Monday, November 9, 2009

Day of Calm

Today was a day of calm... that is, nothing that had to be done! It was Dear Hubby's first day back at work full-time, and the in-laws went to the airport early this morning. Baby and I stayed at home, in PJs, and caught up on rest!

So overall, not anything exciting to report. Went through mail, did a load of dishes. The typical house-wifey type of chores. Good thing I don't plan to stay at home with the kiddo - - I think too many days of this and I would drive myself crazy!

In other good news, I did get my first disability check- so that's nice! I'll be going back to work the week of December 7th. Not sure if I'll be keeping up on my blog once I return or not... but at least until then, I plan to stick with the daily routine. I actually enjoy it!

Product Review:
Boppy Pillow

I use this pillow at night quite a lot, and like that it is like 3 pillows in one. It saves me time in having to figure out how to situate multiple pillows. As I found recently, feeding in public (without the use of pillows) is tiring on the arms and on the back! At least with this pillow, and my handy-dandy rocking chair that my mother used with me while I was a baby, nighttime feedings can be done while only about half awake!