering when he says "store" - he is using the broad definition, and could mean anything! He could come back with bags from anywhere... and often that doesn't mean grocery bags!

This has baffled me in our marriage on more than one occassion.

However.. Even with the confusion.. Today I am thankful for language - even when it is misunderstood!

So.. what does store mean to you? the grocery store? any place that sells items?

Monday, November 23, 2009


We finally introduced a bottle.. Which also means... I started pumping. Blech. I guess it isn't as bad as I expected, but definitely weird and feels unnatural.

Luckily, Mark did really well with his first bottle. I think DH also enjoyed being able to feed baby for a change! So all in all, I would call it a success.

Today: I am thankful for my pups, Kobe and Katie. Although, DH says that you can only have 2 legs to be a babysitter. Bummer, 'cause they sure are interested in helping out with Mark!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Last night, as I was going to bed, I kept thinking about a blog post about bedtime. If you had to sleep with the light on, or with some type of sound on, which would you choose?

I'm a person who prefers sleeping without noise. I can sleep during daytime. I think my DH prefers no light, however. He typically puts a pillow over his face- - although he does this even when it is pitch black, so maybe that is not the case.

Babies? I think they do better with noise, not better with quiet. Our little one is adapting (and really, can do either noise or no noise). Of course, perhaps that's because one of the main jobs of a baby is to sleep!

So, appropriate for today that I include a sleeping baby picture.

I'm thankful for my sleep - whenever and wherever and however I can get it!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday! Saturday?

It's the weekend - a Saturday. Saturday? For some reason, I'm getting "stuff" done today that I feel like I should have been doing during the week. It's "home" stuff, like paying bills and organizing paperwork, but it still feels like since I'm hope during the week I should be getting it done then. So somehow... Odd as it may sound.. The week has officially run into the weekend for me. Sure, my husband is home. And football is on TV. However... Baby still eats every 3 hours or so, and I'm still watching TV and going through stuff.

This, my friends, is why I would never make it as a stay at home mom. Monotony. Weekends that I don't appreciate as much as the working crew. Crazy, but yes- I am officially ready to go back to work!

Of course, I do intend to spend some time during Thanksgiving next week to enjoy myself and eat. Don't know what I'll be eating, or with whom (other than my dear hubby and baby), but I will be Thankful. I have definitely been blessed this year in ways I have dreamed about my entire life. And I'm happy as a clam and content as can be - but hopefully not complacent.

I'm thankful for many, many things. But for today, for the purpose of the blog, I choose to be thankful for life in general. For the ability to sit around and do paperwork and feed the baby every 3 hours. I spoke to my nephew, who is in 3rd grade, earlier today and asked what he was thankful for. I only talk to him about 2-3 times per year, at most. He is a really sweet boy, and he said "EVERYTHING!" I asked him to give me an example, and he said "the world." I asked "what else?" and he said "the people." I kept prodding and he said "for all of my family." Sweet boy, indeed. And a smart one that knows you can choose to be thankful for everything!

Sure, I complain a lot. Sometimes more than a lot. However - - all in all - Life is Good! I am very thankful for life.

So... I guess this blog should be dedicated to my nephew, Trey. If only the whole world and all the people could share his zest for life and giving thanks for "everything."

Friday, November 20, 2009

Adult Conversation

Yesterday, I took Mark to my office for a visit! My thought was that since the office was already disrupted (pre-Thanksgiving luncheon), that people would be up and about and it would be a good time for him to meet the voices he'd been hearing while in utero!

We had a good time! Like his usual self, he didn't fuss - - and even was held by 6 or 8 different people! I think the whole office was glad to see him - and me. It was a very warm welcome, indeed!

I'm getting antsy about returning to work... Not like some mothers do, perhaps - - but in the way that I'm ready for some Adult Conversation! I'm ready to learn about what has transpired since I was away. I peeked my head into a meeting in progress (or wrapping up), and couldn't help but ask a question or two on who was involved... If I were working currently, it was a meeting I would likely have been attending!

