Friday, November 20, 2009

Adult Conversation

Yesterday, I took Mark to my office for a visit! My thought was that since the office was already disrupted (pre-Thanksgiving luncheon), that people would be up and about and it would be a good time for him to meet the voices he'd been hearing while in utero!

We had a good time! Like his usual self, he didn't fuss - - and even was held by 6 or 8 different people! I think the whole office was glad to see him - and me. It was a very warm welcome, indeed!

I'm getting antsy about returning to work... Not like some mothers do, perhaps - - but in the way that I'm ready for some Adult Conversation! I'm ready to learn about what has transpired since I was away. I peeked my head into a meeting in progress (or wrapping up), and couldn't help but ask a question or two on who was involved... If I were working currently, it was a meeting I would likely have been attending!

It was also to see changes that had occurred in people over the last month. Some gained weight (my pregnant coworker keeps getting bigger!) and others had lost weight. For the most part, however, everything was pretty much the same. It was good to see everyone, though!

Mark had a good time!

Unrelated.. the picture is with his proud papa over lunch last week!