Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday! Saturday?

It's the weekend - a Saturday. Saturday? For some reason, I'm getting "stuff" done today that I feel like I should have been doing during the week. It's "home" stuff, like paying bills and organizing paperwork, but it still feels like since I'm hope during the week I should be getting it done then. So somehow... Odd as it may sound.. The week has officially run into the weekend for me. Sure, my husband is home. And football is on TV. However... Baby still eats every 3 hours or so, and I'm still watching TV and going through stuff.

This, my friends, is why I would never make it as a stay at home mom. Monotony. Weekends that I don't appreciate as much as the working crew. Crazy, but yes- I am officially ready to go back to work!

Of course, I do intend to spend some time during Thanksgiving next week to enjoy myself and eat. Don't know what I'll be eating, or with whom (other than my dear hubby and baby), but I will be Thankful. I have definitely been blessed this year in ways I have dreamed about my entire life. And I'm happy as a clam and content as can be - but hopefully not complacent.

I'm thankful for many, many things. But for today, for the purpose of the blog, I choose to be thankful for life in general. For the ability to sit around and do paperwork and feed the baby every 3 hours. I spoke to my nephew, who is in 3rd grade, earlier today and asked what he was thankful for. I only talk to him about 2-3 times per year, at most. He is a really sweet boy, and he said "EVERYTHING!" I asked him to give me an example, and he said "the world." I asked "what else?" and he said "the people." I kept prodding and he said "for all of my family." Sweet boy, indeed. And a smart one that knows you can choose to be thankful for everything!

Sure, I complain a lot. Sometimes more than a lot. However - - all in all - Life is Good! I am very thankful for life.

So... I guess this blog should be dedicated to my nephew, Trey. If only the whole world and all the people could share his zest for life and giving thanks for "everything."