It was also to see changes that had occurred in people over the last month. Some gained weight (my pregnant coworker keeps getting bigger!) and others had lost weight. For the most part, however, everything was pretty much the same. It was good to see everyone, though!

Mark had a good time!

Unrelated.. the picture is with his proud papa over lunch last week!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quiet Time

It's fall!

Somehow, I'm having a peaceful and tranquil moment this morning. Whether it's looking out at the trees that are changing colors, dressing a little warmer and snuggling under a blanket, or watching a sleeping baby... I'm not sure what makes it so peaceful. The TV is off and the dogs are quiet. There is something simple about times like these where you have to stop and enjoy the moment.

Today, I am thankful for the beautiful warm colors of the fall!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pregnancy Cravings?

Some people have asked if I had cravings while pregnant. In my case, I really didn't. I do like red things, though. Watermelon, Tomatoes, and Cherries come to mind. Of course, I liked those things before... and I still like them! In fact, I'm enjoying some out-of-season watermelon as I type, and I had tomatoes for both lunch and dinner in various forms.

Anyhow... Today, I am thankful for grocery stores! After all, we wouldn't be able to get watermelon, tomatoes, and cherries as easily if it weren't for grocery stores. The ones with Starbucks in the front are especially cool!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Miss Sharon

Today was another exciting day - - Mark visited his daycare and met his soon-to-be-new-teacher Sharon (see picture). The one thing that was missing from the infant room when we went in today were INFANTS!

I learned that the three kids that are currently there include 1 girl and 2 boys. 1 boy is only in the afternoons, and the girl is on a rotating schedule (and we just missed meeting her)! The other boy just had surgery.

The "toddler" room (1-2 years old, walking) was lots of excitement!

Mark already has his color (red) for marking all his belongings, and a crib with his picture on it! He starts on December 7th.

Today I am thankful for socks. I love socks. Not just for keeping your feet warm, although it is cool that they serve a purpose, but also for the excitement and energy they give me. I don't know how/why I became such a sock person, but I love socks. The long knee socks on the baby, or the toe socks on me. I love socks.

Monday, November 16, 2009

One month...

of messy diapers! Little Mark turns 1 month old today... hard to believe!

To "mark" the occasion (pun intended) he rolled over from his stomach to his back for the second time!

Today, I am thankful for a loving husband.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My babies - 2 legs and 4

We took a very long time to introduce the dogs to the baby. Partly, this was because one of our dogs is pretty picky about people. In fact, with most visitors, we intentionally keep the dog separate (and play the game of kennel, bonus room, bedroom, outside, porch, etc). After a few weeks of this, we're finally done with visitors for a while and so we can be more of a "family".

Both dogs have taken to the baby fairly well. He's been given a countless number of puppy kisses! He doesn't quite know what to think yet, but it seems that - at least for now- everyone is getting along fairly well!

In fact, today our "pack" took a walk - - Me, DH, Mark, Kobe, and Katie. We went over a mile and through a big intersection! Hopefully our next pack adventure will be to the park (which is perhaps another mile) and possibly on Thanksgiving. All in all, it was a great experience. We even got a little sweaty, since the weather today was soo nice! A bit of sun and in the 70s.

I couldn't resist jogging a little.. less than 50 feet.. and it reminded me that yes, I am still healing. And I have a lot bigger chest than the last time I ran.

And after a trip to target, we discovered that our stroller does fold - - and now my hubby and I can both make it work! Whew. At least for now, we'll be able to get away with just the one stroller. I won't be surprised, however, if we're buying a new stroller before Christmas for flying...

Today, I am thankful for fresh air and time spent outside!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Airports and shoelaces

As we dropped off our last visitor at the airport today, it occurred to me that this was our 6th visit to the airport without going anywhere! And, hopefully, our last. Next time we're headed to the airport it will be for more chaos than usual - it will be Christmas Eve.

