Sunday, November 1, 2009


We survived Mark's first holiday! It was actually quite a lot of fun. Our neighbors (on the cul-de-sac, and a few surrounding neighbors with kids) hosted a "Pizza Party" with some football before trick or treating began! We got to meet and talk to quite a few people - which was cool. Mark was alert for at least the first part, too, so the neighbors got to meet him!

Ironically, two of the neighbor girls went as Mustard and Ketchup for Halloween! We took a picture of Mark in his hot dog costume between the two of them. We'll see how that turns out!

Although the neighbor said to expect trick or treaters, judging by the candy I have left over, I was quite disappointed! We have two unopened bags- and didn't even hand out all 30 of our pirate eye patches (Arrrrrrgh!)! I did think it was cool that one of the kids in the neighborhood was trick or treating for unicef (and even had an official collector - - I gave him a dollar!)

All in all, a quieter night than I expected. At least Mark slept well overnight. This morning, however, has been a bit of a different story. Ahh - - the ups and downs of life that come with a newborn!