And I'm ready! It's been about 6 months since I've been on a trip, and I enjoy travelling. Hopefully, our little fella will also enjoy travelling (and be well behaved)! Lately, anytime there has been something interesting going on (a visitor, dinner at a restaurant, etc) he's been very, very good. Some of the less-exciting evenings at home seem to be when he gets a bit fussy. We haven't quite yet introduced a pacifier, but I don't think it will be much longer before we "break" down and begin using one. Someone also suggested that the daycare may specifically request that we bring them. Until then, there are at least 3 more weeks of being home (one of which includes thanksgiving).

Today I am thankful for...


I'm not sure why, since I rarely wear sneakers. They work for more than just shoes, though -- for example, when trying to label a suitcase in a distinctive way!

Friday, November 13, 2009

On Second thought...

As we were getting ready to leave for the mall today, I discovered that our stroller does not fold. Doh! So instead, I used the Bjorn. I guess I never blogged about that particular product, but I do love the Bjorn! The stroller on the other hand? It's a jogging stroller, and I'm glad to have it because I will at some point (hopefully) make good use out of it as I return to some regular working out. In the interim, we'll have to remedy the stroller situation (likely by buying a second stroller).

So.. The mall was definitely an adventure! Baby's first public diaper explosion (while wearing the Bjorn at the mall)... on our way to meet someone for lunch! I got that cleaned up, and made it to lunch with a hungry baby.. and fed at lunch.

Today I'm thankful for:

Bathrooms with Nursing Stations
They had one of these at the mall. Although I did not use it on this adventure, I'm glad to know it is there and may use it in the future!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who needs a bath?

Baby hasn't had a bath in a few days. So this morning, he decided to drench himself.... in rubbing alcohol! Luckily it fell next to him and didn't get on him too much... I guess it's our fault for leaving it on the changing table, well after his belly ribbon fell off!

So, our baby room now has that clean-fresh alcohol smell. Blech!

On the agenda for today: A real bath. His 3rd - and using water and the really baby-fresh smelling baby shampoo!

What am I thankful for today?

My mother - who spent the first two weeks with us after the baby was born, mostly taking care of me - doing dishes, laundry, and cleaning! Bringing me drinks and doing whatever I asked. Thanks, Mom! And happy Birthday!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So, yesterday was the first day I didn't manage to get a blog in since I started after baby was born! I'm guessing that won't be the only day I skip - - and I'm guessing that once I go back oto work, it will be easier to skip a day. I'm still a little disappointed in myself (I am my own worst critic, and expect more of myself than most people expect of me).

Anyhow, I digress (as usual)...

Yesterday was a heavy spit-up day! I wound up taking my shirt off in the middle of the night after 3 episodes or so, and there were two more or so during the day! We also picked up another visitor (Aunt K) from the airport. We went to the grocery store, and otherwise spent the day at home and were fussy and eating all the time!

Luckily, that meant that at least for last night, it was a bit peaceful and baby slept pretty well. He'd be in a fussy-at-four-am pattern, and last night that wasn't the case.

I think today is the last of the product reviews, and I'll switch to things I am thankful for in honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday! Today.. you'll get both!

Product Review:
Whale bath tub
Cute and functional. Even though we've only used it a handful of times, it's nice to have a bathtub that fits the kiddo and isn't daunting! We'll definitely use it for a while to come!

Today I'm thankful for the men and women who serve our country (and have historically served our country) in any branch of the armed forces. Appropriate, since it's veteran's day!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day of Calm

Today was a day of calm... that is, nothing that had to be done! It was Dear Hubby's first day back at work full-time, and the in-laws went to the airport early this morning. Baby and I stayed at home, in PJs, and caught up on rest!

So overall, not anything exciting to report. Went through mail, did a load of dishes. The typical house-wifey type of chores. Good thing I don't plan to stay at home with the kiddo - - I think too many days of this and I would drive myself crazy!

In other good news, I did get my first disability check- so that's nice! I'll be going back to work the week of December 7th. Not sure if I'll be keeping up on my blog once I return or not... but at least until then, I plan to stick with the daily routine. I actually enjoy it!

Product Review:
Boppy Pillow

I use this pillow at night quite a lot, and like that it is like 3 pillows in one. It saves me time in having to figure out how to situate multiple pillows. As I found recently, feeding in public (without the use of pillows) is tiring on the arms and on the back! At least with this pillow, and my handy-dandy rocking chair that my mother used with me while I was a baby, nighttime feedings can be done while only about half awake!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Today was another exciting day of new firsts. For example, the first time I actually used a Koala Changing Station in a public restroom. And the first time I actually breast-fed in public. Why? We took the in-laws to the history museum, the science museum, and the state capitol. We also saw a concert at the capital grounds which was with an organization that works towards suicide prevention, and a suicide prevention "walk" of some kind.

So, we enjoyed the day, definitely - but I am now very tired. It probably didn't help that I was up a couple of hours over night with a fussy baby. But alas, I survived. And I will definitely sleep well tonight! It feels like it should be bedtime already, but it's only 7pm!

I'll have more pictures to post soon. For now, I feel accomplished that I managed to blog after such a hectic day!

Product Review:
Men's Hankerchiefs

Why Men's hankerchiefs? Well, I've taken to stuffing my bra with them. That way, I don't visibly leak too much - and I don't have the "fuzz" associated with the two different varieties of disposable nursing pads I've tried! My mom got these for me - - but I had some literature that I had gotten from the midwives where they had been recommended!

Tomorrow, I'll return to an actual baby product (instead of a breastfeeding product)! Until then... Enjoy!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Another Milestone

So baby reached another milestone today- at 3 weeks, he turned over for the first time (from his stomach to his back)! We have eye-witnesses: the grandparents were here and got to see it!

Pretty crazy to be parents and watch the kiddo start actually moving on his own. It helps remind me that he won't be a leech for the rest of his life... at least not in the same capacity as a newborn!

Product Review:
Bravado Nursing Bras

A friend of mine recommended these to me (Thanks, MB and JD) and when I went to the store operated by the midwives, they fitted me for and these are the types of bras they sold. They are very comfortable (maybe because I was actually fitted for them) - although nursing bras in general are a pain, they work a whole lot better than the normal kind. I sleep in them. As someone who used to come home and immediately remove my bra, I never thought I'd see this day!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Six hours

Baby slept six hours last night. Love it! Don't love the engorgement that comes with it necessarily, but it was nice to get some uninterrupted sleep! Of course, after Mark was up... he was up! It took a while to get him back to sleep!

Today's the last day for a while I'm home alone with him for half a day... I'm looking forward to more family visitors next week! Grandparents are coming, followed by Aunt K. Considering we live several miles apart, it's nice that little Mark will get to meet several family members 3 times before he is six months old!

Next product review:

Itz Been Timer
Why do I like it? In the middle of the night, I use it to monitor how long the baby has eaten. We don't use it as it was designed/intended, perhaps - but it's nice to have a simple, battery operated timer/timing device next to the rocking chair where I feed baby in the middle of the night. It has freed me from having to wear a watch and/or contacts at night! This was definitely something I added to the registry and wasn't sure if I would get any use out of or not.. but I like it! I only use the diaper change and bottle options, and occasionally the night light aspect of the device.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


How many times did I think about making a hair appointment? I actually had one scheduled a week or two before baby came, and cancelled it (so I could stay at home while Daddy worked on the crib - - I had Overscheduled myself a bit that weekend, as I recall).

Anyhow.. Finally - - a new do! And a bit shorter, a bit more sassy. Still long enough to be pulled...err.. to be put up. But at least a tad different, and definitely shorter.

It's nice once in a while to leave baby with daddy to do something for me! I realize this will be harder once dear hubby goes back to work full time (next week). Luckily, I have family in town to get us to week 4. By then, it's only a few more short weeks before I return to work in some capacity.... I imagine by then, I'll be ready.

I was thinking that as a new mom, perhaps I should do a mini-review of some cool baby products I've either received as gifts, or registered for. So I'll start that today, and we'll see how far I go with it.

Product of the day: Aden and Anais Muslin receiving blankets, received from the Woodfords in Minnesota and purchased from Target. These are AWESOME blankets. They actually have enough material to wrap with! They also look good in pictures, and are relatively generic. I may be purchasing more. The receiving blankets I originally registered for just didn't work (they were too small, or the baby was too big). There are a handful of other blankets I've received (like the one hand-crafted from a friend) but I think my favorite are this variety. So, thanks to my friends in Minnesota!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Say cheese!

Babies this age can't smile. It's just gas, right?

Well, I'm giving first smile to.... the vet tech yesterday. It was an open mouth grin - and very cute. Who knows if it was "real" or not. It's like when baby first kicked - - I wasn't sure it was him. Over time, I knew for sure. I'm sure it's the same with smiling.

Even though I'm quite sure the attached image isn't of bug smiling, I'd like to think it is. I'd like to think that he's a mostly happy baby.

Short and sweet today. I almost didn't update- but didn't want to upset my avid readers. After all, I used to follow a daily blog for a good friend, and was a bit obsessive about it. Just like I'm obsessive about mail - both electronic, and the post-office variety.

Stay tuned to the blog on this website: - - rumor has it that Mark's pictures (by professional photographer) will be posted there soon.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Still don't like 'em...

Doctors (Midwives, medical facilities, etc) have always given me panic attacks. I hate them. Still do. To all of those who told me it would get better? YOU LIE!

The good news... Baby is healthy, and isn't using his tongue correctly (which is contributing to the pain associated with breast feeding). He's now over 9 pounds and 5 ounces. I also got a clean bill of health - - and lost over 25 pounds (in just over two weeks). I'm advised after the first month that I should not lose more than 5 pounds per month, however.

In addition to the doctor adventure (which thankfully, DH also came with us on) - - Baby and I took Kobe to the vet. He hasn't been himself. Part of the problem is likely the chronic ear problem, which may have led to a pulled neck muscle. At any rate, a couple of medications, and he's home now. I hope the pain whelps slow down, at least a little!

After the dog adventure, I also got officially fitted for a bra. My jaw just about hit the floor. The last time I measured at 34A. This time? 34 E! Ridiculous!!! I did get a couple new nursing bras, and found out about pumping. I'm sure there's more to come on that in the future.

Today's also the first day I haven't really had a nap - - so I'm a little tired this evening. Luckily, tomorrow should be relatively slow in comparison!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thanks, Grandma!

My mom (Grandma) was in town for two weeks right after I had the baby, and I am very greatful! The first couple of days, I couldn't get out of bed to even make it down stairs. I'm moving around a bit better now, but I have to do my own laundry and dishes! And not just mine - - but the added baby laundry as well! Did I mention that kiddo is now peeing at least twice per day during diaper changes? Yep, that just means more messy clothes (and messy kiddo) to clean up.

Today is my first day "officially" home by myself- and it's only half a day! My dear hubby is working part time this week, which is nice! And knock on wood... Mark is sleeping contentedly today. That's a big switch from yesterday, where he was Mr. Fussy Pants. We'll work out our schedule yet!

This weekend and next week, more family will be in town. We'll be happy to have the company (and help!). Big 2 week checkup for baby and I tomorrow... I think I wouldn't dread it so much if it were only the baby going to the doctor. But - - I still hate doctors and appointments and they still make me anxious and give me panic attacks. But alas, I made it through pregnancy and birth, I should be able to make it through another stinkin' appointment. I won't like it though!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We survived Mark's first holiday! It was actually quite a lot of fun. Our neighbors (on the cul-de-sac, and a few surrounding neighbors with kids) hosted a "Pizza Party" with some football before trick or treating began! We got to meet and talk to quite a few people - which was cool. Mark was alert for at least the first part, too, so the neighbors got to meet him!

Ironically, two of the neighbor girls went as Mustard and Ketchup for Halloween! We took a picture of Mark in his hot dog costume between the two of them. We'll see how that turns out!

Although the neighbor said to expect trick or treaters, judging by the candy I have left over, I was quite disappointed! We have two unopened bags- and didn't even hand out all 30 of our pirate eye patches (Arrrrrrgh!)! I did think it was cool that one of the kids in the neighborhood was trick or treating for unicef (and even had an official collector - - I gave him a dollar!)

All in all, a quieter night than I expected. At least Mark slept well overnight. This morning, however, has been a bit of a different story. Ahh - - the ups and downs of life that come with a newborn!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Belly Button Day

Some time ago, on Facebook, I started wishing people a "Happy Belly Button Day!" instead of a Happy Birthday. Why? It seems everyone says Happy Birthday, and it gets a little boring!

So today's blog is in honor of belly buttons.

You see, it seems that really it is one of those "life" questions. Perhaps I'm slightly inaccurate in wishing everyone a happy belly button day? After all, little Mark's belly button was only "visible" (i.e., the umbilical cord fell off) only after about 2 weeks (almost to the hour). Was the cord falling off the belly button day? Or the day the cord was cut? My mom calls the cord a "Belly Ribbon" - which I like as well. Although the word umbilical should have been in my post a ways back on cool words. I digress.

The issue reminds me of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Or when does life begin - at conception, or at birth? Not necessarily important questions, but things to ponder all the same.

In the meantime, I'll continue wishing friends a happy Belly Button Day. It's fun and different. Perhaps it will stand out against all the other Happy Birthday wishes!

Today is a big birthday - - 1 cousin (CSS), 3 Austin friends (JD, AH, EC), and 1 local coworker (RB) are all among my facebook friends celebrating their birthday today, the last day of the month of October! So Happy Halloween to all - - and Happy Belly Button Day to the 5 friends celebrating a birthday today!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Exploding Water Fountain

There are some things with a baby that I expect. One is the exploding water fountain. However, when it actually happened for the first time (after 2 weeks), it made me laugh. Out loud. I'm surprised I didn't wake the rest of the house.

What is an exploding water fountain? When you are changing a little boy's diaper - and the water fountain begins (peeing) and gets diapers on one side of the changing table, followed by an explosive poo that wipes out the changing table pad, the diaper genie, the blind, two diapers at once, and even the wall in the changing room.... That's what I call an exploding water fountain! It required a brief wash cloth bath, a change of clothes, and some additional clean-up work after baby was fed and back asleep. Now, I'm sure these "episodes" may get old after a while - - but I somehow managed to find great joy in the first episode. After all, it is my fault. I already posted that baby's many talents include pooping and peeing!

In other news, we managed dinner OUT last night with Grandma, as a thank you for helping! We went to one of our favorite local joints (Tyler's Tap Room - I got a beer!). It was a bit of a wait, but Mark slept through the entire event! It was also his first time in a noisy place - - and he didn't wake up once.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A confession...

I am stubborn. Not just a little - sometimes, a lot. And sometimes to my detriment. This has often come up in different areas of my life.

For example, when my mother was spending time with my (then boyfriend) and I in Austin, she was surprised at our argumentative-style of conversation. She asked me later if it bothered me, and I told her that I was glad I had met someone who was also a bit stubborn, because I didn't have to worry what he was thinking. It's worked out for us!

Also at work- I've had to learn to let go a little. My boss phrased this as "digging in" - - and suggested that I try not to dig my heels in as much sometimes. I think this is something I'll always have to deal with and struggle with, but at least if I can recognize it, I can make some small steps towards improvement.

So what does that have to do with today? Well, I put my pre-pregnancy (non-maternity) jeans on today. Yes, they are a little tight. But the button is buttoned. I also put my ring on my ring finger. I'm not sure that I could get it off if necessary - - but it is on. And there is definitely something rewarding about that!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


For those who have been following the last few days, I am happy to report success in the nursing-bra shopping! Although I got a handful of target brand for now, I feel like I'm desperate enough for SOMETHING to nurse in that those will get me past at least this first few weeks! Thanks to JD and MB for suggestions on finding something that fits well and is a little more permanent!

Unlike most of the days since baby was born, today has felt a lot more about ME. Of course, part of that is adjusting to the nursing (buying bras!) And another part was a spa appointment - manicure/pedicure. My first one in a while. I wanted to take my mom as a thank you for coming and staying with us for 2 weeks (although she preferred a massage). I like spoiling my mom - - Unlike most women I know, I'm not sure my mom has anyone else to do it for her. She's been the caregiver/nuturer her whole life! And she's spent countless hours the last couple of weeks making me dinner or lunch, bringing me something to drink, and keeping our kitchen clean and dishes done! (Not to mention laundry, diaper changes, and more...)

The target trip today felt like a success, since I knocked out my remaining "need" list. I had a receipt from when we purchased the remaining items on our registry (which I later received a 10% off coupon for) and brought in the receipt- they applied it for me retroactively! I was very thankful, since it wasn't insignificant (after our "major" shopping trip a few weeks ago)... After target, we stopped by starbucks, too!

Did I mention the weather today was absolutely gorgeous? Spent a bit of time on the back porch. I definitely am enjoying the beginning of fall- brisk air, and trees changing colors. The seasons in North Carolina sure are beautiful!

Tomorrow is scheduled to be a bit more low-key - - no exciting adventures planned. Later this week, baby may be going out to dinner with us for the first time! Stay tuned...


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


What's in a name? We didn't study/learn this before we picked out little Mark's name. We literally just picked it because we liked it! Only later, did I learn the following:

Latin: Warlike, of Mars ( the god of war); The biblical Mark, sometimes called John Mark, was a missionary companion to Peter and Paul and writer of one of the four Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus.

Hebrew: Supplanter or seizing by the heel; Jacob appears in the biblical book of Genesis as the youngest son of Isaac and Rebecca and twin to Esau. Jacob''s sons were the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel, and he received the name Israel from God later in life. James is a common variant of this name.

So, I guess we've got a fighter! And my husband's name isn't Isaac. I'm actually a little surprised at how biblical the name is - I knew that Mark was one of the apostles, but I hadn't though of Jacob in the same way. Anyhow... No changing it now! And no regrets.

In other news, today's big adventure took my mom and I to Kinkos, Walmart, and Sams while daddy got baby duty. We were out a bit, and I may have overdone it a bit. Did you know that Walmart does not sell Nursing Bras? Grr... Still a big item on the "need" list. Another day or two, maybe!

You'd think I hadn't been to Sams in MONTHS based on all the stuff we bought! Of course, it was our first "big" diaper purchase. We aren't totally out yet, but we did make the diapers from the diaper cake I received at work functional! We've now got changing stations upstairs and down. And tonight, for the first time, the diaper managed to explode on me while feeding - but didn't get the babie's onesie! Crazy.

As borrowed from a friend's blog... Peas out!

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's done!

Today was another day full of adventure. Daddy went back to work part time, even though it was an evening of little sleep. And for mom, the little sleep continued part of the way into the morning!

After a quick lunch, we met dad at the doc's office for baby's circumcision. Poor Mark. He handled it like a trooper. While we were there, a 10-year old boy named Nelson asked the staff why there was a baby crying. They said they couldn't say because of confidentiality, so I chided in and said I could tell him that the baby was being circumcized since I'm his mother. He asked, "What's that?" - - which in retrospect, perhaps I should have anticipated. Luckily the boy (Nelson) was there with his mother who chimed in and said "It's something that is done to boy's private parts." Nelson was really cute- he said, "Well by the sound of the screaming he sounds really cute." I got to introduce them as we were walking out - although we didn't let him get too close (I think he was there for flu like symptoms).

Anyhow - - so it made me think about sex education for a child as they grow, as well. I was offerred the opportunity to watch - - but politely declined, saying that was a daddy job. Dad got to see the procedure, and we got care instructions. Although I'm not 100% certain, I do believe it was a Jewish priest who did the procedure. Considering almost every pediatrician does it, and this person was one of only a small handful of recommendations, I am overall pleased. Trust me - I don't like many doctors (although admittedly, it is much easier to accept when I am not the patient!) - - but I thought this was a decent experience. Luckily, dad was around too.

After that incident, we made our way to the fire station and had our car seats inspected and installed. It's a free procedure, and it helps with my peace of mind. Now, I can confidently cart my kiddo around in my car!

A busy day - but a few more may also be ahead. I still haven't made it to get those nursing bras! Tomorrow is another day.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Big Day!

Another big day at the Williams household!

This time, we had our appointment for photographs with Phreckles Photography! Planning to get out of the house at a certain time (with a newborn - for the first time) is not something to be taken lightly! We had to get baby fed and clean, as well as take showers (which included the oh-so-rare putting on a teensy bit of makeup for me, and drying my hair- luckily mom is in town, I thought I owned a hair dryer but somehow couldn't find it the one time I wanted to use it!) I suppose as parents we have many more years of this to look forward to - - and hopefully it gets easier with time!

I digress..

It was one of those nights with less-than-needed sleep, which meant mom, dad, and baby all made it to the photographer's studio (after mom "memorized" the address wrong..duh.. luckily we found it and weren't too late). Photo session went fairly well - we hope! Mark's eyes were open for at least a fairly decent portion of the pictures. A "sample" of pictures will be available soon (and posted on the blog kept by the photographer at We'll see what she came up with! For some of the photos, I coordinated "matching" outfits. Brown shirts and jeans (although we didn't put jeans on the newborn for photos - a onesie was good enough!) Hopefully, we don't have the next photos to be uploaded onto one of my favorite funny photography websites (

We grabbed lunch on our way home - - and took a much needed nap. Driving through State Fair traffic on the last day of the fair was the most "direct" route, but probably also the most traffic of anywhere in the entire city on Sunday morning!

This evening, friends are bringing over dinner which is very nice. Mark looks forward to visitors (but generally naps through them). Hmm... I suppose I should come clean and say it's me that probably looks forward to visitors the most!

At least one more animal (see last post) that I call Mark frequently: Monkey! I think it's the loooong arms and legs... and such cute feet! Perhaps I'll scan in the midwife certificate one day and post it (it includes little baby foot prints).

In other news... I'm already down 25 pounds in just over a week (yay!!!) and feeling a little stronger (although still healing and still a little tender) every day. Breastfeeding still stinks - but I'm holding out for 2 weeks to see if it becomes better/more natural. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

More excitement coming this week. Hopefully to entail shopping (need nursing bras!), circumcision, and a visit to the fire station to check the car seat. Stay tuned to find out more!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Uncle Sam

Back to a blog that's a little bit all over the place... Staring with Uncle Sam.

Mark will have an Uncle Sam - - that is, an Uncle named Sam. I don't know if he'll call him Samh, or Sid (note: h on end of Samh is intentional) or just Uncle. But this one is unlike the "Uncle Sam" we dread paying around April 15th...

Did I mention this blog would be all over the place?

Today was Mark's first visit from a local friend. Mark's total "awake" time in a 24 hour period is only about 20 minutes or so (and at a different time every day), and she just missed the window! But it was nice to have company for a little while, anyway!

I was thinking about my brother because of the nicknames. So far, the nickname I like for Mark is "bug." I've called him several other animals recently, also - bunny, bear, cat - but the name "bug" is what I like best at this point. Who knows whether or not it will stick - but somehow, at least in my mind, it seems fitting. I could explain... but I think if I made the attempt, it would probably just get lost anyhow!

And now, on to another feeding!